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L E E 💙

I woke up as I heard a scream and looked around the hospital room as I watched Taylor have a nightmare I shook her

"Baby wake up" I shook her as she laid her head on me

"No! Stop" she yelled as she woke up she held her growing stomach

"I'm sorry" she said as tears fell down her face

"Baby you have no reason the apologize" I rubbed her stomach and kissed her forehead as she laid her head in my lap I put my hand over her chest as I felt her heart beating as she inhaled and exhaled I felt something wet on my hands

"Lee I don't know what's wrong with me" she said as tears fell down her face

"You went through something that no one should go through that your experiencing ptsd it was you go through after you realize what you've endured wasn't right it's the realization of pain and trauma that you've buried" I looked her in the eyes as I wiped the tears off her face

"Why though I-it just hurt me so bad and now I have a child to take care of a child that I didn't want and no one even knows what's going on I walk around everyday like everything's ok and I'm not and I'm so scared Lee and there's nothing anyone can do to get me out of here" she said now bawling crying I just held her tight because she's right until she's 18 she has to stay with them

"You wanna stay with me this week my mom won't mind and she always wanted another son Myles can come too when he gets better" I assured her

"Ok" she rubbed her nose I looked at her as she slowly fell asleep I'm up for the rest of the night I don't know about y'all but when I'm awake I can't go back to sleep I looked at my phone at the wallpaper of my sister and a tear fell it was 5:10 am I shook my head and wiped the tears as I got comfortable on the hospital couch I sighed and stared at the wall thinking about life and how messed up life is and how messed up her life is

"Babe" she looked up at me

"I thought you were sleep"I looked down at her

"No I was just thinking what were you thinking about"

"Life I was thinking about life and how many things go wrong" she looked ahead

"Like what?"

"Before I was adopted by my mom now I was in a foster care and I had a lot of foster parents that used to starve me beat me and my sister but I did my best to keep them away from her when I could and one day they beat her when I was at school and they beat her so bad that she died they punctured her kidney and she died" I said tears fell down my face as I clenched my jaw She grabbed my chin

"Baby you never told me I would've never known but you're So happy all time how do you deal with it"

"That's because I got saved" I looked at her

"I've been going to church since I was a little girl"

"I know but I never went to church until my mom took me" she looked at me with a smile as she sat up slowly 

"Really?!" She asked surprised as she got up to use the bathroom I followed her she used the bathroom I saw a wet spot on her pants 

"Look awayyyy" she dragged out as she pulled her pants down

"Baby mom you know I don't care" I said turning back around to face her

"Baby daddy I don't want you to see me $hit so turn around" she laughed I quickly turned around as I laughed she gasped

"What?" I said

"I-my water just broke she said as she waddled out the door I ran after her and looked at Myles in the bed he was awake

"Myles?" She said as she clutched her stomach

"What's going on" he said as he sat up in the bed he held he wrapped up head

"I gotta take your sister down the hall ok we'll be back" he looked at the clock it was 6 'o'clock in the morning now

"Nurse we think her water just broke!!" I yelled as I nurse walked down the hall way

"Come right this way sir" she lead us to an empty room where there was a bed set up and monitors she laid down as the lady told her to spread her legs as she put the white sheet over her lower half Taylor whimpered as the doctor checked how dilated she was

"Ma'am you're water isn't broke it was a false alarm" She said throwing away her gloves

"Oh I'm sorry for wasting your time" she said as put her underwear and joggers on

"No problem"  she said as she left the room

"Lee I'm sorry I thought it really wa-"

"It's ok babe it's ok" I raised my hand to hug her and she flinched I sighed

"I'm not gon hurt you ma" I grabbed her hand and kissed it

" I love you baby" I told her as we walked back to the room Myles was up playing on his iPad

"Is the baby ok?"

"Yea she's fine" she rubbed her stomach yes we found out it's a girl and yes I'm gonna claim her as mines because she is I might not be her biological dad but her real dad is a monster I shook my head just thinking about it She sat down and stared into space As she played with her fingers

"Myles I'm sorry" she said

"I'm sorry I wasn't there quick enough" she cried

"I'm sorry I was too fat to save you from damaging your head I'm so sorry"

"Princess none of this is your fault I promise" he looked up at her

"None of this is your fault it would've happened if you were there too" I explained She did what she always does when she scared she inhaled and exhaled...

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