Chapter 6 - Black Hearts

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Noelle and Asta fly over to the Vermilion castle.

They easily walk through the security points and head to Mimosa's part of the castle.

They walk into Mimosa's room to see her laying in her bed , drawing in her notebook while in her bra and undies.

"Hey Mimos—"

Asta gets red at seeing how thick Mimosa really is without her big blouse she wears to cover up and then turns around quickly

"Mimosa hurry put some clothes on!" Noelle shouts while looking at Asta's red face

"Oh No! " Mimosa says
Mimosa thinks to herself "I hope he didn't see what I was drawing"

Mimosa gets dressed and then Noelle and her sits down on her bed while Asta sits at a chair across from them.

"Im soo happy you both came to see me" Mimosa says excited

"Yeah but we didn't expect to see you naked." says Noelle coldly

Asta gets red thinking of Mimosa's thighs

"Stop being soo over dramatic Noelle" says Mimosa blushing

"Are you to ready to leave?" asked Asta

"Oh yes I forgot , let's go." says Mimosa

The 3 head to the center of town and enter the alley that leads to the 'Black Market'

"Hey, Um Asta? I thought we were going shopping" says Mimosa

"Y-Yea , why are we in this creepy alley with a dead end" Noelle says nervously

"Just follow me and keep walking" says Asta

Asta walks through the disguised magic portal that leads to the Black Market, the 2 behind him hesitate then they both hold hands and jump through.

"Wow! It seems like a whole new world" says Noelle.

The vendors all look at the portal and see the Princess of house Vermillion and the Queen of house Silva standing there , they all immediately start hiding their illegal objects and creatures.

"Hey Asta why is everyone staring at us?" asked Mimosa

Asta walks towards them and whispers to them:

"Some of these items are stolen from Royal families, some are just expensive and they know you guys can easily take it from them because of your high mana pressure, but most of these people are escapees hiding out and afraid you will rat them out to collect bounties." Asta says seriously

"Huh!? this is a place for criminals" -both Noelle and Mimosa say loudly

"Shhh, only 20% of this kingdom is of nobility or royalty , the other 80% is filled with commoners and peasants... this will improve the look of both of your families to the commoners and peasants , if you get on their good sides they will fight with you if your family goes to war with another family or protect you if you get into trouble with the 'Supreme Family' or Royal Parliment." Asta says

Mimosa and Noelle both say okay

"Continue holding hands and stay close to me" says Asta

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