Chapter 22 - Together Again

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Asta and Noelle share a long and emotional kiss after all the events that just transpired at the beach.

They finally end the kiss

Noelle is blushing and flustered...she immediately gets up

"No, No, No you don't deserve to touch me again" says Noelle with her back to turned to Asta

Asta gets up and grabs her waist from behind

"That day you kicked me out the castle... you never did let me explained myself , I said "we should forget about the things we've done" because I am a peasant and you are a Queen... all the royals and nobles would look down on you and who knows what your brother would've done to you" says Asta

Noelle clenches her fist

"Do you think I give a damn what they think of me!? They don't contribute anything to my life and besides I was planning on giving up the title of Queen and let Nozel be king anyways, also Nozel already knows I am in love with you" says Noelle

Asta eyes are widened after Noelle admits her love for him

Asta removes his hand from her waist

"If you loved me .. why would you fire me" says Asta

Asta then clenches his fist after he remembers Noelle and Morgen were together for a year

"We were together for less than a year and we did a lot, you and that pretty boy was together for a whole year , you even learned ultimate magic from him , who knows what y'all did" says a maddened Asta

Asta is now mad at his 'head cannon'

Noelle turns around and smacks him

"Don't put your insecurities on me , I do admit there were times when things could've happened but they never progressed from more than thoughts" a mad Noelle says as she tries to walk away

Asta grabs her arm and pulls her close and then sticks his tongue in her mouth

The two share another long kiss

"It's happening again , this feeling in my body" says Noelle to herself as she becomes hot

Asta picks her up while kissing and attempts to take her to the rock again but they fall onto the sand

30 minutes later ....
(You already know what happened)

Noelle is laying on top of Asta

The two are silent and are in a little disbelief that it happened again

They listen to the waves crash

"I think I should I go , Nozel is probably worried for me now that Morgen is in the hospital and I'm out alone " says a flustered Noelle

Asta runs his hand through her silver hair

"You're still the most beautiful girl in the world my queen, go on. " says Asta

Noelle is blushing after hearing Asta refer to her as "My Queen" again

She gives him another kiss and gets dressed and heads off back to castle , Asta stares at her until she is no longer in sight.

"I think maybe I'll go and apologize to everyone to tomorrow" Asta says to himself as he watches the sun set on the ocean
~~~To be continued~~~

***Author Comment: My favs really made up 🚨

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