Chapter 10

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    The next morning Hayley and I entered the downtown offices of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on State Street. A quick search of Cassidy Martinez told us she was based here.
    "Can I help you?" A friendly looking woman asked us from behind a massive counter in the lobby.
    "I guess we look confused." I whispered jokingly to Hayley.
    She gave me a look then turned to the woman. "Yes actually. I'm Detective Williams and this is Detective Morris from MPD, we are looking for a specific reporter." Hayley paused and leafed through her notebook even though she knew damn well who we were looking for, stupid games. "Ah here she is, Cassidy Martinez who writes for the community page."
"Oh that's easy Detectives." The woman said with a huge smile. "Cassidy's on the third floor. Cyndi's the receptionist up there; she'll show you where to go. I'll call up and let her know you're on your way up." She rattled off and picked up the phone. Before dialing she quickly added, "The elevators are down the hall on the left and the door for the stairs is across from them on the right."
"Thank you very much Julie." Hayley said with a flirtatious smile.
As we walked away I said, "Did you know her?"
Hayley laughed then said, "No, there was a name plate in front of her so I guessed that was her name. Though I wouldn't mind getting to know her."
"Oh god!" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "Leave it to you to be searching for your next conquest while we're trying to find a killer." I added as we stepped into an empty elevator.
"Wow, you're a cranky bitch this morning. Did you not have your coffee this morning?"
"No I didn't but that has nothing to do with it." I snapped back.
Hayley looked me over then asked, "Aaron?"
"That obvious?" She nodded so I continued. "That lazy son of a bitch didn't want Sebastian around today so he suggested in front of our son that I had to watch Bash today even though I had to work."
"Ouch!" Hayley grimaced knowing that Sebastian loved going to the station. "That's not fair of the bastard. We all know Bash idolizes you and loves playing detective."
"Right!" I said exasperated. "Bash was nearly in tears when I told him he couldn't come along. I hate when Aaron tries to make me the bad guy. It's such a stupid game that he will never win."
"Damn right!" Hayley replied enthusiastically. "So how is he losing today?"
"Well I figure if our conversation with Ms. Martinez goes smoothly we can swing by the house and bring Bash back to the station with us." I explained with a smile.
"Sweet, it's been a while since Detective Bash roamed those halls."
When the elevator doors opened we were met by a familiar face. "Detectives, I figured you'd be coming by to talk again. Let's go to the conference room."

"Interesting. "The killer thought as they sat looking at the office building.
They were becoming an expert at stalking their prey. Following people was easy but there was definitely an art to remaining undetected while observing every aspect of someone's life. Every waking hour spent getting to know these people, their habits, their patterns and their dirty little secrets. Some may think this is way beyond obsession and in a way it was, this was the source of the killer's pride, what defended their existence.
"Can I get you anything else ma'am?" The waitress asked.
"Just my bill. Thank you." She said with a smile. She had watched enough for now. She must now go and plan her next masterpiece.

    Once the door was closed and we were all seated I got right to the point. "We really only have two questions for you Miss Martinez."
    "Please call me Cassidy. I think we established that during our last conversation Detective."
    "Alright Cassidy how do you know the Garcia family in New Berlin, if you did at all? And where were you during the day on the 18th?"
    "Going right for the throat this time, hey?" Cassidy joked but neither Hayley nor I looked amused.
    "Please answer the questions." Hayley urged.
    Cassidy opened the folder I hadn't noticed and pulled out a few pieces of paper. "I had a feeling I would need this information documented. I was here in the office two days ago, here's a list of people who can confirm this. And this is an email confirming a meeting I was supposed to have had with Jamie last night to interview her for a story."
    Hayley looked over the paperwork then nodded to me as she handed it over. I quickly glanced over it as well then said, "Thank you Cassidy, this is all very helpful. Obviously we'll have to confirm this information but we greatly appreciate your cooperation."
    "No problem Detective. I do have something else too."
    "Really?" I said a bit surprised. The stuff she gave us, if true, was more than enough to clear her off the suspect list.
    "I did a little research of my own after I heard about the second set of murders. I found a few things these families had in common, besides me of course."
    I stifled a laugh then quickly said, "Cassidy please leave the police work to the professionals. We'll solve this."
    "Well from where I'm sitting Detective it seems you've got nothing. I mean it's been a month and all you've got is two dead families. Obviously there are similarities that you guys haven't released to the press or you wouldn't be here talking to me."
    Hayley looked over at me and knew I was getting annoyed with this reporter's assumption that was basically the truth, so she jumped in. "Thank you for your alibi Cassidy but we have a killer to find without help from the press." Hayley stood up and headed to the door. Before opening it she turned back and said, "Don't quit your day job."
    "But I can help." Cassidy replied, almost whining.
    I stopped just short of the door and said, "Not likely, this is a bit beyond the realm of the community pages."

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