Chapter 48

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    "Detective Morris!" The attorney said holding out his hand. "I'm Will Marlin, Jenna's legal counsel."
    "We've met before Will." I said shaking his hand. Though I didn't remember his name, I wasn't lying about meeting him before.
    "True." He said with a smile. "But I figured I'd introduce myself again in case you had forgotten."
    "Good to know." I replied with an equally cheesy grin.
    "Will." Jenna chimed in. "Could Ashlee and I have a few minutes to talk?"
    Will looked nervous and said, "I would advise against that Jenna. Ashlee is the lead detective on the cases you are being charged with."
    "Was Counselor." I corrected.
    Will now looked confused, "What?"
    "I was removed from the cases about a week ago. I am here simply as a friend, not in an official capacity." I said calmly.
    "Oh," He replied then turned to Jenna. "And I don't care. I would like some privacy so I can speak with Ashlee please."
    Will shrugged his shoulders and said, "Alright, it's your life." And with that he left the room.
    "Ashlee, I'm so glad you came!" Jenna said happily.
    "Hold on a sec." I walked out of the room and saw both Will and Chyler watching the two way mirror. I also saw the red light which indicated the camera was recording and sound was being broadcasted so they could hear what we were saying.
    I pressed the button which stopped both video and audio feeds. "This discussion is off record." I said, glaring at both of them. "Here's my gun and badge." I said as I slammed them on the table in front of the two attorneys. "I'm not a cop interviewing a suspect, I'm a civilian so you have no right to listen."
    "But Ashlee?" Chyler said.
    "No! This conversation is private." I said glaring at Chyler. "I'm sure the Captain would back me up on this one. Shall I call him?" I asked holding up my phone.
    "Alright, we'll go." Chyler conceded.
    "Really?" Will questioned.
    "Yes!" Chyler said intently. "Let's get some coffee Will. Ashlee, you have fifteen minutes then we'll be back."
    "Thank you." I said shortly and waited for them to leave before I went back into the room with Jenna. I immediately started playing a hard rock mix on my phone loudly, put it on the ledge near the speaker and pointed to the far corner of the room. "Talk quietly." I instructed.
    Jenna nodded and whispered, "Ashlee you can't imagine how happy I am that you came."
    I had to admit to her, "Jenna I can't necessarily do much to help you. As you heard me tell your lawyer this isn't my case anymore."
    She frowned. Then she grabbed my arm and pleaded, "Come on Ash, you know I couldn't have done what they are accusing me of. I could never kill anyone."
    "I don't know Jenna." I said shaking my head. "It looks bad already and they haven't searched your house yet. Are they gonna find anything else there?"
    "Are you serious? Do you actually believe that notebook and those pictures belong to me?" Jenna asked. "You should know better than anyone here my handwriting is not as neat and legible as the writing in that notebook."
    I was thrown off. "What are you talking about?" We didn't usually show recovered evidence to a suspect this soon.
    "That Detective, Jameson I think, showed me some horrific photos and a notebook they apparently found in my locker." Jenna said. "I don't buy it though. I just think Hayley has it in for me."
    "And why is that? Why would Hayley have it in for you?"
    "Really? You don't see it Ashlee."
    "See what?" I asked. I was starting to get a bit annoyed with Jenna. I was here to clear her name but she was grating on my nerves. Was this just a huge waste of my time?
    "Hayley's got a thing for you. She'd probably hold a grudge against anyone you've ever been involved with!" Jenna stated then quickly continued, "She probably saw my name and figured, great I can frame her for this shit and really keep her out of Ashlee's life forever."
    I rolled my eyes, "Aren't you over reacting a bit Jenna? Besides you are already out of my life, Hayley wouldn't have to do anything to change that."
    "I don't think I'm over reacting when Hayley's the one slapping the cuffs on me. And she enjoyed it a bit too much in my opinion!" Jenna said, then her voice changed to more of a pleading tone. "I didn't do this Ashlee, I'm being framed."
    Although I believed her I kept a skeptical tone to my voice, "And how would someone frame you? Better yet why would someone want to frame you Jenna?"
    "I don't know, maybe because of our history?" Jenna speculated. "Hayley said something about your family being threatened, maybe the person who did this saw the crazy ex-girlfriend as a good person to pin this on. And did I mention the handwriting in that notebook looks nothing like mine?"
    "Okay Jenna, then who do you think the real killer is? As you said the killer seems to have a grudge against me and you seem like a pretty good candidate." I replied defensively.
    "On paper I guess but honestly I hold no grudge against you for breaking up with me. I dove off the deep end, repeatedly and I get that." Jenna explained. "I know I have issues and I'm trying to work through them. But I swear to you, I have never killed another person."
    I sighed and thought for a few moments before responding. I didn't believe that Jenna was capable of murder but I had let my feelings cloud that a bit. Jenna fucked me over mentally but that didn't mean she was guilty of murder necessarily. "Okay, who would have had access to your locker at work?"
    "Honestly anyone, employee or costumer alike. I never locked it because I couldn't remember the combination." Jenna admitted.
    "Hold on a sec." I said as I walked out of the room in search of Hayley or Jameson. "Jameson, can I ask you something?"
    "Of course Ash, you can ask me anything."
    I ignored the flirting and got right to the point. "Were all the lockers locked when you got to the portrait studio?"
    Jameson thought for a moment then replied, "Yeah, the owner had to open the lockers for us. Why?"
    "Jenna may have been set up, I just needed confirmation. Thank you." I replied.
    "Look Ashlee, I know she's your ex and all but sometimes we don't know people as well as we think we do." Jameson said in response.
    "I understand that's the popular opinion on this situation right now but honestly you guys may be wrong. And I know I might be wrong too but I need to know for sure, I couldn't live with myself otherwise."
    "Look I get that you're worried what people will think Ashlee but that will pass."
    "This isn't about my reputation, this is about my sons future. He may not have one if you guys arrested the wrong suspect." I said then walked back to the interrogation room where Jenna was. As I walked in I said, "So your locker was locked. Are you sure you left it unlocked?"
    "Yes I'm sure. All you have to do is talk to the owner." She said. "After the fifth or sixth time she had to dig out the combination she suggested I leave it unlocked."
    "I'll check on that Jenna. I just hope you're not lying to me."
    "I promise you, I'm not Ashlee!"
    "We'll see about that!" And with that I left. I had work to do.

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