Chapter 31

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"Why are you giving me such a hard time about Chyler anyways?" I asked glaring at Hayley after the pizza was done and cleared away.
She just laughed and replied, "It's not often that big bad Ashlee Morris is rendered speechless by a pretty face."
"Ashlee rendered speechless at all is amazing, no matter who caused it." Kayla added smiling.
"Very funny guys." I replied rolling my eyes. "But it's complicated." I added quietly.
Hayley immediately stopped laughing and gave me an intense look before saying, "You're not thinking about your ex are you?"
"Which one?" I replied dismally knowing these two knew my assorted past.
"Well there's Jenna and the crazy aunt." Hayley stated simply. She watched my face intently to see which one I reacted to then nodded and said, "It's been awhile since the crazy aunt case hasn't it partner?"
"Crazy aunt?" Kayla asked obviously confused. A few moments later I saw the recognition on her face.

The case happened three years ago, it was mine and Hayley's first case as homicide detectives. It was a case that nearly ruined my career.
Hayley and I were called out to a house on 93rd and Beloit. It's a neighborhood much like the one I lived in; nice and quiet with lots of city employees living there. The house itself was just three houses down from St. Matthias Catholic Church.
The scene was a tough one, two children brutally stabbed to death in their own home. The killer had even killed the family dog and cat. The only survivor was the children's twenty-seven year old aunt who watched them after school. She was hysterical at the scene so she was taken to the hospital and medicated before we could get a statement. Hayley and I camped out at West Allis Memorial until she was ready to talk.
The interview was heart retching. She felt so guilty. She hadn't meant to nap but she had worked fifteen hours overnight then another six hours at her second job before picking up the kids up from Fairview Elementary School. She hadn't heard anyone in the house from the basement where she had been sleeping. She wasn't sure what woke her up but she quickly noticed the kids were no longer in the basement so she immediately went looking for them.
I felt so bad for this woman. It seemed to me she was just trying to support herself and help her family. Who would have thought she'd wake up in the middle of a nightmare? I know I've dozed off a few times while Sebastian was playing in the living room. It was never on purpose and I can't imagine what I would do if I woke up to what this woman did.
    Against everything I had learned professionally I befriended this woman. I saw her as another victim of this horrible crime. As the months passed the investigation went cold but our friendship became more involved, not exactly dating but definitely involved. I guess you could say we were friends with benefits with the potential of becoming more serious.
    Six months later the shit hit the fan. Hayley and I were in the neighborhood of Clare's other sister's house, which was only a few blocks from my own house. She was babysitting so we decided to stop by before we stopped by before we stopped by Kayla's to check in on Jackson who was watching Sebastian and the twins. As we walked up to the house we heard a child scream and Clare yelling so we busted into the house with guns drawn. I was stunned when I saw Clare holding a knife to her three year old niece's throat.
    "Clare, what the hell are you doing?" I cried out, dropping my gun to my side.
    "She's better off dead." Clare calmly replied. "My sister is a horrible mother. She'll be spoiled rotten just like my other niece and nephew were. They're better off now! And soon they will all be together again."
    I put my gun on the counter and walked up to Clare. Totally against every rule we learned in the academy about approaching someone with a weapon but I didn't care. I stopped less than a foot away from her then whispered, "Don't do this Clare, it's not too late to walk away." Pleading with my voice and eyes.
    "I have to Ashlee. There's no other..."
    I caught her by surprise and grabbed her wrist with one hand and her niece with the other. With the knife away from the crying child I pulled away and turned my back to Clare, shielding the little girl from harm. I paid for my actions with a knife in the right shoulder blade. But Clare got a gun shot wound to the left shoulder from Hayley.
    Months later Clare pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. Last I knew she was still in a state mental hospital but I hadn't checked on her in over a year.

    "I about shot you too that day partner just for being so stupid. That crazy bitch could have killed you." Hayley said jolting me back to present day. Obviously her and Kayla were going over the finer details of the case while I was reliving it in my head.
    "What happened to that little girl?" Kayla asked.
    I laughed then replied, "She's a year ahead of Bash in school. He kinda has a crush on her actually but she already has a boyfriend. He's waiting it out in the friend zone right now."
    "They're so cute at that age." Kayla replied with a smile.
    I sighed and took the conversation back, "I guess the long and short of it is I'm leery of a pretty face until I know their motives."
    "You think our hot ADA has less than honorable motives?" Hayley asked.
    "Everyone has motives Hayley. Until I know what they are up to I always proceed with caution in my words and actions." I said then drained my glass.
    "And people wonder why you're still single." Hayley said with a laugh. She refilled all three glasses then held hers in the air. "To caution."
    Kayla and I smiled then said, "To caution." Then we clinked our glasses and drained them.
    "Just not too much caution tonight cause we all seem to want to drink heavily." Hayley said with a laugh then turned towards the bar, "Can we get another pitcher over here please?"

    "Oh what a tale Ashlee." The killer thought as she watched the three women from a couple tables away. "You really seem to think you have bad luck with women don't you? Sad really because you're very attractive, especially when you smile just so and your nose crinkles."
    "Can I get you anything else?" The waitress interrupted the killers thoughts.
    "No thank you." The killer said with a smile then added, "Actually put a couple pitchers on my tab for those three ladies over there." She said pointing at Ashlee, Hayley and Kayla.
    The waitress seemed confused for a moment but then said, "Alright, I'll bring your bill over in a minute."
    "Actually I was wanting to head out. I'll follow you up to the bar."

    Two hours later Hayley, Kayla and I stumbled up to the bar with a slight case of the giggles. I asked the bartender since I didn't see Jesse around, "What do we owe you?"
    Jesse came strolling out of the kitchen as I was asking. When she got to the bar she smiled and replied, "Nothing."
    "What?" All three of us asked in disbelief.
    "Well Ash, I owe you for watching Jagger last week since you wouldn't let me pay you. Plus there was a woman here earlier who covered the rest of your tab."
    "But..." I started to say.
    "Thank you Jesse." Kayla blurted out then leaned towards me. "Let's go sis."
    Hayley and Kayla dragged me out before I could say anything more.
    Once outside Hayley said, "Can I crash at your place Ash? Mine's too far to walk alone and I'm not driving tonight!"
    "Yeah no problem." I said. After a few moments I added, "Are we at all curious who bought us beer tonight?"
    "No!" Hayley and Kayla replied in unison.
    "Okay." I replied with my hands up. I waited a few moments then spoke again, "It just concerns me that some anonymous person paid our tab."
    "Just be thankful sis, we drank a lot tonight." Kayla said with a giggle.
    "I guess." I replied with a shrug still feeling unsettled by our mysterious admirer.

    The killer watched the three women stumble their way home.
    "You should be worried Ashlee. Seeing that the killer you're searching for is close to you and paid your tab." She said with a laugh. "Nighty night."

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