Chapter 4 - Queen's Training

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A startled Asta finally wakes up from his long night.

"Who is making this loud noise?" Asta asks

Asta gets out of bed and looks outside the Queens window and sees Noelle with her hand aiming at a target on a tree with big holes in the ground filled with water.

"It's the Queen" Asta says

"Sea Dragons Waterball!" Noelle shouts

The water-ball flies towards the tree then takes a 'U-turn' back at Noelle.

"What the.." Asta says confused

Asta takes his Demon Slayer Sword and launches it at the water ball that's heading towards Noelle.

Noelle closes her eyes as she prepares to be hit by her own attack.

"Huh?" Noelle says, as she looks at a sword in front of her.

Asta jumps out of Noelle's window into the yard where Noelle is standing.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Asta ask jokingly

Noelle turns around and sees Asta standing there. She puts her head down and says to herself.

"Another person coming to make fun of me."She says with tears falling out her eyes.
Asta walks up to her and lifts up her face , by her chin and says.

"What's the matter?"

"You came out here to make fun of me because I can't control my magic , didn't you ?" says Noelle with tears flowing

Asta looks confused

"A royal who can't control her magic" Asta then starts laughing

Noelle turns away and tries to run.

Asta grabs her hand

"Is that all?" He asks

She turns and looks at him

"I admit , that is weird but why would I make fun of you when I don't even have mana" he says

Noelle eyes widen in shock

"But you defeated the noble Finral yesterday at the festival" she says

"Did you hear me chant any spells? Do you sense any mana coming from me?" Asta asks
Noelle remembers when he was introduced to be her bodyguard, she didn't feel a drop of mana from him.

Asta smiles at her

Noelle stares at him

"But why are you smiling, that's horrible" Noelle says.

"Why aren't you smiling? You can't control your magic , that's all? Also, you have an abnormal amount of mana , I sense with 'Ki', you have more mana than your other 3 siblings." Asta says

Nozel who has been hiding in his window watching Noelle , even before Asta came outside, stands in shock after hearing that.

"Aim at the tree again, this time close your eyes and breathe deeply" Asta says

Asta gets behind her and puts his body up against hers.

Noelle is flustered and hot inside.

"What do you feel my Queen?" Asta asks

"Everything..please back up" Noelle says blushing

"That's the problem, you're only suppose to feel your mana" Asta says

Noelle is shocked at the realization.

Asta puts his face in her shoulder next to her ear and lower part of his body up against her butt.

"Breathe deeply and feel your aura of mana, feel that movement of your water mana around you, move some of that water into your hand and visualize it going to the tree" —Asta

Noelle has her eyes close and is in a trance.

"DO IT!" Asta says while breaking her trance.

"Sea Dragons Waterball!" Noelle shouts

BOOM! The target and the tree is obliterated

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The target and the tree is obliterated.

Nozel is in his window and is shocked as he was about to attack Asta thinking he was trying to take advantage of his sister.

"I-I-I did it! " Noelle shouts

Noelle turns around and hugs Asta tightly and then kisses him on the cheek

Asta is taken by surprised and blushes.

Noelle quickly realizes she got too happy and turns her head in embarrassment.

"I use that tenchnique when I use my power" Asta says

He indirectly taught her 1 aspect of 'Ki'.

"But you don't have mana , so you can't use magic, so what power do you have?" Noelle asks

"Anti-magic" Asta says

Noelle and Nozel both shocked at hearing this.

Asta only told the Wizard King , its anti-magic ,
most people know some of what he can do, but they don't know it's actually Anti-magic.

"That's enough questions about me though" he says

"You need to train more , do it 1000 times" he says

"HUH?" says Noelle frustratedly

~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED~~~~~~~~~~~
Authors comment: Mini timeskip is coming ++

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