Chapter 27

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I had to admit it was nice having an assistant to run out for real food. Chyler's assistant got us sandwiches from The Water Street Brewery which was better food than we usually have on the homicide floor. A definite bonus of someone else picking up the tab and eating in an office where they rarely get called to a scene at any moment.
"From the few words the Chief said to you earlier it seems we may have at least one thing in common Detective." Chyler said obviously trying to make small talk over lunch.
"Really, how's that?" I asked finding myself curious about where this would go.
"I'm guessing we are both trying to break out of our father's shadows."
I laughed then replied, "You got that from him expressing his confidence in Hayley and I then him telling me to say hi to my father from him."
"Well that and I used my own detective skills a bit." Chyler admitted with a smirk.
I looked at Chyler and raised an eyebrow at her and said, "You checked up on me?"
Chyler nodded almost shyly, "Guilty. But to be honest I checked into you, your partner and your captain a little. I like to know who I'm working with."
"Interesting." I said nodding my head. "But you know you could have just talked to us if you wanted to get to know us, that usually works really well too. We don't bite, well Hayley might but God knows she likes to talk about herself a lot so it probably would have been safe." I finished with a smile.
"Fair enough." Chyler replied. She remained quiet for a while, seeming like she just wanted to concentrate on eating. Finally she broke the silence, "Does it bother you that I asked around about you?"
I really considered my answer before I spoke. I didn't want to offend her but it did bother me a little. I was not Miss Popularity around the force so who knows what kind of information she may have gathered.
Chyler nervously spoke again, "Look I'm sorry if I pissed you off. Honestly I didn't mean to pry. Detectives Jones and Jameson came up here last week to talk about an upcoming trial they're testifying in and I asked them about you guys."
That was a relief, at least those two like me. "It's okay Chyler, just from now on if you have any more questions come straight to the source." I answered as nicely as I could, even adding a smile.
"I will." Chyler replied with obvious relief. "So I've heard great things about your father. Does that make you job tougher?"
Wow back to the father question, obviously this is a subject she wants to discuss so I shrugged then answered, "Sometimes, but it's okay. I know I'm good at my job and those close to me know it too so that's all that matters. Those assholes in other departments who think I got where I am because of my dad aren't worth my time. I'm just a regular cop, too bad they don't just think I slept my way up the ranks like any other female that outranks them."
"That's a good and interesting attitude to have." Chyler replied with a laugh.
"So what about your dad? What's the story there? You said we have father issues in common."
"Well my dad was a very successful defense attorney and is now a high paid corporate attorney. I went to law school, just like my brothers Cameron and Connor to make our father happy. We all had to choose our own paths of course and my brothers both chose to not work in my fathers practice. I felt I had to work for my father because they didn't, although mostly I was treated like a kid and a gopher."
"So that's why you came to work with the common folk?" I joked.
"Yeah something like that. I wanted to actually do something meaningful. After a year I realized why my brothers didn't want to work for our father." Chyler smirked.
I wasn't really sure what to say, it was awkward to hear about other peoples dysfunctional families. I figured I'd change the subject slightly. "So you said you have a nephew?"
Chyler beamed as she replied, "Actually I have two nephews and a niece. My brother Conner and his wife Chelsea have a two year old son, Michael, and a seven month old baby girl, Sierra. Then my other brother and his girlfriend have a four year old son Jordan. They are so much fun and all three have totally different personalities."
"Kids definitely keep things interesting, that's for sure. Did you ever want any of your own?" I don't know what compelled me to ask suck a personal question but I decided to wait and see how she responded.
Chyler considered the question for a few moments before answering, "Maybe in the future, meaning four or five years from now. I'm only thirty so I have some time but not as much as I used to when I first considered having kids. Right now I'm too focused on my career to have much of a social life, much less think about having a kid. What about you, Detective?"
I tried not to burst out laughing.
Chyler spoke quickly, "I mean any nieces or nephews? Or do you think you'll have more kids someday? Either question really?"
I took a deep breath to control my laughter because Chyler's reddened cheeks showed she was embarrassed, "Well I have twin thirteen year old nephews, that's it so far. My sister Kayla complains about them all the time but I think secretly she wants more kids, especially a girl. She hates being outnumbered!"
