Chapter 13

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Asta and Noelle are still making out when suddenly Asta feels 'Ki' nearby.

Asta pushes Noelle away from him

Nozel walks into the room...he stares at Noelle who is staring at Asta confused as to why he pushed her.

Asta stands up from his seat

"Prince Nozel" greets Asta

Noelle turns around and sees Nozel staring at her

"Is something wrong?" Nozel asks

"No , No , nothing is the matter, what brings you here?" Noelle responds while flustered and embarrassed

"Hmmm... anyways , Solid , Nebra & I are going to a dungeon exploration, do you want to come?" Nozel asks Noelle

Noelle stands shocked that Nozel is asking her to come with them to a dungeon.

"I-I-I can't" studders Noelle

"Why not?" Nozel asks

"My feet are sore from training" responds Noelle

"I see.." says Nozel

Nozel turns and leaves , he mutters under his breath:

"That's why royals shouldn't be training"

Noelle falls to the floor and stares wide-eyed in shock

"Ever since Asta became my bodyguard, Nozel has been nicer to me" Noelle says to herself

Asta looks at her weirdly

"Why is he being so nice to me" Noelle says aloud

Asta walks over to her and picks her up and sits her gently on her bed

"My queen , have you still not notice your brother watches us when you are training outside?" says Asta to a still wide-eyed Noelle

"What do you mean" says Noelle

"He has seen your progress..from that girl who couldn't hit a not moving tree to now..the mage with a scary dragon attack spell." says Asta

Noelle comes to the realization and is now embarrassed to know that Nozel was watching her train all this time.

"You've grown from that insecure little girl who couldn't focus her mana a couple months" says Asta

"Who are you calling insecure?" asks Noelle with a pouting face

Asta laughs and then walks over to the window and sees all off the Royal guards escorting the three royals out of the castle

"Why are all the guards leaving as well?" asked a puzzled Asta

"Oh, it's only the four of us , to prevent our family tree from being erased they usually send everyone except 1 or 2 to protect me, but since I have you I guess they're taking everyone, and the maids usually take off for the day(s)." responds Noelle

"I see.. well what do you do when everyone leaves?" Asta asks

"Hmph, that's enough questions" says an annoyed Noelle

Asta sits down.

"How about we eat , please go and make us something to eat." says Noelle

"I'm not a cook , I'm your bodyguard." says Asta while making a face

"If you're my bodyguard then protect me from hunger, im starving" says Noelle making a puppy dog face

"I don't get paid enough" says a stern Asta

"Well you're fired" jokingly says Noelle

Asta attempts to jump out the window before he is grabbed by Noelle with a pout on her face.

Asta grabs Noelle and pulls her close and jumps out the window.

"WTFFFFFFFF" Noelle screams

"We're going to the festival at the center of town, the food there is great" says a falling Asta

He takes his demon slayer sword and throws it below him while falling with the Queen in his arms, then he lands on it and they start flying towards the festival.

~~~~To be continued~~~
**Authors Comment: I have writers block 😩 S/O to the readers that said they can't wait for another chapter (only reason I was able to make this lol) —next chapter soon

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