Sunday Candy

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T A Y L O R 🦋✨

"Autumn what happened?" I watched as she cry holding her side

"Lucas" she said as she grabbed some tissue and cough up blood into it

"Autumn are you ok" I looked at her with pity she looked bad she was so small and she had bruises and cuts everywhere She looked up at me

"I could say the same for you" she leaned on the counter

"What happened Carter?" She examines my body I ran my hands down my face as I jumped on the counter

"I- my dad died almost 6 years ago and I've been living with my step mom and her boyfriend" I played with my fingers

"And they do this to you?" She looked at me as she held my hand

"I'm so sorry" she shook her head

"And it gets worse every time I go back and-" I got interrupted by someone opening the bathroom door I jumped

"Hey is everything ok?" Imani asked as she walked in and gasped as she looked at Autumn

"Are you ok?" She looked between us

"Yes I'm okay I'm just talking to Taylor" she sat up

"Autumn this is my sister Imani Imani this is my friend Autumn" she extended her hand out to Autumn Autumn accepted

"Hi may I ask what happened?" She sighed as a wave of pain flashed in her eyes

"My boyfriend he tried to kill me and both of my parents are dead" she said with tears falling down her face she looked up as if she forgot something

"Where is he?" I asked as Taylor lady the bathroom

"He's in jail now"

"That's good right?"

"No he has money he can easily get out of jail like as soon as tomorrow and come get me and finish the job" she said as a wave of fear flooded her face

"Hey it's gonna be okay Autumn you can get a restraining order and-and you know security to help you like two body guards" I said trying to convince her that she's gonna get away but it only made tears fall down her face

"I can't have kids" she cried as I hugged her tears fell down my face as she sobbed into my chest

"I know how you feel" I said as she looked up at me

"My Step moms boyfriend raped me and I got pregnant with Amoura and now I can't have kids because he tore my vaginal tissue it was only God that I was able to have Amoura when I went to the doctors they told me it was a 50/50 chance I could lose her" I cried

"And I have her now and I can't have anymore kids and I've been bleeding for almost a week"
I said as I felt my head feeling light headed

"Carter I know we didn't talk like that in school but you're a really cool person and we share the same pain but only because I usually just talked to Brianna and Taylor I didn't talk to you that much " she rolled her eyes

"What happened with Taylor?"

"Brianna's boyfriend cheated on her with Taylor and she got pregnant" I looked at her in shock

"What?! What about girl code she definitely did not pass" we laughed

"I'm weak but yea she got pregnant I'm pretty sure she had him now"

"My daughter is almost 7 months old now" she smiled but her smile quickly faded away

"I'm so scared" I played with her fingers as she sat on the counter with me


"Because I'm pregnant" she said as she shed a few tears

"And you're scared you're gonna lose the baby" I said putting two and two together I grabbed her hand

"You're gonna get through it I did so you definitely will you're strong Autumn you did something a lot of us can't"

"What did I do?"

"You fought back" I said as someone busted through the door it was Imani and she looked like she just seen a ghost

"Hey mani what's going on?" She cleared her throat and looked at Autumn she looked at me I nodded my head Autumn cleared her throat as she jumped off the counter holding her side still as she looked in the mirror and looked at her battered body in the hospital gown

"I-I gotta go my daughter is asleep I gotta go check on her" she said as she walked out the bathroom as I tried fo follow her Imani grabbed my arm I winced and yanked my arm back

"I'm sorry" she paused "where are you going Tay?"

"I'm going with her I have a daughter to take care of Imani"

"No Tay don't go out-"

I walked out the bathroom and bumped into someone's chest I looked up and saw a face that I thought I would never see again

"Dad?!"  I said as I felt light headed and felt a substance drip down my leg I fell and everything went black

I M A N I 💫

I ran after Taylor as I saw my father holding her in his arms as a tear slipped his eyes

"Something wrong shes bleeding she just passed out" he said  I gasped as I saw blood on the floor and blood dripping down her leg

"Go put her in the room and get the nurse" I showed him the way to the room I knew my dad was alive all these years yes I hid it from Taylor because I didn't know where she was and because she didn't need to know she was too young she wouldn't understand... I know I didn't when he finally found me I cried all day and night because I went through hell so he could to fake his death?! Brittney knows he's alive too who do you think bought her all this stuff for her birthday definitely not Brittney she's a crackhead she can't hold a water bottle without selling it for drugs I watch as the doctors and nurses flooded her room Myles was wide awake by now and looked at my Dad with a confused face

"You're the man from Princess's picture" he looked at him as he covered his mouth as it hit him


Do you think Imani was wrong for keeping this from her?...

How do y'all feel about Autumn being in the book

Y'all think I should bring Lucas back in book two?!!!

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