Chapter 16 - Heartbreak

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The morning sun is shining bright on Noelle and Asta as they fly back to the castle after spending the night at the beach.

Noelle is hugging Asta tightly and doesn't want to let him go.

They can now see the castle in sight , all the guards that went with Nozel and the other two siblings to the dungeon exploration are now back on duty which means Nozel and the others are back.

"Don't go through the front gate , fly directly to my room, we'll go in through the window, my hair is a mess and I don't want it to be any suspicions as to why i'm coming in so early looking a mess." orders Noelle

"Yes, my Queen." responds Asta

"Why are you still being so formal with me?" asked Noelle

"Because I'm your bodyguard, duh" says Asta

Asta then speeds over the gates to the castle and heads to Noelle's room

Asta with Noelle in his arms , climbs through the window of the castle and then lays her on her bed.

Noelle stretches out on her bed

"Feels good to finally be back in my soft bad after laying on that hard rock all night." says Noelle

"But I was the one on the rock , you were on top of me" says Asta while grabbing his back

"Hmph, do you think your chest is soft? I probably would've slept better if I was on the rock" jokingly says Noelle

Asta sits on his chair and closes his eyes

"Y-You can come sleep with me if you want Asta-kun.." says a shy Noelle while blushing

Asta expression changes

"My Queen..what happened last night...I think we should forget about it" says Asta

Noelle is shocked and her eyes start watering

"You take my virginity and now you want me to forget about it?" says Noelle while releasing a cold mana pressure

Asta looks up in shock

"GET OUT!" Noelle screams


"GET OUT NOW!" Noelle yells some more

**things got out of hand quick 😭**

Asta stares in shock at a furious Noelle

" I see.." says Asta

Asta then gets up and jumps outs out of the window and flies away.

Noelle falls into her bed and then grabs her pillow and starts crying uncontrollably

The guards who guard the floor of her room are knocking on her door after they felt her cold pressure release.

"Miss Silver are you okay?" one of the guard asks

Noelle concealing her tears

"I'm fine, you may leave" says Noelle

They leave.

Noelle hugs her huge pillow tightly reminding her if the moment her and Asta had at the beach.

"He takes my virginity and then tells me to forget about it.. no way can't be ... it was all just lust, and I fell for it , I denied all these guards around the castle for years but his trap was the one I fell for"

Noelle starts crying even more and then she picks up her magic tool and makes a call....

~~~~To be continued~~~
**Authors comments: It was all good a couple minutes ago 😩😅

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