Body language

39 3 1

T A Y L O R ❤

I sat up in bed as I took my shirt off and was left in a sports bra and shorts

"Lee I had a dream about Autumn I really hope she's okay"

"Shes fine babe go back to sleep" he groaned

"I wanna try something," I said nervously


"I've never experienced sex before like in a loving way"

"And I think you're the one" He turned and looked at me

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" I laid back down

He leaned over to my side of the bed and kissed my cheek and lips and got on top of me slowly he unhooked my bra and took one of my breasts into his mouth I moaned lightly as he rubbed circles with his tongue

"You ready?" he tugged at my shorts and I nodded my head he pulled my shorts down and slowly pulled my underwear down too He moved down to the edge of the bed and spread my legs he got in between my thighs and kissed them he moves his tongue around my clit making my breathing hitch if only this man knew what he was doing to my his tongue went in and out of my center and I felt something ball up in my stomach

"I gotta pee babe"

"Let it out ma" just as he said that my legs shook and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I released all my juices in sexual satisfaction he licked it all up and licked his fingers

"You taste good ma" he winked at me and I felt my cheeks got hot

He took his shorts down and pulled out his hard manhood my eyes widened as I watched him stroke himself his thing was big I laid there not knowing what to do he returned to his position and whisper in my ear he teased me by rubbing circles on my clit with his tip as soon as he was about to enter I stopped him

"Wait be gentle okay?" he nodded his head and proceeded to entice me

"This is gonna hurt but I'll go slow" he entered my body slowly doing slow strokes then speeding up the pace I drew my head back in pleasure it did hurt at first but soon the pain turned into pleasure he kissed my neck leaving hickies on my neck down to my breasts

"I love you," he said deep stroking me as I moaned out in his ear

"I love you too," I said in and out of breaths he looked me into my eyes his lust-filled brown eyes

I felt that feeling again the feeling in my stomach

"B-baby I'm bout to c-cum"

"Hold it baby hold it for me" I did as told and held it as long as I could

I dug my nails into his back as he went in and out of me

"S-shit" he groaned as he released inside of me he tapped my thigh letting me know I could climax I held onto his back as I released onto him we both were sweating this shit was a workout but it felt so good

"OMG do you think your mom heard us," I said as he moved from on top to beside me

"No but I'm pretty sure she heard you" he laughed

"You was like oh-oh shit baby I'm bout to c-cum" he mocked my moaning

"Shut the hell up" I laughed

"You know one day Taylor I'm planning on marrying you" He looked me in my eyes

"I know baby and I can't wait until that day comes"

"You know you're a warrior princess and I'm glad I have you" he kissed my forehead

"I'm glad you saved me you know I never said thank you for all the things you've done for me" I paused as I felt myself tearing up

"You didn't have to do any of it"

"Don't thank me babe I did what I had to"

"Don't get mad at me but" I sat up

"I gotta go meet Damon later tonight" I put my head down

"No your not you're staying your ass here safe and sound"

"Lee I gotta go," I said as I got out of bed grabbing a fresh pair of underwear and a pair of sweats pants and a t-shirt

"No the hell you don't Taylor"

"You can't keep making these irrational ass decisions like this you have kids now" he exclaimed

"Finding my mother is not irrational Rylee" I called him by his full name so he could know I was getting irritated

"You know what go ahead and I swear to God if you get hurt it's your fault" He walked into the bathroom where I was I turned the water on and stepped in the shower

He doesn't understand my mother is everything to me and to find out that she never even died is a stab to the heart both of my parents have been alive this whole time but never found the time to come check on their daughters

"Look I'm sorry but I need an answer Lee I don't think you would understand"

"What the fuck Tay" I flinched at his tone he breathed in and out

"You're, not the only person who's been through shit they don't wanna talk about You know how many times I tried to find my sister only to find out they killed her and I felt like it was my fault all these years"

"I know and I'm sorry I haven't been myself lately but you have to understand I need this so I can move on" he nodded his head

"Text me when you get there and keep me on the phone the WHOLE time"

"Okay I will I love you baby" I kissed his cheek then his lips he stepped in the shower with me

"Nigga what are you doing?" I laughed

"You ready for round two?" I laughed loudly at hs comment

"Hell no I wasn't ready for round one what you wanna do get me pregnant" he looked to the side

"HELL no I'm not doing that shit again" I said he chuckled

"Nah I'm playing but you on birth control right?" my eyes widened

"Bitch you didn't pull out?!"

"Aye chill out with that bitch word but no I didn't and?"

"I don't want another kid no time soon you see what happened with Amoura" I stepped out of the shower and bent down to get my towel

"I know but whatever happens happens" he shrugged

"You know your momma does not want another baby" He laughed

"You know I gotta go back soon Lee they're gonna come and get me sooner or later" I referred to CPS

"I'm only 16 I'm still a minor" He sighed

"I know babe we'll find a way to get you outta there" he hugged me tight like he never wanted to let me go

"I gotta go, babe I love you so much" I kissed his tears

"It's okay baby I'm gonna be okay I'll come back to you I promise"

"I love you baby girl so much" He kissed my lips he walked with me down the apartment stairs it was 10:00 so it's not that dark I walked to my car and sat there thinking about if this was an irrational decision like he said

"God please watch over me" I prayed and started the car and drove out the parking lot...

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