"Your sister is the ME right?" Chyler asked a bit more confidently than her last couple of questions. I nodded and she quickly continued, "I hear she's one of the best in the state from some of my colleagues."
"I like to think so but my opinion is biased. Our father always taught us if you're going to commit to do something, you better be the best." I finished with a big smile.
"You know what you smile like that your nose crinkles up." Chyler said with a laugh then added, "It's cute."
    I didn't know how to respond to her comment. Was it just that, an innocent comment? Or was she flirting with me? Plenty of people had told me that before but for some reason Chyler saying it made me blush.
    "So, ah, back to our topic. Your dad's attitude sounds familiar. Do you have any other siblings I should know about?"
    I shrugged and replied, "Depends on how you look at it."
    Chyler looked confused, "I'm hoping there's an explanation to that response. Usually the sibling question is pretty cut and dry."
    "Of course." I smirked then continued. "My parents only had two kids so technically the answer is no. But ever since I became friends with Hayley at the academy my parents pretty much adopted her into the family. If you ask my parents they say they have three daughters."
    Chyler nodded and said, "Makes more sense now. So you guys have been partners for a while?"
    "Our whole careers with the exception of my maternity leave I guess. Though even then she was at my house everyday either studying for the detectives exam or bouncing India's off me about work. Drove Aaron nuts but oh well." I finished with a laugh remembering how pissed off he was everyday Hayley walked in the door.
    "So your family loves Hayley but Aaron's not a big fan?"
    "Aaron and Hayley have grown since then. They're not exactly best friends but they at least get along now."
    Chyler nodded and took her last bite of her sandwich.
    I was actually sad when we had both finished our food. I had enjoyed talking with Chyler and for the most part the conversation had flowed so easily. I found myself wanting to know more about this woman I had only met today.
    "Well Detective, before we get back to work you still have one question of mine to answer."
    "What was that?" I asked cause I honestly had no clue what she wanted to know.
    "I asked earlier, did you want to have more kids? You asked me and I answered so I figure it's only fair you answer too."
    "Oh yeah," I remembered then immediately wondered why she wanted to know. I thought about asking but decided to answer her question instead. "Maybe some day because I love being a mom but right now I am too focused on my career. And being pregnant while on the job is tough!"
    "And Aaron is okay with that?" Chyler inquired.
    This question made me laugh, "Aaron and I haven't been a couple for a few years so it's none of his concern. And as Hayley loves to point out I have no social life what so ever so no prospects to start a family."
    This made Chyler laugh, "Well I'm sure it's not easy to find a guy willing to go toe to toe with you."
    "What?" Her statement caught me completely off guard.
    "Well you seem like a very strong, independent woman. I can't imagine it's easy to find guys secure to handle that."
    I studied Chyler's face for a few moments to see if she was joking with me, but her expression said she was dead serious. It was too much and I busted out laughing.
    "What?" Chyler said before nervously joining in my laughter. "What did I say that was so funny?"
    I composed myself slightly then asked, "You said you asked Jameson about me right?"
    "Yeah," She answered tentatively then added, "Her partner Jones too."
    "And did you get the impression that Jameson has a crush on me?"
    Chyler thought for a moment, "Now that you mention it they both kinda seemed to. Either that or hero worship, who knows."
    "That's cute!" I said with a laugh.
    Chyler actually looked annoyed now. "Are you gonna tell me what has you laughing like a hyena or should we get back to work?"
    "Sorry, I didn't mean to tick you off Chyler. I'm just surprised no one said anything about my personal life, they've never been quiet about it before. Jameson especially loves to dish about my personal life usually."
    "Well I heard you had a son, what else am I missing?"
    "Hmm," I really wasn't sure if I should tell her or not. If I was mistaking friendly conversation for flirting then she might freak. I hate it when I don't know what people's reaction will be.
    "Would you just tell me what I'm missing already?" Chyler insisted.
    "Chyler, I'm bisexual. But I definitely prefer women." I blurted out then looked at her anxiously awaiting her reaction.
    Chyler nodded her head, "I only date women, another thing we have in common. Shall we get back to work?"

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