Let it happen

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L A M O N T 🖤💉

I sat in my car listening shoot for the stars aim for the moon album as tears fell down my face I punched the wheel in anger if I was here none of this would've happened to Taylor I wish I was here I could've stopped this from happening now she's gone and it's all my fault...

T A Y L O R 💛✨

We walked inside and I told Myles to go to his room and lock the door

"What were you doing out so late Taylor?" My step-mom's boyfriend Damon asked

"Damon I'm sorry I-I took Myles to the park and I lost track of time I di-" I was cut off but a punch to the mouth

"Next time I tell you to come home you better do it!" he said grabbing my neck

"I'm sorry!" I said crying as blood trickled down my chin I help my mouth as he punched my stomach

"GET OFF OF HER!" Myles ran down the stairs

"Go back upstairs Myles now!" I yelled

"Nah stay here Lil man you want some too don't you," he said letting me go

"No don't you touch him!!" go now! I mouthed to him

"No Taylor I'm not gonna let him hurt you!" just as he said that Damon sent a hard blow to his face and he fell on the stairs he knocked him out

"Why would you do that!!" I punched his chest he punched my in the face then the stomach and I tried to run away

"I'm not finished with you Taylor," he said grabbing me as Brittney came down the stairs

"Don't let him take me please!" I yelled as she turned away as he threw me over his shoulder and led me to his room

"Please no don't do this please Damon! let me go"

"Brittney PLEASE" I screamed I kicked and screamed for him to put me down as we entered his room

"No please" I moved farther away from him on his bed he grabbed both of my legs and ripped my leggings off

"No! stop Damon please" I pleaded with him he grabbed a bandana and gagged me with it so I couldn't scream I kicked and fought as hard as I could he grabbed my hands and pinned them to the headboard as he did what he pleased he grabbed my neck and squeezed it he then kissed my neck and licked my neck I shook my head no as he painfully entered my body and slowly took away my joy as he squeezed hard on my torso and grunted in my ear scratched my back I let out a soft scream he was sweaty when he was done there was blood on his sheets and tears stains on the pillows he laid down on the bed and threw me my clothes I was weak after hours of pain I grabbed them as fast as I could and limped out the room to the shower I watched the blood go down the drain and cried this was the first time he had done this but I know it wasn't the last I washed my body in hope that it could wash the shame and dirty feeling I have left inside of me and wash the memories... I looked at Myles laying in his bed across the room I kissed his forehead and climbed in bed I laid in bed thinking of how am I gonna go to school tomorrow with all this pain and bruises I looked at the bruises on my wrist and felt my neck and thought on what just happened and ended up falling asleep...

I jumped in my sleep as I woke up in a cold sweat I turned to my side to look at Lee and

I M A N I 💜
I laid next to her hospital bed with tears in my eyes that were threatening to fall as I looked at the IV's in her and the blood that had to be put in her as she jerked in her sleep

"It's not you're fault mani" Lee said as he rubbed my back

"Yes it is" I cried

"it's my fault she's here If I would've told her he was here we could've found him before he hurt her again" I cried

"You knew he was alive?!" He moved his hand I nodded slowly

"All this pain princess went through could've been stopped but you didn't wanna tell her!" He semi yelled as Taylor jumped and loudly gasped out of her sleep

"I'm sorry!" I cried

"Nah Mani I'm not the one you need to apologize to" he said as he left the room...
I watched as she cried in her hands

"I'm sorry Tay" I said quietly

"I'm so sorry"

"Why didn't you tell me Mani I could've avoided all of this I wouldn't even have this baby I wouldn't have gotten pregnant by Damon I wouldn't have these nightmares every night I wouldn't go to sleep in pain every night I wouldn't be dying right now!" She cried

"I know and I know I'm wrong but I didn't know were he was I didn't wanna get you're hopes up"

"Yes you did! You knew he was here and you preceded to lie to me to make me think he did you watched me cry countless times over him and YOU KNEW HE WAS ALIVE!" She expressed she clutched her stomach as she felt a sharp pain and winced

"All this stress isn't good for you're health Tay lay back and rest"

"All this stress that you caused!" She explained

"I wouldn't even have to be here if it wasn't for you and him how could you do this to me Mani I trusted you! You let me cry on you're shoulder when you knew that man was alive and healthy you let they beat me when you knew he could save me! He raped me and that could've never happened if you would've told the truth!" She yelled

"I'm so sorry Taylor I really am I didn't know-"

"Yes you did and you let it happen"

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