Chapter 29

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    Big surprise, I was again rendered speechless by Chyler. This was becoming way too familiar. But I guess on the bright side of things at least now I knew that she's gay. Hayley will be thrilled by this development.
    "So, back to the bits and pieces then?" Chyler asked with a silly smirk on her face.
    I gave an exaggerated sigh then replied, "I suppose, since that is why I'm here."
    That comment made Chyler laugh before she spoke again, "When you went to the two scenes, what struck you first about the scenes?"
    "Well the whole staging aspect I guess. All three victims in each house were killed in one room and staged in a completely different room. Definitely an eerie and unusual similarity." I stated, hating that I was stating the obvious.
    Luckily Chyler didn't seem to think anything of it, she just typed away on her laptop then replied, "True. The Olsen's were seated at the dinner table and the Daniel's around the Christmas tree. What does that tell us exactly?"
    "I would only be guessing Chyler. I'm pretty sure this is why they brought in a FBI profiler."
    "A good point but you were actually there. I'll get the profile from John eventually but you're the lead detective so I'd love to hear your take on it, even if it is just a guess." Chyler finished with a smile.
    "Well both are kinda stereotypical happy family scenes. And from what I saw in the other two cases outside our jurisdiction, the crime scene photos tell the same story."
    Chyler typed again then replied, "Right, the Garcia family in New Berlin was in their family room with Phase 10 set out in front of them but they were killed in their dining room. Then the Ross family in Muskego were killed in their living room then staged outside with the grill going."
    "So the killer wants these families to be found appearing like they were your typical happy family. Although from interviews with friends and family these families definitely had their issues."
    "Even your friends?" She asked while staring at her laptop. "I don't see any interviews with those close to them."
    "Yeah, unfortunately I have to admit that Steve and Adrienne were on the outs lately too. He was working a lot and she was acting kind of distance. As far as I know he wasn't having an affair but I can't be sure." I sighed out of frustration then continued a bit more angrily. "I wish I could say they didn't fit in with these other families but they do. Plus there's still the mystery woman from that scene who has yet to be identified."
    Chyler seemed to ignore my emotional tone about my friends and kept on the main topic. "But why? Why go to all the trouble of setting this up? It makes no sense honestly."
    I smiled then replied, "I'd hope this doesn't make sense to you."
    Chyler looked up at me and I saw the confusion cross her face, "What's that supposed to mean?"
    "This killing ritual makes sense to the killer. It's a good thing that we don't understand why or how they can do these horrible things since we're the good guys."
    "Ahh," Chyler replied nodding her head.
    Since Chyler seemed deep in thought I decided to continue, "Somehow we need to figure out what the killer is trying to tell us by their ritual. Obviously this person has some serious family issues."
    Chyler laughed and replied, "Don't we all?"
    I couldn't help but laugh too, "Valid but normal people don't go around killing innocent families because mom didn't love them or dad was too busy to play catch."
    "Excellent point Detective!" Chyler answered. "So where are we on suspects?"
    "Well, we had one but they had an alibi for the Garcia murder so they didn't pan out."
    "Really?" Chyler said as she busily typed on her laptop again. "I don't remember reading about any suspects."
    "As I said she didn't pan out. I think she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time on the Olsen murder."
    "Who?" Chyler insisted.
    "A reporter from the Journal Sentinel, Cassidy Martinez."
    "Cass was a suspect?" Chyler asked, the surprise obvious in her voice and expression.
    "I take it you've heard of her?" I answered with a smile. "Or are you a fan of her writing?"
    "Well yes on both accounts kind of." Chyler answered with a beaming smile of her own. "She's the mother of my nephew Jordan. She's my brother Cameron's soon to be fiancée."
    "Oh, sorry." I said quietly.
    "No, don't be sorry. There was obviously a reason you suspected her." Chyler quickly replied as she read something on her computer. After a few moments she spoke again. "Wow, I hadn't noticed she was the one that found the Olsen family. I'm surprised she didn't brag about that one."
    "No offense Chyler but I thought you said you read through the case files." I said slightly annoyed.
    My annoyance didn't last long after Chyler blushed. "You got me Detective. I only skimmed the more gruesome details. I didn't figure the small details were that important."
    I shook my head then replied, "In a case like this it's all important from the big bloody picture to the dry cleaner they use or the liquor store they frequent. You never know what detail may break a case like this. Usually the key is in what seems like an insignificant detail."
    "Point taken." Chyler replied. "So is there anything that reveals anything about the killer that can help."
    "Define help?" I asked not sure what she was fishing for.
    "Age? Physical build? Gender?" Chyler rattled off.
    I considered what she was asking before I answered. "Probably youngish, meaning twenties of early thirties and in decent shape."
    "Because they had to stage the bodies right?" Chyler asked. I could tell she was hoping she was correct in her thinking. "So we're probably looking for a strong, young guy?"
    "Possibly but not necessarily." I answered.
    "I'm gonna ask again, what do you mean by that?"
    I didn't have to think before I answered, "We have to consider the adrenaline factor."
    I could tell by her face that I had confused Chyler again, then asked, "Adrenaline factor?"
    "Our killer could be weak as far as social standards. They could even be a woman. It's a scientific fact when someone's adrenaline is in overdrive they can exhibit almost super human strength."
    "Can't the same effects be found in drug users too?" Chyler asked seeming slightly frustrated, typing furiously on her computer.
    "In theory yes but in my opinion our killer isn't into heavy drugs that would influence their behavior in a way that would be contradictory to our killer's strategic method." I stated confidently.
    "How can you know for sure? I am reading right here that PCP users can exhibit almost super strength."
    "Well so can Schizophrienics but that doesn't mean our killer is. Hell adults with Down Syndrome can be wicked strong, that doesn't mean any of this applies to our killer." I replied finding myself getting slightly annoyed again.
    "So what does apply to this bastard?" Chyler replied also seeming a bit annoyed.
    "These crime scenes are too forensically clean for a serious drug user. I'm not ruling out that our killer may be a recreational drug user but they are definitely to a hard core user. Honestly the scenes are too clean for any of the explanations I have thrown out. The person we're looking for is highly organized, even their impulse kill was forensically clean."
    Chyler took a couple deep breaths, "So how do we catch this guy?"
    "There has to be a link between the victims. The killer finds their victims somehow. We find that link and we will find our killer, I have no doubt about that." I stated. I just wish it were as simple as it sounded.
    "Why do I get the feeling we're looking for a needle in a haystack?" Chyler asked.
    "Because we are." I answered with a shrug.
    "Good to know." Chyler added with a nod and a smirk.

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