Chapter 23 - Honesty

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It's now the day after the tournament / day after 'Astelle' made up.

Asta is awakened on the beach by an annoying anti-magic bird

"Move, dammit!" Asta yells at the bird

Asta can still smell Noelle on his lips , he cracks a slight smile and then starts doing his daily 1000 push-ups.

Hours later, Noelle awakens in her room and immediately thinks about Asta

She hugs her pillow tightly and starts lightly kissing it

"Asta-kun" says Noelle softly

Noelle gets up and then remembers Morgen is in the hospital.

"I need to go talk to him" says Noelle

Noelle washes her face and heads to the hospital.

She arrives at the hospital and sees Nacht and Julius talking to Dr.Owen

"How is he?" Noelle asks

"He's fine thanks to the Wizard King's healing ability, I just had him rest here overnight to be safe." says Owen

"You may go in" says Julius

Noelle enters the room to see Morgen staring at the ceiling.

Morgen sees Noelle and his face lights up

They greet each other

"How are you feeling" Noelle says with a smile

"I'm fine , thanks for checking on me, I was actually about to get up and head back to the castle" responds Morgen

Noelle goes silent

"What's wrong?" asks Morgen

"Umm...Morgen I came here to check on you but also I came to tell you, I no longer need you to be my bodyguard " says Noelle timidly

"You're firing me?!" shouts an angry Morgen

Noelle is now scared after feeling Morgen's immense pressure being released

"I'm not, I-I just no longer need a bodyguard" says Noelle trying to calm down Morgen down

Nacht andJulius enters the room after feeling an immense mana pressure

"What's going on?" Nacht asks

"This b**** fires me because I lost to her old bodyguard in the tournament" says Morgen coldly

"You should watch your mouth when addressing a Queen unless you want your head chopped off" says Julius walking up to Morgen

"Stop! I only relieved him of his duties because I have no interest in being the head of my house anymore" says Noelle

Nacht , Julius , and Morgen are all shocked

"W-what?" asks Julius

Asta enters the room

"She said she no longer wants to be Queen" says Asta

Everyone turns around and shocked to see Asta

"Asta-kun" says a now happy Noelle

Asta walks to Noelle, he then lifts up her face by her chin

Noelle's face becomes red as she blushes

Asta kisses her in front of Julius, Nacht, & Morgen

The other three in the room are now wide-eyes and speechless as Asta and Noelle are still kissing

They stop

"After this war is over , I'll be making her my wife" Asta informs the room

Noelle now has tears coming from here eyes

"SHUT UP DAMMIT, Julius arrest that peasant, he just kissed a Queen" yells Morgen while sitting up in his hospital bed

Julius snaps back to reality

"It's not illegal for a peasant to kiss a Royal's just uncommon" informs Julius

Noelle grabs Asta hand

Morgen clenches his fist and then pulls out his grimoire

Asta reaches to move his hair from the center of his forehead

Nacht eyes widen and he immediately jumps in front of Morgen

"ENOUGH!" yells Nacht

Asta removes his hand from his forehead

"Brother , you are no match for him now , he's even stronger than me , he wanted to fight at the tournament so we kept it a secret, he's now the second strongest in our kingdom" says Nacht

Julius and Noelle eyes widen

"Miss Noelle ... i love you" says Morgen

Noelle puts her head down

"M-Morgen..I'm forever grateful for you teaching me Ultimate Magic and protecting me but...ever since Asta came into my life, he has had my heart, he was the one that gave me confidence and taught me how to use my magic, he was the one to show me there was a world outside my castle, he made me feel things no one else can, I'm in love with Asta..I hope you can understand" says Noelle as she grabs Asta's hand and leaves the room.

Morgen passes out

Nacht and Julius are left in the room in silence

Asta takes Noelle and flies off from the hospital

"Were you serious when you said you'll marry me after the war is over?" asked Noelle

"Yes , my Queen" responds Asta

Noelle grips Asta tighter as the continue to fly
~~~~To Be Continued~~~~

**Authors Comment: sheeessh , Love is a crazy thing 😅

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