Chapter 50

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I parked on the street in front of the house and checked in with the officer outside my house. According to him the only person to enter the house was Aaron's girlfriend and that was over an hour ago. A few seconds later his partner came back from a walk around the house and the block. He hadn't seen anything unusual but did say that Kayla wanted me to call her.
I breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to know that the killer hadn't made her move yet. I still had time, "Have you seen the BOLO for our suspect yet?"
"Not yet but sometimes the computer's a bit slow." The officer in the drivers seat said.
I needed then added, "Call in and see if another unit can come out. I think our suspect may try to pay me a visit tonight."
"Sure thing Detective." The same officer answered. "Don't worry, we're keeping our eyes peeled." He finished with a confident smile.
Her partner chimed in, "I think the ADA has been waiting for you though. She's been sitting in her car over there for about half an hour."
"Oh?" I questioned looking in the direction the officer was pointing. "I'll check with her in a sec. But most important I'll be checking in with you guys every half hour."
"That's not necessary Detective."
I smiled, "It is for my piece of mind. It's five thirty now. I'll call you guys at six."
"Do you need a phone number?"
"Keep one of your walkie's on six." I said pulling a walkie talkie from my pocket. I had enough sense earlier to grab it from the station. "Talk to you at six."

The killer watched expectantly as Ashlee talked with the police officers. She had been waiting for the detective to get home, hoping the sedative she had given to Aaron and Sebastian would last long enough. She also hoped their pesky little dog would remain in hiding. Her final plan could not happen without Ashlee's presence. The killer had so many things to say to the detective before she put a bullet between her eyes.

I turned and walked towards Chyler's car. What was it about blond hair, blue eyed women today? First Chyler, then Tara and now Chyler again, okay it's only been two women but still. For a moment a thought crossed my mind and stopped me cold in my tracks. Didn't a lot of serial killers like to insert themselves into the investigations of their crimes? I tried to recall the picture of Tara Winters but all I was seeing in my mind was Chyler's face. Was my mind playing tricks on me? There were distinct differences in Tara and Chyler's appearances, right? Jenna would have said something, unless Chyler had stayed out of sight. Cassidy would have commented if there were any similarities. Was I just letting paranoia drive me crazy?
I noticed Chyler get out of her car and wondered if I had enough time to pull my phone out and check the email before Chyler reached me. I decided to chance it and moved to get my phone.
"Don't shoot Detective, I'm unarmed." Chyler joked, holding up her hands to surrender. "I was just hoping to talk."
    "Oh no, I was just going for my phone, not my gun." I replied as jokingly as I could muster.
    "That's a relief." Chyler said with a smile. "Is it important or can we talk first? Before you get on your phone that is."
    "Sure we can talk." I said pointing towards the table and chairs in the yard. I allowed myself to relax a little bit. If Chyler were somehow the killer at least I could keep her away from Aaron and Bash easily. And since the cop had recognized Aaron's girlfriend she probably wasn't a threat.
    As we sat down Chyler immediately started talking, "Ashlee, I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to piss you off or anything."
    I shook my head, "It's fine Chyler. You were just doing your job and I was doing mine. We aren't always going to agree, we're bound to piss each other off from time to time."
    Chyler laughed, "I guess you're right but I really don't like pissing people off, especially you for some reason."
    "Well honestly it's inevitable, everyone I know pisses me off now and again." I answered with a smile then added, "If you hadn't noticed, or learned yet, I have a pretty short fuse with a nasty temper behind it."
    "Oddly enough I have picked up on that Detective, but I will never intentionally try to release the beast." Chyler replied jokingly.
    "Release the beast, I like that." I answered with a laugh. "I'll definitely keep that in mind."
    For a few minutes we sat in silence. I'm guessing neither of us really knew what to say next. I knew at some point I should address my attraction to Chyler but was this really the appropriate time? I mean we still had a killer on the loose and all.    Chyler finally broke the silence but standing up and saying, "Okay, well I'll talk to you later?"
    "Actually, have you eaten lately?" I asked before I could thoroughly process what I was saying.
    Chyler smiled, "Not since the McDonalds breakfast I grabbed between your house and mine."
    "Well Aaron invited me for dinner to meet his new girlfriend, wanna come along?"
    Chyler eyed me up for a moment before replying, "Sure why not? If nothing else I know your son is entertaining company and I know he likes me." She finished with a laugh.
    "Are you implying that I don't like you Miss Dutton? Or that I'm not entertaining company?" I joked back, though honestly I was anxious to hear her answer.
    "Well sometimes I'm not so sure if you like me or not." She answered then quickly continued, "Which is sad since we haven't known each other very long."
    "I can see how that's sad." I said with a laugh, trying to keep the joking mood going. "But don't worry Chyler, I do like you." I was silently praying she wasn't involved with these murders.
    "Good cause I like you too Ashlee." Chyler responded. She looked like she wanted to say more but decided against it.
    "Shall we?" I suggested figuring that was enough of that conversation for now.
    "Yes we shall." Chyler answered with a smile and stood. "Where are we going for dinner?"
    I laughed, "Where else? Casa de me. I'm sure Aaron's mom made something he could just heat up so it will be edible. Possibly even good if he doesn't burn it."
    "Um, Ashlee, nobody answered when I knocked." Chyler replied cautiously.
    I shrugged, "Probably couldn't hear you over the TV." I said walking towards the door, "Next time ring the bell."
    "I did that too Ashlee, a few times." Chyler said, "I didn't hear any noise."
    That stopped me in my tracks because anyone who rang the doorbell always heard at least one sound, "Did Zebbie bark?"
    "I don't think so."
    I stalked back towards her, "Think Chyler, did you hear the dog bark?"
    She looked almost scared for a moment then she looked as if she was replaying the scene in her head, "No Ashlee, I didn't."
    "Shit!" Was my first reaction. Something was wrong. That silly little dog barked at any doorbell, whether it was in person or on TV, every time. If she didn't bark, that meant trouble.
    "Ashlee, what's wrong?" Chyler pleaded, breaking through my thoughts.
    I looked in her eyes and instantly decided I needed to trust her, my suspicions be damned. I spoke quietly. "Chyler I need you to calmly walk to your car." I said as I slipped my walkie talkie into her purse. "When you're in your car use the walkie in your purse, on channel six, to tell those officers in the car there is something wrong in the house, I think. Tell them to wait two minutes, giving me a chance to assess the situation and secure the house. If I haven't come out in those two minutes call for backup and get in there, okay?"
    "You should have backup immediately Ashlee." Chyler said, the concern obvious in her voice.
    "I don't want to scare my family if I'm wrong." I gave her a half hearted smile. "Now go!"
    Lucky for me Chyler walked straight for her car. I turned back towards the house. With my gun in hand, safety off and went for the door.

    "Well that took long enough." The killer thought as she saw Ashlee send Chyler away. Though she really didn't care if Chyler would have joined the party, she was glad to be facing Ashlee alone. The killer moved towards her hiding spot in anticipation of Ashlee entering the house. She heard the front door open and smiled, "It's showtime!"

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