Stay with me

86 5 2

T A Y L O R ✨

I ran to the bathroom and threw up I grabbed the sink as I threw up everything from last night it hurts to breathe I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower I heard footsteps coming up the stairs I looked at the bathroom door petrified of what was going to happened I sat down in the shower hugging myself I was caught by surprise when it was her instead of him she looked at me in pity looking at my bruised body tears fell down her face because there was nothing she could do

"What happened Taylor" she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes

"Imani how did you find me?" I asked dodging the question

"I went to CPS and they gave me the address" she looked down and played with her fingers

"What took you so long?" I asked

"They told me I had to wait till I was 20 to get you back" she rubbed her fingers along my arm I winced as she went along the bruise

"I'm sorry this happened Tay I really am but they said I can't take you out of here she has Parental rights over you" she sat on the bathroom floor

"No I can't stay here any longer you have to take me with you please" I cried as I grabbed her

"I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do" she cried with me

"And especially with this virus there not gonna pay me any mind"

"Can you pass me my towel" I said standing up in the shower I turned around to put the soap away and she touched my back I flinched at her touch

"Taylor this is bad" she looked at me with sincerity in her voice

"I know but I can handle myself Imani," I said wrapping the towel around me

"He told me I only have thirty minutes with you every Saturday so we can bond again" she hugged me I hugged her back


"Wait aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Y-Yea but I can't go" I walked out the bathroom and she walked ahead of me
Damon grabbed my arm forcefully

"You don't think your leaving here do you" he looked me in my eyes with an evil smirk

"N-No I don't," I said quickly he pushed me out of his way as he walked to his room I open the tears out of my eyes he has power over me now and there is nothing I can do about it I quickly went in my room as India sat on the bed me and Myles shared she looked at the picture of Myles sitting on the nightstand

"That's your brother," I told her

"That's dad's son with Brittney" I rolled my eyes at the sound of her name while getting dressed

"Does she know who I am?"

"No she only knew me because daddy would bring me over here all the time and you would be with mama" I sat on the bed fully dressed I took my bonnet off and brushed my freshly flat ironed hair she took the brush out of my hand

"How do you deal with this every day?" She asked me stroking my hair with the brush

"I-I don't know I guess I've been here long enough I know how to deal with it" I shrugged

"Taylor I want you to know that what they do to you is not ok"

"I know" I nodded as my eyes filled with tears these dang on hormones

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