Chapter 15

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    After arranging the presents under the tree I was exhausted. It had been a long day. This morning Hayley and I had cleared two cases and been assigned three more by lunchtime. We then spent a few hours chasing down leads before the family festivities. I was now nearly midnight and my eyes would not stay open so I curled up on the couch for a few hours of sleep.

    I woke up to an unnaturally excited squeal from Sebastian, "Mommy, mommy you're here! He was here, Santa came! Did you see him mommy? Oh my gosh he came!" Not waiting for a response he took off running to Aaron's room screaming. "Daddy, daddy!"
    As Zebbie chased after him wiggling just as excitedly as Bash I staggered to the kitchen, my eyes half open, to start the coffee.
    Just as the coffee maker started it's magic Sebastian came running in and breathlessly asked, "Mommy can we open presents before breakfast, please?" He whined holding up his little folded hands. "Daddy said I had to ask first."
    I smiled down at my son who was so antsy with excitement he couldn't stand still. "Of course buddy. Why don't you pick out one for each of us to open while I get the coffee ready."
    I barely got the words out before he threw his arms around my legs saying, "Thank you!" Repeatedly, then he was off. I couldn't help but smile and be energized by his excitement. A few minutes later I entered the living room armed with coffee for Aaron, Cyndi and myself. Then the chaos began.
    About half an hour later the living room looked like a tornado had run through it and Sebastian was down to his last two presents of the morning. He was about to rip open the huge space ship Lego set Santa brought him when my phone buzzed. Aaron and Bash looked at me both wearing worried looks.
    I reluctantly looked at the display. "Oh it's just a text from aunt Hayley, no worries. Let's see what Santa brought you bud."
    As wrapping paper flew I looked at the text. "Turn on the news now! Preferably in another room if Aaron and Bash are around."
    I showed it to Aaron and he gave an understanding nod towards his room.
    "I'll be right back sweetie." I said to Bash and closed Aaron's door behind me.

    "Breaking news this Christmas morning on Fox 6. Early yesterday morning Muskego police apprehended a suspect, thirty year old Jerry Oar, who police have announced has confessed to the brutal murders of the Ross family in Muskego, the Garcia family in New Berlin and the Olsen family in Milwaukee. Until now officials have been tight lipped about these cases but we soon expect word from New Berlin and Milwaukee officials. Muskego police are confident they have the right man, who they apprehended in a routine traffic stop." I turned off the TV and called Hayley immediately.
    "When the hell were we gonna be informed about this?" I said, I was furious. "Did we even know there was a family murdered in Muskego?"
    "I guess we can now consider ourselves informed along with the rest of the metro Milwaukee area." Hayley replied simply.
    I sighed, "But if they have someone claiming to be responsible for one of our cases we should be informed before the media."
    "Ash you know full well the link between the three cases could be cooked up by the media, don't forget our only real suspect is one of them. Who knows what this suspect actually said? He may not even know any details of any kind about these cases, Muskego may just want to look like the good guys with the media's help."
    I took a deep breath realizing she was right, "I guess we'll know more when we hear from the captain."
    There was a knock on the door and I heard my son say, "Mommy? Are you coming back or do you have to go to work?" By the end his voice was so sad it broke my heart.
    "I'll see you in a few hours Ash. Go enjoy the rest of the morning with that adorable nephew of mine."
    "Later Hale's."
    I opened the door with a huge smile on my face, "I'm all yours bud, aunt Hayley had some questions about the plans later today."
    Bash squealed and ran back to his presents.

    At the same time Bash was opening his last presents, across town the killer was just walking into her apartment. She had spent the early hours of her Christmas observing the families who may become her next masterpiece. She walked into her living room and turned on the TV just for background noise. She intended to spend the rest of the morning adding today's information to her notes on the families. She almost missed to replay of the top story. Once she realized what she was hearing she became furious.
    "Who the hell does he think he is taking credit for my hard work?" The killer screamed at the TV. "I was obviously correct in thinking the Muskego cops were idiots but how could this crack pot take the spotlight for my artful disposal of all three families."
    She was beyond furious now. She should be regrouping, updating her notes then heading back out for more observations. She could learn a lot from how these horribly dysfunctional families spoiled each other on Christmas.
    In theory she should have been at least slightly relieved that the police had a suspect that wasn't her or even delighted that her work was finally being displayed in the media but instead she was enraged. Then she began to wonder how this guy knew about her work. Had someone been watching her? Had someone figured out her methodical planning progress?
    It took her nearly an hour to calm herself down. She knew now she had to formulate a new plan. The original plan she decided on two weeks ago, to pay the Moore family out in Greenfield a post Christmas visit was too predictable. She had to improvise, a new unobserved family and possibly a new ruse to get inside the house. Although the thought made her anxious it also excited her.
    She quickly scanned through her inventory of potential families and quickly found the perfect one. She felt like fate was on her side. She headed out to create her next masterpiece but took a quick detour to Ashlee's house. It was so close she couldn't resist. She didn't expect to find her home, she figured Ashlee would be at the station trying to figure out if Muskego had the right guy. But to her surprise Ashlee was at home enjoying breakfast with her family. How dare she not pay attention to the idiot credit for her crimes. This shattered the killers calm and sent her over the edge with rage. "Well Ashlee, if you have no reaction to the news reports of some half wit police department breaking your case, I'll send you a very special message you won't be able to ignore!"

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