Best you had🤍✨

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L E E 🤍

I looked over at Taylor as she jumped in her sleep

"Taylor"  I rubbed her arm

"Taylor baby wake up" I shook her arm I looked at the hospital sheets and they were covered in blood I shook her frantically

"Baby wake up" I said and she groaned and winced at the pain in her lower half

"What Lee I'm tired" she said with a groggy voice

"Baby you're bleeding" I said as she shot up and looked at the bed sheets

"I'm fine Lee" she said as she got up and looked to the bathroom to clean herself up I watched as Amoura started fussing in her sleep I walked over to her hospital crib

"Shhh" I said as I rocked her back and forth

"Here I want to hold her" Taylor said as she held out her arms as she just had a towel on she took a shower I looked at the bruises on her shoulders, back and arms

"Taylor what happened?"

"What are you talking about Lee nothing happened I'm fine" she quickly said as she ran her hands through Amoura's hair

"Taylor don't lie to me what happened to you!"  I semi yelled she jumped I looked at her blackened eye as she looked up at me with frightened eyes my face softens

"H-He came back and Brittneys back on drugs that what happened ok?!" She said with tears in her eyes

"Lee I think you should go" she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes

"I'm not leaving you" I hugged her As she cried

T A Y L O R 🦋✨

He held me in his arms as I silently cried once you get beat enough you learn how to silently cry you don't want them to know your crying because that'll make them beat you more I laid Amoura down in the crib as she peacefully slept

And got in the bed I asked the nurse for new sheets and she gave them to me Lee changed them for me I covered my mouth as I sobbed thinking about everything that's wrong with me and why I'm like this


I heard the door ring I looked through the peep hole and it was Damon I didn't have dinner ready for him when he got home like he told me he opened the door and  I tried to run but he was faster then me

"I'm sorry!!" I yelled as he tackled me

"Where my food princess!" He smacked me as I crawled away from him

"I-I didn't make it I'm sorry" I said as he cornered me in my room I watched as he took off his belt and hit me in the face with it

"Next time I tell you to do something you do it" he hit me over and over again with it he punched me and blood ran down my lips I felt my eye stinging as he punched me again and again

"I'm sorry" I cried as I felt him ripping into my skin I yelled out in pain he choked me  as tears ran down my cheeks

"Stop screaming" he kicked me in the back

"STOP!" Brittney screamed

I cried loudly as he gripped my hair

"Shut up!" He picked me up and threw me across the room

"I'm sorry please!" I cried As I grabbed the carpet floor he bent down and grabbed my face "next time I tell you to do something it better get down or it's gonna be worse" he touched my lips and evilly smiled  as tears fell down my face

I laid there in agony as he left my room with blood on his hands

End of flashback~

"Taylor stop crying baby"  Lee said as he wiped my tears

"I can't"

"You can't what"

"I can't stay there anymore!" I sat up as I looked at him

"Do you see what they do to me" I pointed to my chest

"I can't even have a normal life because of them!" My voice cracked as tears were streaming down my face

"I know baby and I know we gotta get you out of there you can run away I-I can tell my mom what wrong with you and what happened and she'll understand and she might let you guys live with us"

"No I don't want to depend on anybody I think I'm gonna buy an apartment with my sister"

"I can't legally buy an apartment but I'll give her the money each month and she'll pay it"

"But we have to get your stuff out of there before they notice you're leaving"

"I'm gonna go tomorrow morning and get all of my stuff and then I'll come over you're house and you can get in my car and we'll drive there" I saved up all the money for my birthday and all the money from my job and the money from my dad and put it in my bank account why? Because Brittney is a crack head she finds money easily especially if it's in her house

"What you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about leaving" I looked down at my fingers He lifted my head with his finger I got out the bed and walked around in the hallway looking for the vending machine when I saw them rolling a young woman and her daughter in she was badly beaten and I looked down at her and she looked so familiar she looked about 16-17 I looked at her wrist and it said Autumn Alsina I gasped she went to my school I looked towards the baby she was holding she looked just like her Autumn opened her eyes and looked around then her eyes landed on me

"Carter?" Autumn said as they turned the corner she calls me by my last name because she had her other friend named Taylor also I turned around because she could no longer see me I wonder what happened to her? I breathed in and out as my chest started to hurt from all this stress I put 2 dollars in to get some hot Cheetos and bent down to get them when they fell down I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder I turned around and saw Imani

"Hey sis" I blew out a breath of relief as I held my chest

"Hey babe where's Lil mama?" She said talking about my baby girl Amoura she looked at my eye

"What happened" she touched my face

"Nothing" I said as I moved her hand and we started walking she grabbed my shoulder making me wince

"What happened Tay?!" She said moving my hoodie to the side and looking at the bruises on my shoulder

"Imani leave it alone I'm fine" I moved her hand and put my hoodie back I felt some one grip my shoulder again I turned around and saw Lee

"Baby what happened to you?" He asked me

"N-Nothing why do y'all keep asking me that?!"

"Because you're bleeding" I looked down and saw blood dripping down my leg I ran in the bathroom and gasped when I seen Autumn in there....

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