Chapter 26 - The End

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Asta slays Demon Morgen by cutting him in half.

Asta walks over to his corpse and takes the glowing white magic stone that appears inside of his body.

"I'll give her this for you" says Asta to an already dead Morgen

Asta walks back over to where he put Noelle down at , he takes the stone and puts the stone inside of her grimoire.

He then turns around and just stares at the kingdom burning in flames.

Tears fall from his face after realizing Julius , Yami and Nacht bodies have been engulfed by the flames.

He thinks of Mimosa and he breaks down knowing her body is most likely here as well.

He hasn't seen mimosa in over a year , he didn't see her when he got back from training or after the tournament.

"I said I would always be there for her like he was for me" cries Asta

Asta feels the flames grow hotter and he turns and looks at the ocean shining orange from the sun going down.

He remembers Yami saying telling him that he was from 'the Land of the Rising Sun'.

"No way it's real, he's the only one I've ever heard mention that." says Asta to himself

Asta looks at the still unconscious Noelle

"We have nowhere else to other kingdom will accept us after our whole kingdom has been destroyed , they will try to kill us to claim the land for themselves...a War between the three kingdoms will most likely happen for this land now" says Asta

He looks at Noelle again

"If I try to get revenge on that Zenon guy and fail ... Noelle will be alone with no one else... I can't have her live like me... We have to go"

Asta turns around and looks at the Ocean

"I will just have to take a risk on believing that old fool Yami" says Asta cracking a smile with tears falling still thinking about Yami

Asta kisses the soil of the dirt beneath him

"Goodbye Everyone, Me and Noelle are heading to the Land of the Rising Sun"

Asta picks up Noelle and then he stops and thinks

"If I just leave with her and she hasn't seen the state of the kingdom now , she will have regrets , I need to wake her"

Asta takes his hand and puts it under her shirt.

He puts his hand on her stomach , skin to skin.

He takes some of remaining Ki from his advanced Ki technique and puts it into her body.

Noelle awakens after new energy rushes through her

Noelle immediately stands up and starts back crying again

"H-How could this could everything be in flames, How are we going to live like this" says Noelle crying

She looks at Asta with his head down

Noelle starts crying more when she realizes Asta doesn't have an answer

Asta walks over to her and hugs her from behind

"We're leaving my love, the kingdom is nomore , I'm sure there are a few people who manage to survive but it's not like we have enough manpower for the war that will begin over this land once news hit the other kingdoms." says Asta

Noelle attempts to smack Asta

Asta catches her hand

"I expected you to do that" he says

"How can you be so heartless and leave" she asks

"Noelle there is nothing left, look! Everything is in flames, there is nomore Clover Kingdom , your brother is gone, my masters are gone , your bodyguard is gone" Asta says coldly

Noelle is now staring in space, empty , feeling naked and alone .

"Open your grimoire " Asta tells Noelle

Noelle opens it to see a white shining stone

"Do you think a gift would make me feel better right now idiot" Noelle says as she attempts to walk away from Asta

Asta grabs her again

"Morgen told me to give this to you before he passed away" Asta lies to Noelle

Noelle eyes widened and she grabs the stone again and hugs it tight and then kisses it.

"Forgive me Morgen" says Noelle with tears in her eyes

She takes out a string and ties it around the stone and attempts to tie it around her neck

Asta takes the strings from her hands and then continues tying it around her

"Thank You" she tells Asta

The flames are now closing in in the two

"We have to go" says Asta

"Where can we go , they won't just let us into a kingdom after this, they'll say we did this" Noelle says

"I know , just come here" Asta says

Noelle walks over and melts into Asta's arms

"We're going to the Land of the Rising Sun" Asta says as he picks Noelle up and begins flying over the Ocean.

~~~~~ End Of Story Maybe? Part 1~~~~~~~

***Authors Note: wheww 😭 I was gonna make a new story for the next arc because they will be starting a new life and Asta isn't her bodyguard anymore, but I can't think of a name so idk what ima do....

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