Trust and believe

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L E E 💜

Taylor hasn't been answering the phone since she texted me she was ok I hope her phone is just dead I probably see her at school today but I'm getting worried...


"Boy what do you want yelling in my house like that!"

"Oh sorry" I laughed

"Mhmm what do you want lil boy"

"Oh yea can you take me to school today I don't wanna walk today"

"Alright you wanna get breakfast or eat at school"

"I'll eat there"

"Ok come on" I walked behind her as we walked out the door we sat in a comfortable silence as she played Keyshia Cole "Trust and Believe" singing off key I chuckled

"What you laughing at boy I can sing" she laughed

"Mhmmm mama you got them pipes" I hyped her up as we got to the school she tried to hit the high note

"Oh no that's my cue to go bye mama love you" I ran through my high school to the cafeteria

"Mr.Smith I'm gonna need you to slow down"

"Oh sorry Ms.Jackson "she turned back around and went on her way

A/n "iM sOrRy mIsS jAcKsOn I aM fOrReAl" I'm sorry but I had to do it 😭😭 back to the story...

I looked around the cafeteria and I didn't see her maybe she just took the day off... what if she's hurt what if he hurt her again...

T A Y L O R 🦋✨

I looked around my room in excruciating pain my eye was almost swollen shut my back was severely bruised I could barely turn around in the bed I have to get out of here I can't do this anymore I touched my stomach and felt a little pudge what I'm I gonna do about you I thought to myself

"Princess you ok?" Myles said getting up from our bed

"Yea I'm ok Myles" I winced as he tried to get off the bed but hit my back

"I-I'm sorry Princess" He lifted my oversized shirt and looked at my back

"Princess this looks bad" he ran his little fingers across my back I whimpered "I'm sorry this happened" he said as tears ran down his little face

"Hey hey hey it's your fault Myles ok I got it I'm ok" I wiped the tears off his chubby cheeks I love this little boy so much

"He hurt you again" he cried

"Myles" I said as I tried to get up but failed

"I gotta go to school I can't stay here" I told him

"No you have to Tay Tay your hurting" he told me as he got off the bed and got dressed in his school outfit

"Your Mom is gonna take you to school ok?" He looked at me with a look I couldn't quite read

"What's wrong?" I asked him

"Who's your mom? If she's just my mom?" He asked curiously I reminisced about my mother she was beautiful dark chocolate skin her hour glass body shape her perfectly round lips all of the things that weren't passed on to me she was perfect but fighting demons she was never happy she smiled when I was with her but I knew she wasn't happy I never knew what happened to her that made her snap that one night...


"Mommy Daddy said can he pick me up today!!" I ran in her room

"Pass me that tray right there baby" she pointed to the tray with needles on it next to her bed

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