Chapter 7 - Sea Dragons Roar!

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After the 3 left the Black Market , Mimosa went back to her castle and Noelle and Asta went to a forest so Noelle could try out her new wand and get some experience using it.

"Aim it steady and don't let it go when you feel mana coming out of it" Asta instructs Noelle.

"Alright" says Noelle , Noelle aims her wand at a dead log tree laying in the middle of the forest.

"Water Creation Magic: Water Thorn" chants Noelle

A sharp Water attack spits out of Noelle's wand

Noelle attack went through the dead log and hit the ground and caused the earth underneath to shake

"Woah , that's kinda scary!" says a surprised Asta

"Yeah , I didn't know this wand was this powerful" says a happy Noelle

"You still don't believe in yourself , I see" says Asta

"Huh?" says a confused Noelle

"The wand isn't powerful , it's you! I told you have a abnormal large amount of mana I can sense with my 'Ki' , even more than your oldest brother" says Asta

"B-But how ? All they did was tell me I was weak and useless , how can that be?" questions Noelle

"Most likely you inherited this trait from one or both of your parents" says Asta

Noelle's eyes widen as she remembers, her older half-cousin 'Meroleona' saying her mother was one of the strongest mages to ever live.

"Mother ..y-you gave me this strength" a teary eyed Noelle says to herself

All of a sudden.. 3 Large , 'S-Ranked Mana Beast' appear out of nowhere and heads straight towards the both of them.

 3 Large , 'S-Ranked Mana Beast' appear out of nowhere and heads straight towards the both of them

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"Queen run!" yells Asta

Noelle turns around and screams before her and Asta start running, while the 3 beast are close behind.

Noelle trips and falls , the bear beast is closest and attempts to take a bite out of her.

"No you don't!" Asta shouts as he kicks Noelle out of the way and dives in front of her.

Asta is on the ground, laying on his back with his demon slayer sword in front of him struggling with the mana bear.

The other two mana beast are now approaching.

Noelle is having a mental struggle/breakdown

"What do I do!? He's protecting me! My bodyguard is doing his job..but its not right for him to sacrifice his life for mines, I need him with me" Noelle cries

"Run! Go! " yells Asta

Noelle has a flashback to when her and 'Nebra' were fighting one day and Nebra sent her flying into the wall , when she got up she ran away and Nebra told her "Yea 'go and run away' you weakling"

"No! No! No! I won't run away again!" demands Noelle

Noelle's grimoire starts glowing..A new spell appears!

Noelle sticks out her wand:
"Water Creation Magic: Sea Deagons Roar!" chants loudly Noelle


Noelle new spell sends a water dragon flying at the Bear-Beast on top of Asta , it lifts the bear into the air and crushed it , blood is raining down.

The two other mana beast runs away after seeing the bear beast get torn to shreds

Asta is still laying on the ground with his eyes wide open ,trying to process what Noelle just did.

"Y-you did it passed!" says a smiling and surprised Asta

"Huh , I passed? questioned Noelle also admiring Asta smiling as she never sees

"Hehe , I knew after you had made a loud noise with one of your spells that a beast would appear." says Asta

Noelle stands shocked

"But I did not expect three beast to come , that was very unusual" says Asta

"So when you were on the ground struggling with the bear that was fake?" asked Noelle

"Uhh No , that was real" says Asta while scratching his head

The Queen runs up to him and grabs him by his shirt with teary eyes

"D-don't do that again please , I can't lose you" says a crying and slightly blushing Noelle

Asta is speechless and then he hugs her and the two share a long meaningful hug

"I still had everything under control, I told you to run because I was going to use a ability of mines that I can only use once every three days" says Asta

"What ability" says a curious Noelle

"Don't worry about it , but if I had used it , you would've been killed in the were to close that's why I told you to run." says Asta

Noelle stands speechless
"How strong is he really that he can take out a royal and three S-ranked mana beast in 1 attack" Noelle says to herself shocked

Asta pats her on the head and says

"Stop overthinking , lets go back to the castle, more beast will be coming soon"

As Noelle and Asta head back , Noelle remembers Asta smile after her new spell and gets happy inside knowing she makes someone happy and proud.
**Authors Comments: Thank You Everyone !! This story has just began and we are ranked #1 in the AstaxNoelle tag 🥇 [7-20-2021]

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