Unlove you

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T A Y L O R ✨

He stared at me as we walked to his house

"What Lee?" I looked at him

"Why don't you think you're beautiful?"

"Because I'm not why would I believe something that's not true"

"Yes it is your so beautiful you don't even know those bruises don't define you Tay"

"Yes they do they make me like this" I turned around fully giving him my attention

"I wanna show you something" he grabbed my hand and walked closely next to me the whole way to his house

"What do you want to show me?"

"My moms not home she's at work go take a shower I got some clothes for you"

"Lee you don't have to-" he cut me off

"But I want to" I laughed

"You're so corny" he grabbed my waist

"You love me tho"

"Yes I do" I kissed his lips

"What happened" he lifted my head to look at my neck

"N-Nothing Lee I'm gonna go take a shower" I moved his hands got in the shower and locked the door I removed my clothes and underwear I unhooked my bra and noticed I had a handprint on my left breast I looked at myself in the mirror in disbelief looking at my scars and bruises as Lee's words rang through my head

"You're a warrior princess"

"I love you"

I turned on the shower and stepped in I watched the water go down the drain there was no blood this time I washed my body with the new bar of soap he gave me and broke down as it burned to wash my cuts and bruises why do I have to go through this?

"Ahh ow," I said as I washed my back and there were cuts and scratch marks on my back I heard someone open the shower curtain I tensed up and gasped

"Relax it's me" he looked at my naked body he clenched his jaw in anger

"Who did this?!" He asked

"No one I'm fine Lee it doesn't hurt"

"Yes it does I heard you that's why I came in here"

"Lee I said it's fine" he sighed angrily Tears fell down my face

"Why are you crying?"

"I don't know," I said now sobbing

"Come on it's ok," he said coming in the shower hugging me as I cried I started to have flashbacks of Damon and the forced encounter we had last week


"No! Don't touch me, Damon!" She yelled

"It's me, princess, it's me," I said stroking her hair I still had my shorts on we slid down in the shower I held her as she cried

"Lee it hurts so bad I'm sorry she finally said

"You have nothing to be sorry for" I looked at her smooth light brown-skinned face as tears ran down her face and the bruises got darker as they healed she was still beautiful even with the pain...

"Lee, can we get out now?" She laughed

"Yea we can" I laughed stepping out the tub and grabbing her hand and handing her a towel

"Come on I got you" I grabbed her waist and kissed her cheeks then her forehead then her black eye then her busted lip

"What are we, Lee?" She said as she pulled away

"You're my girlfriend" I cheesed as I took my shorts off she shielded her face from me so she wouldn't see me naked

"You never asked me to be," she said as she ran off to my room she threw me my shorts and I put them on

"Do you wanna be, my girlfriend?" I said catching up to her

"Let me get dressed and I'll get back to you" she teased

"Ok hurry up"

"Ah ah ah" she waved her finger

"You gotta get out you can't see me getting dressed," she said as if I wasn't just in the shower with her

"Mmcht fine you a trip," I said walking out the room

"Yup sure am" she retorted

"Ok you done now" I whined

"For your information yes I am done," she said coming out in some of my basketball shorts and an oversized black T-shirt

"Damn" how she look good in clothes that don't fit her

"You see something you like?" She asked

"Yup! So you tryna be my girlfriend or no"

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend Lee" she kissed my lips we spent about 3 hours sitting and talking and watching shows

"You hungry?" I asked her

"Yes I'm starving"

"Ok what you want?"

"Can you get me some takis and sour cream?"

"Yea bet ima eat that too" I got the snacks and we sat in my bed I handed her the sourcream to open she opened it and smelled it and gagged

"What's wrong you love this?" she ran to the bathroom and threw up

"I don't know it smelled horrible," she said brushing her teeth

"Maybe it's old I checked the date it says September 20th so it's not old maybe your sick or something"

"Yeah maybe" she shrugged her shoulders she went through her bag and pulled out a stick of gum and her phone I heard her phone go off a couple of times she looked nervous

"They know I wasn't at school today"


"My teacher called," she said grabbing her things with fear in her eyes

"Oh shoot It's almost 2:30 I gotta go see you later babe I love you" she pecked my lips 3 times she said before I could ask what was going on

"I love you too baby be SAFE"

"I'll try I promise" she blew me a kiss as she walked out the door


I walked out of his house preparing for another night of torment and pain...

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