Chapter 3 - The Black Bull

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Asta and Noelle are holding hands sand walking together.

The commoners are all amazed at how beautiful Queen Noelle looks and even more surprised she is holding hands with the infamous "Black Bull".

Noelle is red in the face from all the attention they are getting from holding hands.

"I will be fine, no need to hold my hand" Noelle says while letting out a sigh of relief .

Asta slows his pace and decides to walk 2 steps behind her.

Suddenly,  Finral from the other brother from the house of Vaude, who is known as a pervert , walks up to Noelle , grabs her hand and kisses it.

Its a pleasure to show you around my beautiful Queen" Finral says.

Noelle puts on a fake smile because everyone is watching and says

"It's a pleasure to meet you but please don't ever touch me again without my permission",

"Oh My, you are just so beau—" Finral says while he attempting to grab Noelle's waist.

Boom! He is punched in the face by Asta.

"You attempted to touch her after she just said don't touch her without permission" says Asta as Finral is sliding across the dirt from the punch.

The crowd gasps at how hard Asta punched Finral.

"You magic-less peasant, how dare you touch me" Finral says as he grabs his face.

"You dare try to touch a girl after she tells you not to , if you never raped girls you would still be a virgin " Asta says

The men in the crowd starts laughing at Finral while all the women start to get angry.

Spacial Magic : Fallen Angel Shootout !" yells Finral as he reads a spell.

A dozen round balls of Spacial Magic shoots at Asta and Noelle.

Noelle freezes and closes her eyes and prepares to be hit by the attack.

Asta jumps in front of Noelle and takes his Katana filled with Anti-Magic and slashes through all 12 balls.

"Pathetic.. how can somebody be a rapist and a weakling" Asta says laughing

Before Finral could reply..

Asta takes his Katana and throws its through the right arm of Finral .

"Come to me" Asta says, as his sword comes back to him while also bringing Finral.

Noelle opens her eyes to see Asta standing in front of her while he's choking Finral out with one hand,

"That's enough" Noelle yells

Asta still choking Finral, turns around and stares at Noelle and then drops him to the ground.

Asta uses his magic tool to call Marx to come arrest Finral for attempting to assassinate the Queen of house Silva .

"He really tried to attack the one and only Black Bull " a commoner in the crowd says while laughing.

"The Nobles and Royals are so out of touch with the peasants , they don't know he is the undefeated Black Bull" another man says.

Noelle looks at her bodyguard.

"Come on , I think its time we get you back to the castle" Asta says as he grabs her hand.

"I don't want to go back to the castle yet" Noelle says as she puts her head down

Asta squeezes her hand to get her attention , "It's already late , your brother is probably worried for you after hearing about what happened " he says

"I-I'm not a little girl anymore and besides, I have you to protect me" she says while lightly blushing.

Asta shakes his head "Where do you want to go?" he asks

"I don't know , take me to your favorite place" Noelle says

"I don't think you're allowed , also I don't think you would want to go to it" he says

Noelle angrily says "Stop talking to me like i am a child, I said take me".

Asta pulls out his thick Demon Slayer sword to fly and Noelle gets scared.

"I will have to hug you from behind while we ride this, so forgive me " Asta says

Asta jumps onto his sword and pulls Noelle up with him and then hugs her from behind and starts flying towards the forsaken realm.

Noelle blushes and gets hot as she feels all of Asta on her..they finally arrive in the forsaken realm .

"What are those two huge giant skulls" Noelle asks worryingly

Asta says "One is an Ancient Demon that was slayed by the first wizard king , the other one..." Asta goes silent

"The other one is wh—" -Noelle is interrupted by Asta

Asta looks at her and says "Get ready to jump"

They jump of the sword and land on top of the Ancient Demon skull, they sit down and Noelle asks "Why did you bring me here?"

"I told you , you wouldn't want to come" Asta says

"No , No it's just that it's nothing out here but these two huge skulls" Noelle says

Asta leans onto the horn of the ancient demon skull and looks up at the stars of the sky and says "To you it's nothing out here , but to me there are a lot of happy moments and memories of my family, this is where I use to live"

Noelle gasps and says "Forgive me for being rude".

"No problem , you can't really tell there use to be a church and a few makeshift homes out here." Asta says

"What happened to the homes and people out here?" Noelle asks

Asta puts his head down , Noelle sees the shift in his body language and slides closer to him.

"Everyone here was killed , that other demon skull over there ... was my brother Yuno ,who had a 4 leaf grimoire and a magic stone , he ended up falling into despair when he seen a girl named Lilly kiss me on the cheek, he went on a rampage , I could've saved everyone if only I wouldn't have hesitated to kill him" Asta says with tears flowing down his cheeks.

Tears filled Noelle's eyes she puts her hands on top of both his hands.

"He was your brother , it was normal to hesitate , I would look down on you if you killed him quickly, i don't think your family would be mad at you." Noelle says tearfully

Asta stays silent trying his best to stop his tears from falling.

Noelle hugs him and apologizes and says
"I am the reason my mom was killed " as she pictured her siblings bullying her.

I know there is a reason for everything , the god of fate makes no mistakes" Noelle says.

Asta calms down and pats her on the head.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother, we havent even known each other for a day and we are shedding tears together". Asta says

He looks down to see Noelle sleeping on him and says "I need to get her home it's the middle of the night."

Asta picks Noelle up and takes his sword and flies her to the castle, he flies through her opened window , so she wouldn't get into trouble and lays her onto her bed and puts her covers on top of her. He walks over to the chair and calls it a night.

~~~To be continued~~~~
Authors Note: Just randomly came back here...I just finished writing Chapter 10-13

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