Chapter 20 - Games Part 2

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Asta is using his superhuman speed from his training with Yami and is slicing Morgen from all directions with his katana.

"STOP IT ASTA!" Noelle yells from the stands

Asta stops and turns around and gives Noelle a cold look and smiles then he jumps high into the sky....

"What is he doing?" says a man

Asta is standing in the sky with his hand pointed up in the air.

"Hahahaha" Asta laughs

Asta is condensing his antimagic in his hand while the sky is letting off dark lightning bolts

"What the-" says Julius

"Kid what are you doing?" Yami says silently

"Brother MOVE!" yells Nacht

Asta condenses more antimagic and more black lightning bolts are erupting from the sky

Asta then attempts to throw his attack but.....

Julius, Yami and Nacht pull up like the black bulls did...:

Yami grabs Asta's wrist just in time and takes a puff from his cigarette

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Yami grabs Asta's wrist just in time and takes a puff from his cigarette.

"I let you get your revenge , but you were about to go overboard, do you think I'll let you kill someone in front of all these people" says an angry Julius

"You were my student , yet you try to kill my twin brother, are you trying to go to war with me" says an emotional Nacht

Asta disperses the antimagic and the lightning stops

He pulls his arm away from Yami and goes slightly higher in the sky

"You two are giving me those same looks that little girl over there did" Asta says as he looks at Noelle

Noelle has tears in her eyes , feeling guilty and placing the blame on herself for Morgen almost dying

A man from the crowd shouts "You try to kill someone who is suppose to protect this kingdom , you're scum!"

Asta pulls out his sword with Morgen's blood dripping from it falling from the sky

"If I'm scum ..then come and try to hurt me" Asta says as he releases his killer intent

The crowd goes silent with Yami, Julius and Nacht staring at Asta from a few feet away

"I thought so, you punk" Asta says to the man

The man puts his head down and is now embarrassed.

"I'm done for today , I qualify, but if any of you want to fight me..just pull up to the beach..I'll be there the rest of today and all night" Asta says as he flies away

Noelle starts crying hysterically and then she looks down at Morgen on the ground with slice marks all over his body and blood dripping

"Someone help him!" Nozel shouts as he hugs his little sister

"Chrono-stasis" chants Julius

Morgen is now inside Julius's time bubble while Julius is slowing down time inside of it to slow the bleeding

"I'll be taking him to Dr. Owen" says Julius

Before Julius leaves he looks around the stadium

The energetic vibe of the tournament is no longer present.

"I see..." says Julius

Yami takes a puff from his cigarette

"The tournament is now over! The five that will be selected to join us will be notified." says Julius

"But sir, how will we—" attempts Marx

"I've already figured out everyone who is here mana pressure , truthfully I thought it would be fun to see some battles, but the way things are now, it'll be better , if I just pick them."

"I understand" responds Marx

"The 8 that'll be going to invade the spade kingdom are: Me , Yami , Nacht , Asta , Noelle Silva , Nozel Silva , Jack the Ripper, and.... If Morgen is healed up he'll come but if not then the final person will be 'Zora Ideal'." says Julius

Some in the crowd are angry after not being selecting because they know the rewards and notoriety will be huge.

"We also have 2 more people coming " Julius says to himself

The crowd disperses and everyone leaves.

Asta arrives at the beach and inhales the fresh air and decides to sit on 'the rock'.

"It's been a year , but this place hasn't changed a bit" Asta says to himself.

Asta begins meditating on the rock - a technique Yami taught him to stabilize his 'Ki' while also.

"Nobody would dare come bother me, I'll go deeper in the meditation now." says Asta as he closes his eyes and stops sensing the world around him.

Minutes pass by and suddenly a masked man wearing a hoodie appears on the beach.

~~~To be continued ~~~

**Authors Comment: if you haven't ever tried meditating you should start , I suffered from anxiety attacks 2-3 years ago..and meditating changed my life

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