When the Party's over

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T A Y L O R 🦋✨

A couple of months later

I walked into Brittney and Damon's room as I saw Brittney smoking with tears in her eyes

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing baby go have fun with your friends and your sister," she said as she turned around I saw a bruise on her neck

"What happened to you?" I walked towards her

"Nothing Taylor leave" she pointed to the door

"No, what happened to you Brittney"

"Didn't I say leave?" she said as she pushed me to the door

"Brittney, what's wrong with you?"

"I said I'm fine," she said crying I hugged her

"Taylor I do everything for him I cook for him I clean occasionally and all he does is beat me and cheat on me but I can't leave him and hurt my kids," she said crying into my chest

"What did he do?"

"He told me to stop telling him to stop hitting you" she looked at me

"And I told him to get out but he hit me" she grabbed makeup remover and wiped her face and I saw everything I needed to see

"Brittney I'm sorry this happened"

"No you don't have to be sorry I do I'm so sorry Taylor I'm so sorry I didn't stop him but I was so deep in love I didn't realize what he was doing to me or to you was wrong the only reason I'm still with him is because he killed the man that killed your dad and I owe him my life"

"Brittney you don't owe him anything he did it with free will he wanted to do it so you don't owe him anything"

"If anything he owes us," I said

"Why do you let him do this to you?"

"I can't leave he-he"

"He's your drug supplier" I rolled my eyes and let her go

"I went through all of this because he gives you drugs for free," I said getting heated

"I'm sorry baby I am it's just things are getting hard out here a-and he was willing to move in with me and pay the rent and stuff you know?" She said as scratches her arm

"Brittney you need to get it together ASAP" I left her room and got Myles as he slept on the couch I carried him to the room even though it hurts and my favorite cousin Angel came up to me

"Let me get him I know he's heavy and I don't want you to hurt the baby," she said as took Myles out of my arms and laid him on the bed

"I need to get out of here Imani gave me some money and I mean a lot it's enough for me and Myles to get an apartment and live together until he's older," I said as I walked out side with her

"How many months are you?"

"The nurse told me I'm 5 going on 6 next week" I rubbed my big stomach I had a tank top on so you could really tell

"I'm so hungry," I told her as I went back inside

"You wanna come with me to get some canes?" I grabbed my car keys and put my comfortable slides on and walked back out the door

"Yea I'll go we gotta get Myles something too when he wakes up he's gonna be hungry," she told me I nodded my head as I got my phone and called Imani she answered on the 3rd ring

"Mani, you coming over?"

"Yea I'm coming I'll be there in like an hour"

"Ok bet you want some canes?"

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