Chapter 15 - Birds and the Bees

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Asta and Noelle are being followed as they leave the festival in hopes that Asta and the Queen would give some more money away.

Asta grabs Noelle by her waist as she blushes Asta yells: Black Meteorite!

Asta and Noelle shoot straight up into the sky in seconds.

Noelle thinks to herself "How can someone be so strong".

"Where are we going Asta-kun?"

"You'll see you hen we get there." responds Asta as he smiles at Noelle

Noelle grips him tighter and they continue flying

It is now nighttime

They arrive at the beach

Noelle smiles from seeing the ocean with the moonlight shining over the water

Noelle jumps off Asta and immediately buries her feet in sand

"Hahahaha , just like a little kid" says Asta

"Hush it , hmph" responds an embarrassed Noelle

Noelle picks up some sand and chucks it at Asta , Asta dodges and Noelle starts running away.

Asta picks up 2 handful worth of sand and uses his quick speed and dumps it over Noelle's hair

"My haiiiirrr, I spent all morning doing it" says Noelle

Asta picks her up and says

"It was going to get messy either way"

Noelle's face is totally red as she starts thinking lewd thoughts.

With Noelle in his arms , Asta walks over to some rocks and sits Noelle down and he sits next to her.

"Gosh , feet are swollen" cries Noelle

"You want me to massage them" asked Asta

A blushing Noelle responds "Y-yes please"

Noelle sprinkles water on her feet getting rid of the sand

Asta grabs Noelle's right ankle and starts lighting massaging her foot.

"You're surprisingly good at this, you bring all of your girlfriends here don't you?" Noelle asks while her foot is getting massaged

"Haha, funny but me and Mimosa came here once , she showed me this pace when we were younger." says Asta while smiling at his memories

Noelle clenches her fist

"I see... so do you like mimosa?" asks Noelle

"Hmm..I did at one point, we knew each other since we were kids, she was the only Royal I knew because of our mothers, after my family was killed , she was the only person I had left, I would say I was in love with her , but over time I've started to see her as more of like a sister , I will always be there and protect her no matter what." says Asta

Noelle smiles after hearing him say he'll always be there and protect her sweet cousin.

"If not her, then who do you like?" Noelle asks while pulling her hair behind her ear.

Asta starts thinking and then he looks at Noelle, her silver hair is blowing from the oceans breeze , he starts blushing.

Noelle sees him blush and her body gets hot

"I don't really know , who do you like?" responds Asta

Noelle looks at the ocean and then turns back to Asta.

She starts twiddling her fingers

"We've kissed like three times, I understand you're a guy but i-im a girl, the moment your tongue touched mines was the moment I fell for you" Noelle says as she takes her feet from Asta's hand turns away embarrassed

Asta smirks and then scoots closer to her

" I see " Asta responds

He runs his fingers through her hair and then grabs her face

"May I kiss you again" asks Asta

"What is happening with my body, it's so warm and throbbing" Noelle says in her head

Noelle is so flustered she can't speak.

Asta senses her 'ki' and realizes she is open to it.

They start kissing , Noelle grabs him and pulls him in closer.

Noelle isn't thinking but going with her bodies instincts, she falls onto her back while pulling Asta down with her.

She naturally submits to him , Asta realizes what she is doing and then he goes in for another long, hot kiss.

The next morning..(yes it happened.....)

Asta wakes up on the rock with a shirtless Noelle laying on him snoring lightly.

He stares at Noelle beautiful face with the morning hot beach sun shining on her.

"We're on the beach with no cover, we have to go" Asta says to himself

Asta starts kissing Noelle's forehead to wake her up

"Asta-kun" Noelle says as she awakes

"Morning , my Queen, we have to get going" Asta says

Noelle realizes she has nothing on and gets red and flustered

Noelle says "Lastnight did we re—"

Asta interrupts by putting a finger on her lips

"Get dressed we have to go , my Queen" he says

~~~~To be continued~~~~~

Authors Comment: 😭🙂

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