Chapter 11 - Julius vs Asta !

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Julius and Asta are at the coliseum , Julius is preparing to "train" Asta.

"You can't control yourself with girls or your anger in front of guest" says Julius angry

" did he know about the kiss" Asta asks himself

Julius reads Asta's 'Ki'.

"I was the worker who picked out the dresses for her haha, I used my transformation magic to act like I was a worker to see how you were doing on the job" Julius says

Asta is shocked

"You risked it all..if she didn't like you and reported it to the 'Royal Parliment' , there wouldn't have been anything I could do" says Julius

Before Asta could blink , Julius teleports in front of him and kicks him into the dirt.

Asta grimaces while on the ground with his hand over his stomach

"Are you mad Asta?" says Julius

Before Asta could reply, Julius teleports in front of him again and punches him through the ground , causing a massive hole in the ground while Asta is at the center of it .

Asta face is now bloody and can barely see straight.

"How can a human be blessed by mana while also having the physical strength of a beast?" says Asta

"Haha I only get angry at people you know you can beat" says a sarcastic Julius

Asta stops grimacing anf gives Julius a death stare.

"You're actually a weakling...only fighting those who you know you can beat hahaha" says Julius trying to provoke Asta

Both of Asta's eyes are red now , anti-magic is now over-flowing in the air wildly

Mini explosions is happening in the air due to Julius's overflowing mana and Asta's overflowing anti magic both colliding with each other.

All of sudden ..

"Anti-magic : Expansion of Death" says an enraged Asta

Asta uses the ability that he was going to use in the forest but Noelle was in the way, he can only use this once every three days.

The two are now in a dark space with bloodstains and piles of bones everywhere .

Asta is now standing 10 feet in the air on top of dead skulls looking down at Julius with red glowing eyes

Julius looks up at Asta and is in shock and in complete fear.

"You were implying , I can't kill you weren't you?" says Asta in a sinister voice, way different from his regular tone.

Julius hands is on his chest, in pain, as he feels the mana in his body being sucked away.

"A-As-Asta" Julius barely can speak Asta's name.

"Descend" says Asta in a sinister voice

The void disappears.

Julius falls face first into the ground.

Asta eyes are now back to normal , he reaches for Julius and then he also falls face first into the ground.

'Marx' Julius's assistant quickly opens a portal underneath them both and they land in separate beds in the Hospital.

"Owen!" Yells Marx

Owen arrives

"Hurry up and heal them , they were training, when suddenly they both disappeared and then they appeared again and they both were out of it." says a concerned Marx

Owen quickly puts his hands over the both of them.

His magic engulfs Julius but it's not working on Asta.

After 10 minutes , Julius finally wakes up , he sees Marx and Doctor Owen and then looks over to his left and sees Asta.

"Wizard King I'm glad you're okay! That boy over there , for some reason my magic won't work on him" says Doc

Julius gets up and puts his hand over Asta

"Chrono Stasis" chants Julius

A time bubble engulfs Asta, and then Julius speeds up the time in the bubble.

Asta awakes after 20 minutes and sees the Wizard King.

"Forgive me Master, I'm sorry!" says a pleading Asta , with his head down to Julius

Julius pats Asta on his head and decides not to question him, as Julius powers also has its secrets.

"Training is now over, you still haven't learned to control that anger of yours, but return to the Queen of house Silver, I'm sure she is missing you right now" says Julius

Julius and Marx leave the hospital room

"Sir, what happen while you too were training?" asked Marx

Julius decides not to tell him about Asta's ability as he realizes someone's strongest ability should always be kept hidden.

"He is the 2nd strongest in this kingdom and I'm the 1st .. hahaha what did you expect to happen, we both got hurt" Julius says

Back at the hospital room.

"You need to rest a little more, I can't let you leave after being passed out for so long, Julius is the king so he has his duties but you can afford to stay, you can leave in the morning." says Doctor Owen.

"Fine, alright" says a slightly agitated Asta

Asta thinks of Noelle's smile and then lays back down.
~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER~~~~~
Authors Comment: "Expansion of Death" 🤯.... y'all think that's Asta only OP ability?

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