Chapter 21 - Third Eye

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Asta begins to go into a deeper state of meditation.

Suddenly a masked man appears wearing a hoodie

The man sees Asta on the rock, laying on his back breathing heavy.

"Found ya" the man says with a cold look

He takes out a knife and looks around to see if anyone else is here, and then begins walking towards Asta

"He doesn't deserve to live " the man says as he starts sprinting

"Die" the man shouts as he slashes at Asta

Asta awakes from the man yelling and barley avoids the attack

His face is now bleeding from getting sliced by the mans knife

"What the" says a startled Asta

The man and Asta are now in a stare off

Asta senses someone else watching them but he has to focus his 'Ki' on the threat at hand.

"Who are you?" Asta asked

"Haha, I'm your grave digger 'Zora Ideale'." says Zora taking his hood off

Asta is shocked to see a red haired man with a mask on

"Creepy, why are you bothering me , you aren't the guy from the arena." a confused Asta says

"Indeed I'm father died protecting the wizard king years ago from reckless knights in the "War of Diamond" years ago , I refuse to be partners with a reckless and treacherous scum like you" says Zora

Asta laughs

"I guess , I'll send you to the same place as your father" Asta says

Asta jumps in the air and then —

"What the, I can't move" Asta says as he is stuck in the air

"Hahaha, this will be easier than I thought, you can't even sense my trap magic, Atleast you'll be dying at the beach" a confident Zora says

Asta is now in a state of shock to hear him say Trap Magic and still can't break free

Asta then starts coldly smiling and he raises his hand—

"Ultimate Water Magic: Trident of Poseidon" chants a suddenly appearing Noelle

"Huh!?" says both Zora and Asta who are shocked

A giant water figure made of water suddenly appears out of the ocean with a huge 'trident' , and suddenly it throws the huge trident made of water with tremendous speed and hits both Asta and Zora along with erasing Zora's Trap Magic in the area.

A huge thrashing of water erupts , Zora is now flying from being thrown by the water and Asta is now deep in sand after the attack hits him as well.

"I didn't attempt to hit you but you deserved it anyway" says a maddened Noelle as she walks up to Asta who is now on the ground

Asta plays like he's hurt as she continues to walks up to him

Suddenly Asta is choking her with one hand by her throat and has her lifted in the air.

"Idk what you think you're doing , but no one told you to interrupt my battle" Asta says as he chokes her

His eyes are now red after all his anger thoughts rush to him from seeing Noelle

Noelle is being choked but she isn't showing any fear , unlike Morgen did when Asta choked him.. but she has a look of disappointment of her face

Asta stares into her eyes and squeezes harder but she still isn't grimacing but tears are falling from her eyes

Asta eyes begins to go back to normal

"Reverse Creation Trap Magic : Water spear!" shouts Zora

A spear made of water is now about to strike Noelle

Asta let's her get hit

The spear enters her back and goes through her stomach causing a big hole

Asta then throws her down with the spear still in her

"You use her as a shield , you really do deserve to die"

Asta clenches his fist and then takes off his headband

Zora is in shock to see a all black third eye in Asta's forehead

"This dummy immediately stared at it" says Asta

Asta begins laughing while Zora is still staring at his third eye shocked

"Expansion of the fallen angel" says Asta to himself

Zora is now in a dark place by himself

"What the ...why is it so hot..where am I... I can't see anything" says a scared Zora

Suddenly Zora sees three huge red eyes above

The eye in the middle shoots out a chain and it pieces Zora's chest

The chain pulls Zora's soul out of his body and he screams in pain , suddenly a huge mouth appears and the soul is tossed in.

The darkness is no more

Zora's empty body is now fallen into the sand

"Finally, got tired of hearing his voice" says Asta heavily breathing from the energy used

Asta walks over to his body and begins to control his breathing and begin taking the remaining life force from him and then tosses his body in the ocean

He walks over to Noelle who now has a huge hole in her stomach and is unconscious.

Asta is in tears seeing Noelle on the verge of death, all the anger he had has now being transformed to fear for her .

Asta puts his hand into Noelle's stomach and forces the life force he took from Zora into her body.

"Come on , hurry" a panicking Asta says to himself

Asta feels her body repairing and begins to lift his hand out of her

Asta sighs in relief

The hole in her body is now completely gone , she awakes and begins coughing

Asta attempts to leave now she is healed

She grabs him by his arm

"Don't leave me" says Noelle with tears in her eyes

Asta remembers those words from when he use to be her bodyguard and begins tearing up as well

He picks up Noelle and walks her over to the rock that him and her did it on a year ago.

He sits down with her in his arms and his aura becomes warm again.

Noelle begins crying hysterically and squeezes Asta tightly as she can't believe this isn't a dream and she is actually in Asta's arms again.

With tears falling from from both their eyes they both make eye contact

The two are inching together like a magnet pulling the two of them

Their lips eventually meet and they share a long and emotional kiss with each other
~~~To Be Continued~~~

***Authors Note: the Chadsta puts his hand in her stomach and she forgets about that pretty boy in the hospital immediately 😭

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