Chapter 24

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    The captain brought my attention back to the task at hand. "Actually before we get to Williams and Morris, John are you going to stay for their report? I know you've already read through the files so I wanted to make sure if you had any interest in their take."
    "Even though I am interested in what the detectives have to say," John said, gathering up his paperwork and tablet. "I was hoping one of the detectives could accompany me out to the crime scenes so I could get a feel for the physical area. Both elements will help me greatly develop an accurate profile."
    "Fair enough. Williams you take John out the Olsen house and the Daniels house. For the other two houses we'll have to go through New Berlin and Muskego departments for access but I'll get someone working on that. Hopefully by the time you've gone through our two crime scenes we'll have someone ready to take you through the other scenes or we'll have permission to go through those scenes." The captain instructed. "Morris you can go over what we know with Miss Dutton."
    Hayley leaned towards me and whispered, "Why do you get all the luck Ash? Wanna trade?" She finished with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
    Before I could respond the captain chimed in, "Come on Williams, get going. You've got four crime scenes to go through, that takes time that we don't have to spare at this point."
    Hayley turned towards the captain and nodded. As she got up she turned back to me and showed a huge pout on her face. I shook my head and couldn't help but laugh quietly as they left the room. Although I usually liked being out in the field more than being stuck in the station, this was probably for the best. If Hayley was left here alone in a room with the ADA the last thing on her mind would be the case.
AzawqGo     "If you ladies will excuse me as well, I have a mountain of paperwork from other cases to catch up on and two departments to sweet talk into cooperation. If you need anything I'll be in my office." The captain said then also left the room.
    "And then there was two." Chyler joked.
    When the captain finished talking I quickly looked down at the file in front of me. When I heard Chyler joke I looked up and saw she was smiling. 'Oh boy, that smile could be the death of me.' I thought and couldn't help but smile back, it was infectious.
    "Your partner was kidding about the mute thing right? I mean I think I did hear you speak like three words to the chief, or was imagining that?" Chyler said in a friendly tone.
    I laughed, "Yeah she was kidding."
    "Ah she does have a voice." Chyler replied with a huge smile. "And a pleasant sounding one at that." She finished with a wink.
    "That meeting was just a lot of bull shit political posturing. Situations like that I'd rather stay unnoticed than jump in the middle of the conversation." I admitted honestly.
    "I get that." Chyler said nodding her head. "How about we move this meeting up to my office? Not that this conference room isn't nice in a sort of official cop like way but I actually have comfortable furniture and an assistant who will run out to get us lunch."
    "Alright, give me about ten minutes and I'll meet you up there." I said with a smile, "I have to take care of something quick."
    Chyler nodded and smiled as she gathered up her things, "Then I will see you soon Detective."

    "Come in!" The captain's voice boomed from inside his office moments after I knocked.
    I opened the door and asked, "Can I talk to you for a minute Capt?" When he nodded sadly I closed the door behind me.
    "Don't tell me she already pissed you off Ash? Her boss told me she can be a bit infuriating but I was hoping you might scare her into silence or compliance or something?" The captain rambled while rubbing his forehead. He kept talking like I wasn't in the room, "I mean I figured Williams would just flirt with Ms Dutton mercilessly which would accomplish nothing so what other choice did I have?"
    "Uh, Capt?"
    "Huh?" He jumped slightly, I really think he forgot I was in his office.
    "I ah... wanted to talk about something more personally related to me than the ADA."
    "Oh, okay. But wait, there's no way you could have gone through everything already. You know I'm not letting you get out of working with Miss Dutton, Ashlee. You have to work with her. I would hate to see what will happen if you don't and it may be something I can't protect you from."
    "Wow Capt, was that a threat? I don't think I've ever heard that out of you."
    "Ash, I'm not trying to threaten you but the order to work side by side with her did not come from me. This case is being watched very closely and we have to play by their rules, at least mostly by their rules."
    "That's fair Capt, don't worry I'll play nice. We're meeting in her office in ten, no wait now seven minutes. So back to why I'm here, my house. Did they find anything?"
    When I was leaving the house after talking to Sebastian two marked squads had just arrived to comb the yard and house for any evidence that the killer was watching my family. I had wanted to ask earlier but hadn't found the right time until now.
    The captain shuffled through the files on his desk, picked one up and opened it, skimming the contents. "No bugs or camera's inside, that's good. There were a couple spots in the bushes out front and on the garage side where some branches were broken or flattened. That could be where that SOB was hiding, or an animal or a neighborhood kid. There was no obvious footprints unfortunately."
    "So the killer may or may not be chillin in the bushes outside my house." I replied in frustration.
    "That's about it, yeah. Sorry Ash, I wish I had something more concrete to tell you."
    I could tell by his face that he meant it too. "It's alright Capt. So what does that mean for the surveillance?"
    "Doesn't change a thing Ash. There were too many similarities besides the message to you personally at the last crime scene. For the near future there will be good guys watching your house so no psychos pay anymore visits. Even though the evidence is inconclusive I think we both know this person has probably been watching you guys, at the very least on Christmas morning."
    "Unfortunately I agree, scares the crap out of me to admit that though." I replied with a nervous sounding sigh. "Thanks Capt."

    "So Ashlee, you're making this a bit of a game now, aren't you?" The killer thought as she walked by Ashlee's house and noticed the unmarked cop car across the street. "Raising the stakes a bit? Good thing I like a challenge. But this could get quite dangerous for you and your precious family, are you ready? You raised the stakes by calling in the cavalry, but I can raise the stakes ever higher. You're coming awfully close to making my current list Miss Morris!"

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