Go back home😔💔

40 5 2

T A Y L O R✨

-2 weeks later-

I sighed as Amoura cried I got out of bed and walked over to her crib

"Shhh what's wrong mama?" I picked her up she stopped crying I giggled

"You wanna sleep with mommy" I laughed as she happily kicked her feet I laid her down next to me as I hugged her kissed her forehead I heard the door open I quickly laid down and pretended to be sleep as I felt my chest caving in I felt someone crawl in the bed I looked up and it was Myles I felt myself relax as I sat up

"What's wrong baby you got your own room now?" I asked

"I'm scared Princess" he looked up at me

"Scared of what?"

"Every time I leave you they hurt you" he said as tears escaped his eyes

"Myles look at me" I lifted his chin

"We're gonna be okay I'm okay Myles there's nothing to worry about" I wiped his tears he nodded his head

"No go back to bed I love you see you in the morning" I kissed his forehead then he kissed mine I smiled lightly I raised Myles since he was born I told him I wasn't his mother but he knows I raised him his whole life and I'm proud of that

"Good night princess I love you" he walked out my room I sighed as I looked down at Amoura as she lightly snored I laughed

"Girl you done woke me up to play with you then you gonna go to sleep" i rubbed her curly hair she is so beautiful I love her so much I put her back in the crib and got back in the bed I grabbed my phone off the dresser and FaceTimed Lee he answered on the second ring

"Heyy babe" he said as he cheesed into the camera

"Hey baby" I smiled

I heard someone open the door again I put my phone down

"Myles didn't I tell you to sleep in your own room?" I sat up and saw Damon

"Shit" I said under my breath

"Damon why are you in here?" I rolled my eyes he walked towards me and his breath reeked of liquor I crawled under the covers as he got closer he grabbed the covers

"Can you leave me alone!" I yelled He hit me repeatedly

"Please Damon" I held my cheek as tears flooded my eyes I crawled further up the bed and he grabbed my ankle pulling me down off the bed towards him I hit my side on the end of the bed as I heard a crack I gripped the sheets as I fought back he tore my shirt exposing my breasts  I kicked him in the balls as he groaned out in pain I grabbed Amoura and my phone I tripped over his leg but caught my balance I looked back and Damon was right behind me I ran down stairs to get my car keys and car  I opened the door and saw Lee there with his gun when he looked at me I saw nothing but rage in his eyes I shook my head no for I knew what he came here to do

"You can't leave me Taylor daddy Damon will always find you" he laughed Lee punched him in mouth he soon stopped laughing and he coughed up blood Lee ran to the car and started the engine

"NO MYLES!!" I got out the car and ran back inside I ran up the stairs as I walked to Myles room I saw Damon in there already

"Damon leave him alone" I watched as he hit Myles one more time with the belt

"Please I'm what you want leave him alone!" I yelled as I saw him tearing into his skin

He dropped Myles on the floor

"I'm so sorry baby" I kissed him as I hugged him he was shaking

"I'm so sorry" I cried Damon snatched me up as he lead me to his room

"No! Let me go!" I cried and screamed Lee ran into the house

"Shut the hell up" he punched me I fell to the ground I watched as Lee pointed his gun at Damon's head

"No Lee you can't kill him!" I yelled

"Why not he hurt you?!" He yelled back

"You can't kill him Lee please" I pleaded with him

"Why are you defending him Taylor? He raped you do you see what he put y'all through" I looked down

"Please Lee you don't understand-"

"I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT?! Because to me it seems you the one that doesn't understand!" He yelled I flinched

"Lee stop!"  I watched as he beat Damon up almost killing him

"Lee stop please!" I cried As I tried to hold him back he pushed me to the ground

"Stop Lee!" He paused and looked at me

"Tell me your lying right now" he looked at me in disgust

"I'm sorry I can't " I repeated

"Why shouldn't I kill him Tay"

"I can't tell you-" he kicked him in the face again

"What's the reason I shouldn't blow his brains out right now!" He yelled in my face I jumped in fear

"Please Lee don't do this" I looked up at him

"Tell me Taylor what are you hiding!" He pulled out his gun and took it off safety cocked it back and was about to pull the trigger I grabbed his arm


"My moms alive!" I sobbed as I rocked myself back and forth He put his gun back on safety and put it in his pocket and hugged me

"I'm so sorry tay" he said as I cried on his shoulder

"They lied to me for years about where my mother is! They lied to me all these years and I just found out my daddy didn't even know!"

"I know I know shhh" he told me as he rubbed my back I looked up at the stairwell and saw Myles holding Amoura

"Hey Baby come down here" he walked down the stairs in pain

"I'm so sorry this happened to you I'm so sorry"

I looked down at myself and I had scratches and bruises everywhere my shirt was still torn with dried blood and tears on it my hair was in a messy bun I grabbed Amoura from him and walked out the house Before Damon woke back up

As soon as I got in the car I broke down

"Lee I can't keep running away I need somewhere to stay I need to be safe I can't go back home" I cried

IM so sorry I been MIA I promise ima do better but school is so stressful and I've been feeling so drained lately and so tired but I promise I'll do more updates on both books😁 love you guys❤️

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