Don't save her

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T A Y L O R✨

I woke up feeling sore all throughout my body knowing how many questions I will have to dodge about why my face looks like this why do you have bruises why this why that Myles has to stay home because CPS they already been to the house before and I don't want them to take him they can't take him from me

"Taylor you can't go to school like that" Myles said snapping me out of my thoughts
"I have to go to school or I'll have more of these" I pointed to my black eye and a busted lip

"Ok mommy said I can't go cause the mean people are gonna take me"

"I know Myles I'll come to get you after school and we can go to Earnest's store ok?"

"Ok" I walked out the room and ran to the bathroom and locked the door undressed and hopped in the shower I brought my school clothes in the bathroom with me so I could change faster I put on my blue polo and khaki pants I had to wear long pants to cover some of the bruises and I had to wear a jacket because I don't have a long sleeve shirt to wear I barely got this therefrom 9th grade I can barely fit these anymore my stomach is getting bigger and my boobs my hips are a little wider to all those takis I've been eating lately I laughed

"What you laughing at," Damon said walking into my room

"N-nothing I gotta get to school," I said trying to rush out of the room

"Ah ah ah" he grabbed my arm forcefully

"Give daddy some sugar"

"No!" He grabbed my throat  and slammed me against the wall and pushed me upwards so my feet were dangling just above the ground

"What did I just say" he looked into my eyes tears were falling down my face

"STOP!" My stepmom yelled

"Let her go to school you can get some when she comes back home" and here I thought she was actually nice and was gonna help me she just set me up for another night of pain... I HATE HER I thought in my head he let me go my feet hit the ground I coughed uncontrollably

"Taylor I told you to stay out of his way," she said grabbing my hand

"I tried he came into my room and don't try to act like a mother now you let him do this to me"

"Taylor I'm sorr-"

"Save it," I said as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door with tears streaming down my face I walked into a strong chest he grabbed my waist

"I-I'm sorry," I said I heard a familiar chuckle I looked up and it was Lee
"Oh hey Lee" I laughed he removed his hands from my waist and lifted my chin moved my curly hair out my face and looked at me

"Ok I'm gonna ask you this and your gonna tell me the truth"

"Did he hurt you" I nodded

"Damn!" he punched the wall I flinched

"I'm sorry lee I tried to stay out his way but he saw me when I came in the house and I-" tears ran down my face

"Shhhh it's not your fault none of this is your fault ok?" I looked into his dark brown eyes and his smooth dark chocolate skin and felt safe in his arms

"I love you Lee I do but I can't do this anymore it hurts"

"And it hurts me to see you like this I love you more than you can imagine Taylor I wish you knew" he kissed my forehead and then my cheek then my lips his lips where soft and gentle I kissed back then we continued to walk to school

"Lee do you like me?" He looked at me and smirked

"Yes I do"

"Why do you like me I'm damaged your too good for me"

"No your not your beautiful and you went through a couple of bumps in the road but you're still here that means your a warrior Princess"

"No, I'm not I'm not any of those things I will never be those things the two people I've loved the most left me they left me!"

"My mom died from an overdose when I was 3 years old so it's always been me and my daddy and 5 years ago he left me too"

"I lost my everything 5 years ago and I can't do this anymore but I have to I'm forced to live in this painful world every day I cry every night because of them because no one loves me because I'm alone because I'm broken I'm useless and I'm dying I'm dying Lee slowly on the inside and no one seems to notice" I watched as tears fall down his beautiful chocolate skin

"I'm so sorry Princess but I love you and you know that you have something to live for everyday Myles you have to live life because of him and me I want you here and I know you're going through hell and I want you to know that there is always light at the end of a dark tunnel God is gonna help you he has a plan for you don't walk away from it because that's only gonna leave you with more pain," he said looking me in the eyes

"I love you so much, Taylor Renae Carter"

"I love you too" I kissed his lips

"Oh shoot we're gonna be late!"

"I-I can't go to school can you skip with me?"


I moved my curls and showed my bruises once again

"Oh, yea does it feel as bad as it looks?"

"Considering I have more of these you can't see yes"

"Taylor I'm so sorry you have to go through this every night

"It's ok I'm gonna be ok my daddy didn't raise no punk" I laughed

"I'm serious I need to get y'all out of there"

"You can't" I paused

"You can't save me I can't be saved," I said

She don't wanna be saved don't save her - J.Cole

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