Runnin on E

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T A Y L O R❤️

"Lee tell me what happened" I rubbed his back as he cried

"I-I found her in the kitchen she was on the floor I-I didn't know she was sick" He looked at me

"It's gonna be okay she's gonna pull through"

"And what if she she doesn't why are we gonna do" He said frantically

"Rylee look at me" I turned his chin to look at me

"I love you and we're gonna be okay" He put his head on my shoulder and cried

His mom passed out while I was gone she had a heart attack and then when we got to the hospital they found out she had terminal lung cancer

"Family of Johnetta Jones" The doctor said as he stood before us he put his head down

"I'm sorry-" He started

"No no no" I sat back down and looked down at the floor in shock

"Please don't say it" I said

"But we tried everything we could she entered the hospital with 90% blockage in her arteries" he continued and tears fell down my face

"No she can't be gone" He put his hand on my shoulder and Lee's right arm for condolence

"I'm so sorry my condolences" He said then walked away Lee stared ahead with tears falling down his face

"Lee baby I'm so sorry" I cuffed his head in my hands

"I should've been there" He said growing angry

"Baby there's nothing you've could've done everything happens for a reason" I said his eyes met mine he scoffed

"Taylor just because your mom died as a fucking drug addict doesn't mean mine should've died this way not every thing happens for a fucking reason" he snapped I flinched at his tone

"That's a low blow Lee why would you say that?" Tears formed in my eyes

I put my hand on his shoulder to make him turn to me

"Don't fucking touch me Taylor" He smacked my hand away I jumped

"You can't judge me Rylee remember where you came from" I walked ahead of him he grabbed my shoulder lightly

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude I just need some space Ight my mom just died and I don't know what to do where am I gonna go how to process this I just I'm lost" He explained I sighed he rubbed his temples

"Your mom paid off the house so we can stay there" I said I picked up Amoura's car seat and held Myles hand as we walked to the car

"Baby I'm sorry" He said and grabbed my arms

"Lee you can't just say hurtful shit like that and expect me to forgive you with an apology" I said

"I know I know" He said

When I went to see Damon that night he told me he lied to me and that my mother was really dead and I cried I cried so hard it was like her dying all over again I was so naive to even believe him... but at least I know the truth

"We have to come back to the hospital tomorrow to plan her funeral we have two weeks or they'll either get rid of her body or donate it to science" Lee said

"I can't believe she's gone" He said as he put his head on the steering wheel

"Where are we gonna go now princess?" Myles asked

"I don't know baby" I sighed

Amoura started fussing in her car seat I sighed and reached in the back to get her pacifier to put in her mouth

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