Chapter 18

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When we went outside we found the captain's car was gone. I hadn't really noticed he wasn't around until now, I had been too wrapped up in the scene.
"Well that's awesome, he can drag us from our homes but he can't stick around to take us home?" Hayley commented obviously annoyed. She looked at me and asked, "Want me to get one of the uniforms to take us to your house?"
I shook my head. "Nah, let's walk. I need the time to pull myself together."
We walked in silence which I was grateful for, I just wanted to enjoy the quiet and not think about anything. It didn't take nearly long enough to get back to my house.
"You know I can drive you home Hayley. You don't have to hang around with us."
"Are you kidding me? I'm ready to see these lots of new toys Sebastian mentioned earlier." She answered with a smirk.
All I could do was laugh and say, "You are such a goof!"
"What?" She said with a shrug. "Sebastian gets awesome presents but he's six. He'll probably have more fun with the boxes and wrapping paper than the actual gift."
I rolled my eyes, "He did that when he was three, will you ever let him forget he liked the box that play set you got him more than the actual play set?" I laughed. "What kid wouldn't love scaring the crap out of their mother by repeatedly jumping out of a box big enough for him to live in."
"True I guess. But besides that, you're not getting rid of me anytime soon Morris!"
"Well what about your presents? I know you spoil Bash rotten whenever you give him gifts." I reminded her.
" Not a problem, when the rents show up either you or mom can run me home. Actually probably mom would be best. I feel better with two cops in your house at least!" She said definitively.
"You do realize that's crazy right?" I said with a nervous laugh.
"No Ash, what's crazy is someone going around killing families, leaving you messages in blood and creating a scene by taking cues from your house. Until we figure out what's going on you'll have to get used to me, Kayla and possibly uniforms being around."
"I can protect my family!" I said defensively.
    "I know you can hun but someone's gotta watch your back. And if there is someone peeping on you guys I'm afraid you'll kill them, but I think Capt would probably like to question them first, maybe charge them with some murders and throw their ass in jail for at least a couple lifetimes." Hayley finished with a goofy grin.
    "Valid point! Let's go in and check on the boys" I said then opened the door.
    Now maybe my nerves were shot because of the crime scene but it seemed uncomfortably quiet in my house. I looked at Hayley and as if she read my mind she took out her gun.
    When I reached for my own weapon I found nothing. "Shit!" I said quietly but obviously frustrated.
    "What's wrong?" Hayley asked.
    "My gun't upstairs."
    "Don't worry Ash, I got your back. Just don't get further than an arms length away from me." Hayley instructed.
    We crept into the house slowly, pausing at every doorway and corner as we made our way to the living room. We saw no one, heard no one; I couldn't decide if this was a good or bad thing. We made it to the doorway leading to the living room and looked in. At first I didn't see anything but the aftermath of Sebastian's Christmas present frenzy. I looked back at Hayley and saw her eyes go wide. I quickly turned and ran into the room.
    What I saw made me scream, "Nooo!!"

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