Chapter 37

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After spending most of the day playing and relaxing with Bash and Cain I was feeling a bit more like my calm collected self. I was actually able to sleep for a couple of hours. When I gave up on sleep my son was still very much in dreamland so I quietly went into the kitchen to feed Cain and make coffee, that was at least two hours ago.
While waiting for my son to wake up I checked my email then looked out the window to make sure the cop car was still there. Then I decided to look over my notes here and there, then I looked out the window to check on the surveillance team again. Then I decided to take my mind off the case a little a read more of the Ali Vali book I had started a few days ago. After about a half hour of that I looked out the window again. I'll admit I wasn't completely back to my normal self, a bit more paranoid than usual but who the hell could blame me.
If Aaron thinks he can convince me to get rid of the twenty-four hour surveillance again, he's an idiot. I let Aaron talk me into calling off the surveillance a few days ago. But the pictures on the camera at the scene were taken on several different days so maybe it makes no difference whether we have surveillance or not. Maybe I was the idiot for thinking this will be enough to protect my family. This killer has it out for me and I have no idea how to catch them.
Even though I wasn't entirely sure if the surveillance would do any good, it was the best option I had. I suppose I could hide Aaron and Bash away somewhere. Even if I could afford to tuck them away, would that even matter? This killer was smart, how do I know that the killer wouldn't find them? If the killer couldn't find them then there's the anger factor. If I piss the killer off then who will suffer, me or another innocent family? The saying don't poke the bear exists for a reason. So for right now I had to hope the killer would be deterred from coming near my family for the time being.
All the doubt was the mother side of me, but the cop side of me had different feelings. Obviously this killer has decided, for whatever reason, that we will be one of their targets. So why not use us as bait for this killer? This idea scared the crap out of me but at the same time it may be the only way to draw this killer out of their hiding place. A plan began forming in my head when I heard the shuffle of little feet coming towards me.
"Morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?"
He climbed on the futon next to me and snuggled into my side. "Good."
"So what do you want to do about breakfast little man?"
"Can we go downstairs and have breakfast with daddy?" He asked innocently.
"Of course we can. Why don't you get your shoes and coat on, I'll text him to warn him we're coming down."
Bash hurried off to get ready. Not too long ago this request may have bothered me but not now. I knew the boys had their morning ritual and I respected that time.

When Bash and I walked into the kitchen downstairs two thing surprised me immediately. First there was enough food for a small army. Secondly, there was a small army present. Hayley, Jameson, Jones, two uniformed officers I didn't know, my parents, Kayla and her family were all seated or standing in the kitchen.
"Wow!" Sebastian squealed. "Hi everybody."
As Bash went around personally greeting everyone, collecting hugs and kisses, I walked over to Aaron and quietly asked, "What's going on?"
"Safety in numbers, right?" Aaron joked in a hushed voice.
I raised my eyebrow and replied, "Really? What's going on?"
"I thought a big family breakfast would be nice. Your parents, Kayla and her family were concerned." He replied with a shrug. "Then I figured why not feed the guys who are trying to keep us safe. The only moochers are Jameson and that guy. I don't know why they're here but we have plenty of food so no big deal."
"That's really nice of you Aaron." I replied. "I'm guessing by the sheer volume and variety of food, you didn't sleep much either."
"No, not much."

The family breakfast turned out to be just what I needed. For two hours there was no talk of killers or death. Just a lot of laughing and goofy embarrassing stories.
    As the well fed crowd dispersed I went over to Hayley. "Guess we should get to work, hey?"
    Hayley had a goofy grin on her face and replied, "No work for us today. We're playing hooky; you, me and Kayla."
    "You're kidding right?" I said in disbelief. With another family murdered there was no way we could take the day off.
    "Captain's orders." Hayley said. "He wants us out of the office for the rest of the week, but we still get paid. Besides you did say you weren't comfortable leaving the house with this psycho out there. Now you don't have to."
    "What the hell?" I said angrily. "We..."
    Hayley cut me off, "We will have the Greenfield files here later this afternoon. We can work from here for the next few days. We are still getting paid as I said so I think he expects us to work a bit."
    Kayla butted into our conversation, "I think your Captain knows you will be more affective Ash if you can keep an eye on Bash while you work."
    I had to admit, I was concerned about leaving Bash and Aaron even though there was a car stationed outside the house. I was thankful the captain understood and cared enough to let me work from home no question.

    The killer wondered if Hayley and Ashlee had gotten her present yet. She had driven past the house last night after her observations to find a patrol car posted outside, again. Obviously Ashlee had seen the pictures left of the camera at the Collins house.
    As the killer sat in her trophy room she thought about the showdown she would soon have was Aaron, Ashlee and sweet little Sebastian. They would be her final masterpiece. She was sure of this because she would be the final piece to make the picture complete.

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