Chapter 9 - Kiss!

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Noelle gets dress and calls Asta back into the room.

"Warn me when you get out the shower , I'm your bodyguard , I can't see you like that" says Asta with a lite blush on his face

"Hmph , you didn't say anything when you seen Mimosa in her bra in undies" says a jealous Noelle

"Huh?" says a dense Asta

"Anyways , let's go, I'm ready" says Noelle

The two head to the dress shop

As they walk Asta wonders how she'll look dressed up

They arrive

"Your brother gave me 5,000,000 yul for you to spend" says Asta

"You keep it, I already have money saved up" says Noelle

"No, the wizard king pays me every week since I started being your bodyguard and also your brother randomly gave me money this morning" says Asta

Noelle pouts

"Also , I think your brother really wanted me to give you this, as he said 'for her pockets also'. says Asta

Noelle shocked Nozel is being considerate of her. She takes the money

"My lady , we are informed you'll be wearing white tonight so we picked out these for you" says a worker at the shop

"Hmmm , can I try them on?" asked Noelle

"Of course" says the worker

Noelle tries on 8 dresses but doesn't like how they look on her, she gets to the 9th one and tries it on and haves a hard time with the dress going over her chest.

Asta realizes Noelle is taking long , he goes over to the dressing room and asks is everything alright

Noelle responds "Yes" while still struggling to fit her chest in the dress

Noelle finally comes out:

Asta gets flustered and is amazed

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Asta gets flustered and is amazed

"Y-you like it Asta-kun ?" asked a flustered a red Noelle

"My Queen , you look absolutely beautiful" says Asta

"Asta-kun come here"

Asta is confused but walks over to her.

Noelle gets on her tippy toes and grabs his face and kisses him softly on the lips.

"T-T-Thank you for complimenting me" says Noelle while embarrassed

Asta is shocked with his eyes wide open

He then takes one hand and grabs her by the waist and the other he uses to lift up her face

Noelle gets flustered as she is being grabbed by Asta and looking him dead in his eyes

Asta leans in and kisses her and the two share a long kiss in front of all the shop workers

Asta releases her , Both are breathing heavy with a string of saliva falling from both of their mouths

"I'm sorry my Queen " says an apologetic Asta

He gets down on one knee

"I couldn't help myself, I couldn't hold it in anymore, You're t—"

A flustered and hot Noelle interrupts Asta by putting a finger over his mouth

Noelle realized where they were at and immediately buys the dress and the two quickly leave the shop

Asta and Noelle are now walking back to the castle in a awkward silence.

"There was no reason for you to apologize, it was my fault for kissing you in the first place " says Noelle

"No! It was my fault I went overboard by going for another kiss and sticking my tongue in your mouth" Asta demands

Noelle gets hot and flustered thinking about the kiss again

"N-No it wasn' about we just forget it happened?"  asked Noelle

"Yea..sure sounds good" says Asta

They arrive at the castle and head towards their room

"I think I'm going to take a nap before the banquet starts, can you guard the door out here" says Noelle

Nozel is walking down the hall when he hears this.

Asta confused as he has his own area inside her room and she usually doesn't care if he's there when she sleeps

"Okay...if you want to fire me I also understand" says Asta

Noelle slaps Asta

"I would never do such a thing , I told you before.. 'I need you' didn't I?" says Noelle tearfully

Nozel who is secretly watching , eyes are widen after he seen Noelle slap the Black Bull

"Please just guard the door Asta-kun" says Noelle reassuringly

"Forgive me , yes my Queen" says Asta

Noelle enters the room and closes the door and immediately sits down on the floor with her back leaning on the door with tears in her eyes

"He is a peasant and my bodyguard.....I-I can't  be in love with him, yet I-I-I'm totally in love with him says Noelle to herself

Nozel quits hiding and walks past Asta who is guarding the door

Asta and Nozel both nod respectfully at eachother

"He entrusted me to protect his sister , I'm her bodyguard, Im paid to be her protector not her lover , yet I've fallen prey to her beauty" says a saddened Asta to himself

Noelle falls asleep , Asta hears her snoring kind of close and enters the room. He sees her laying in the floor next to the door, he picks her up and lays her gently on her bed , then stares at her beautiful face and gives her a soft kiss on her cheek.

Noelle smiles lightly as she she is kissed in her sleep , Asta decides he needs a nap also and goes into his area inside the room.

~~~~~To be continued~~~~~

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