Chapter 21

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    I wanted to ignore the captains warning and just stay at work but Aaron needed to know about the heightened press coverage, this information would be better delivered in person. When I got home I had to laugh because Aaron had let Zebbie out and now she was racing around the yard as he tried to catch her. The dog, at least, looked like she was having a blast.
    "Having problems?" I yelled out with a laugh.
    "I'd like to see you get this little zoomie filled dog in the house when she clearly doesn't want to go." Aaron spat back in frustration between gasps.
    I continued laughing because as happy as Zebbie looked, Aaron looked equally as miserable. But no matter how amusing this little cat and mouse game was I decided to put the poor man out of his misery and whistled. Zebbie happily trotted to the door to be let in the house.
    Aaron stalked toward me and muttered, "You suck!" As he too entered the house. I noticed though there was no anger or malice in his tone, it was more playful like the old Aaron. Once I was in the kitchen he spoke again, "What are you doing back? I thought I heard you leave over an hour ago."
    "I did but I had an unexpected meeting with the captain."
    "He didn't take you off the case, did he?" Aaron quickly asked.
    "No, I thought he would but he basically said the thought hadn't crossed his mind."
    "That's definitely good news. So what's going on?"
    "Mommy!" Sebastian yelled happily as he ran into the kitchen and nearly tackled me.
    "Morning baby. You must have slept well to have so much energy so early in the morning."
    I wasn't sure if it was what I said or the little tickle I gave his side that made him giggle as he gave me a hug. After a quick squeeze he asked, "Can I make myself cereal?" He looked between Aaron and I, obviously not sure who he should ask.
    "Go for it little man." Aaron spoke up then added, "Your mom and I are gonna talk in the living room."
    "Okay." He shrugged and went about making breakfast.
    As I turned to go to the other room I saw the newspaper bagged up on the table. I quickly snatched it and went to the living room.
    Aaron looked confused as he joined me, "Why'd you grab the paper? Bash likes to look at the pictures during breakfast." He said with a smile. "It makes him feel like a big kid."
    I knew this of course but I pulled the paper out knowing what kind of headline there would be. When I unfolded it the headline read, 'Christmas Tragedy: Family Slaughtered.' With a large family portrait of our friends. I turned the paper towards him and questioned, "This what you want our son looking at over his Lucky Charms?"
    "Shit, that was quick." was all Aaron could say shaking his head.
    "Yeah, I know. This was what the captain told me about earlier, for all of our sakes."
    "That was very thoughtful." Aaron replied and paused for a moment before adding, "I guess we should break the news to Bash."
    "What news?" Sebastian asked innocently from the doorway. "Can I have the paper mommy?"
    My breath caught in my throat. There had been plenty of times I had to inform friends and family their loved ones had been murdered, it was part of the job. In this situation though, I was at a loss for words.
    "Buddy come sit down. We have to talk to you." Aaron said as he sat on the couch.
    "Okay daddy." Bash replied.
    I could tell he was confused but he sat down next to Aaron anyways. I folded the paper and sat on the coffee table across from them.
    "Something bad happened yesterday buddy." Aaron started.
    "Did someone get hurt?" Bash quickly asked then added, "Is everyone we know okay?"
    I was about to speak but Aaron shook his head slightly to me, indicating for me to stop.
    "No, someone hurt some of our good friends little man. But mommy's gonna find whoever did it."
    "Who got killed?" Bash asked with tears in his eyes.
    "What?" I blurted out.
    "Mommy, you're a homicide detective. I may only be six but I know you find people who killed someone."
    I smiled slightly, "You're growing up too fast Bash, you know that?"
    "Who mommy?" He insisted.
    There was no beating around the bush now. I looked at Aaron and he nodded so I answered, "Shaun and his parents."
    Tears fell down Bash's face now. He sat quietly crying for a bit. Aaron and I kept looking from Bash to one another not sure what to say.
    Finally Bash broke the silence, "Mommy? You and aunty Hayley are gonna make sure the person who did this is punished, right?"
    I looked into my sons wide teary eyes and with all the confidence I could muster I said, "Absolutely buddy, aunt Kayla's helping too."
    Bash nodded and said, "Good because bad people like that should be in jail."
    I nodded, "I agree buddy."
    Aaron chimed in, "Are you okay little man?"
    Bash shrugged, "I dunno."
    "This is really hard for all of us Bash." I said, "You know your dad, Kayla and I were friends with Shaun's parents like you were with Shaun."
    "Yeah, we all grew up with Shaun's dad." Aaron added.
    Bash remained quiet so I spoke again, "If you wanna talk about it we're here."
    Bash looked like he was thinking hard, "Mommy?"
    "Yeah sweetheart?"
    "You need to go to work and catch the bad guy." He said with conviction.
    "Are you sure you don't want me here?"
    "No, go catch the bad person." He insisted as he stood. Then he pulled on my arm, "Go!"
    I got up and walked toward the door with Bash pushing me. When I opened the door though he stopped me.
    "Yes little man."
    "You're gonna call aunty Hayley and make sure she's with you, right?"
    "Of course buddy." I said looking at him curiously because he'd never asked this before.
    He seemed to sense my confusion and said, "You guys have to find a very bad person. You will keep each other safe."
    I smiled, "We will!" I gave him a hug and walked out. I immediately texted Aaron. 'Let me know if you need me here. I'll be home ASAP!'
    Aaron responded, 'I will. I think Bash will be okay if he knows you two are chasing down the bastard.'

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