Chapter 5 - Loners

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Noelle has been training under Asta for 3 months now.

She can now easily shoot her water-balls without having to close her eyes and concentrate, she also has learned 2 new attack spells and also a protection spell.

Noelle has started to realize she likes Asta , but because he is her bodyguard, she tries to suppress her feelings because she know she'll be judge for liking/dating her bodyguard.

Because of her family bullying her, her whole life about not being able to control her magic, she still over-worries about what people think of her.

Noelle is sitting at her dresser putting her hair in a ponytail , while Asta is sitting in the window of the castle/room.

"Sometimes I wonder.. why they asked me to be your bodyguard, you don't ever leave this place" says Asta

Noelle stops doing her hair and turns to Asta looking at the sky.

"Well , when I was young.. Nozel wouldn't let me go anywhere and as I got older, I was always trying to control my magic so I never left and now ..well I just simply have no interest out there" she says

"I see.. you spent everyday doing the same thing , so you have no experience in anything else, which leads you to thinking you aren't interested in anything else" Asta says

Noelle looks confused

"Ummm , how old are you again ?" Noelle asks , shocked at Asta sounding intelligent.

"Haha.. I use to be like you... after what happened to my family , I lived in that demon skull I took you to, I never left there, after awhile I started to think this world is boring, but then the wizard king found me and kept telling me to come with him, one day I eventually gave in , and he took me on dungeon explorations , beast missions with hunters and to different festivals , I realized it's the people you meet that make the world interesting" he says.

Noelle blushes as she thinks about how Asta was the light that came into her life.

"Before I met you Asta... I was lonely" says Noelle feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Huhh?" says Asta as he turns from the window and looks at Noelle.

"I don't talk to my siblings unless I have too and my father... haven't seen him in years, I use to be in this room all day after training and just be in my thoughts , drowning in my emotions and overthinking. You came and took me to a part of the kingdom I never knew existed... make me laugh ... and always have some interesting stories to tell which makes me feel like I was there with you, you taught me soo many things about myself , you're really awesome, I'm not sure if the pay you receive from being my bodyguard is enough." says Noelle

Asta is shocked

"Before I took this job, I was struggling... Julius had gotten busy running the kingdom and I was alone again , I had to go back to hunting for food in the forest I destroyed with my anti-magic so the food was scarce, all my family and friends are dead so I had no one to talk to, just memories, if it wasn't for your cousin checking in on me and bringing me sweets , I probably would've lost it by now, so don't think to highly of me" Asta says embarrassed

Noelle stares at Asta with sadness , and says to herself "Thank God for Mimosa".

" Thank goodness for her, she also would try to come check in on me when we were younger, eventually I told her to stop so I could focus on getting control of my magic" she says

"I think you should call her up and spend some time with her" Asta says

"I think I will." Noelle says

~~~~To be continued~~~~
**Authors Comments: I'm still trying to decide if I should keep this "chill" or make it 'mature' with explicit scenes like my other story lol

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