Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Noelle walks into the living room
"You've finally come." says Nozel coldly
"What do you want?" asks Noelle
Nozel stands up , turns and walks toward the window and says "You're the second daughter of our house of Silva , since mother's death years ago we haven't had a Queen since." Then he turns slowly and stares at Noelle.
Noelle puts her head down..
"With that being're now 17, since you are of age.. you're now the 'Queen of house Silva'."
Noelle's eyes widen "But Nozel i-idk how to be a Queen!"
Nozel looks down onto her coldly and releases the pressure of his mana "It's your fault mother died , you would've had a Queen to look up to." says Nozel harshly
Tears start falling down Noelle's pretty face, Nozel looks away and says to himself "She will have to figure it out on her own."
He turns to Noelle and says "Also you are of age to marry, you have been arranged a date with 'Langris Vaude of the house of Vaude'." Noelle gasps and is shocked, not only has she become one of the Queen's of the Clover Kingdom but also has to go on a date with the Nobleman Langris.
"Ordinarily a Royal Queen would marry with another Royal Family but you can't even properly use your magic, it would bring shame upon the house of Silva if the other Royal families besides our cousins were to find out, the Nobles of the Vaude family is backed by our house of Silva so we will be fine" Nozel says.
*Someone knocks on the door *
"Stop being a weakling and wipe your tears , there is a man you need to meet" says Nozel.
The door opens and a muscular , greened eye boy appears and makes eye contact with Noelle.
Noelle is wide eyed as she has never seen someone with so much muscles before.
"Noelle this is Asta , he will now be your personal bodyguard."
"W-What you said it was a man but this meathead looks to be the same age as me" Noelle says confused
"Asta , I finally have a opportunity for you" says Wizard King Julius
"Go ahead" says Asta
"How would you like to be the bodyguard of the Queen of the Silva Royal Family?" asks Julius
Asta: "B-But why would a Roy—"
Julius interrupts "Even though you're different and most Royal families wouldn't want anything to do with you..Nozel Silva is protective of his little sister after losing his mother years ago, no matter how cold he may seem to his sister he loves her more than anything, he personally asked for the strongest magic knight to protect her and isn't that you?"
Asta is quiet then finally speaks
"Fine , I'll do it , but the minute I feel disrespected I'll quit"
Julius smiles and says "I'll have to teach you proper etiquette for being a bodyguard for a Queen of a royal family"

~~~to be continued~~~

**Authors Comment: they are no magic knights squads in this story, but there are single magic knights who run errands and missions for citizens and take orders from the families of the kingdom.

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