Chapter 45

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The pieces seemed to be falling into place which should have made me happy. Instead I felt uneasy. This all seemed too easy for some reason. Our killer had been so careful along the way it seemed unbelievable they would make it so easy now.
Unfortunately all I could do was sit at home and wait for news. Chyler had left this morning intent on getting a search warrant for the portrait studio and Hayley was heading to the station to meet up with Jameson before heading to the studio. With any luck they would have a suspect in custody before lunch and I hoped that suspect was not Jenna.
    I'll be the first to admit that Jenna and I's relationship was a disaster and a half by the end. We met by chance, she was on the team my dad had doing some work on the bar. She intrigued me immediately, it was her eyes. We started off slowly, occasionally going out for a meal, doing to a movie every once in a while or grabbing coffee. After a few months things began to get more serious. We would spend more time together including spending some night together. It seemed like if I wasn't working or taking care of Sebastian I was with her. Six months after meeting her I introduced her to Aaron then to Sebastian and they both liked her. None of us had any clue how badly things would go downhill.
    About a year into our relationship things started to get trying between Jenna and I. She began to demand more and more of my time. Normally it's not a bad thing to spend time with ones girlfriend but she was carrying it too far. Anytime I said I couldn't spend time with her, no matter what the reason, she would jump off the dramatic deep end. Although she had threatened to hurt herself she had never hinted at harming anyone else. Jenna may be a little crazy but I can't wrap my head around her being our killer.
    Given the nature of these crimes, I got the impression that our killer is very cold and calculating. Meticulously organized in all aspects of their life, not just in their crimes. The Jenna I knew was the exact opposite of every aspect of that description but of course I could be wrong.
    Jenna jumped from job to job, usually quitting before they could fire her for her attitude or her attendance depending. She wore her emotions on her sleeve, everyone always knew what kind of mood she was in which I found refreshing honestly whether it was good for me our not. I always hated when people hide their feelings or put up a front, I have a hard time trusting people like that. I can never figure out where I stand with them. Things may be good for weeks or months then all of a sudden they blow up at you for every wrong you've ever committed. At least with Jenna I knew how she was feeling, I didn't always like it and it resulted in some heated battles, but I knew after only a few words where I stood. The last thing that didn't seem to fit was the organized aspect. Jenna's apartment was always a mess, she could never seem to find anything she was looking for. Sometimes just finding her keys or wallet was a half hour chore. Could someone so unreliable, emotionally volatile and unorganized really be the mastermind behind these family murders?

    The more they discussed talking to Ashlee the more it made sense to Hayley and Jameson to put it off until after they had questioned Jenna. Hayley knew she was being a bit of a chicken in delaying the inevitable encounter but she hoped they could get a confession before telling Ashlee the bad news.
    The two detectives stood outside the interrogation room with the captain and Chyler. They all watched Jenna pacing around and fidgeting.
    "Okay, I have to say it." Chyler broke the silence. "She doesn't look capable of the crimes. She looks like a scared kid in there."
    "Looks can be deceiving Counselor." The captain responded though he had to admit to himself that he agreed with her. This woman did not display the confidence that he imagined this killer would.
    "Agreed!" Hayley said angrily, "This woman is crazy, she's more than capable of this shit." She turned to Jameson and said, "Let's get in there and crack her."
    The captain put his hand on Hayley's and said, "You're not going in there Williams."
    "What? I arrested the bitch!"
    The captain replied coolly, "That's exactly why you're not going in there Hayley!"
    "Since when can we not question the people we arrest?" Hayley asked angrily.
    "Well, that's not the point..."
    Hayley interrupted, "Then what is the point Capt?"
    The captain gave her what he hoped was a warning but not angry look before continuing. "The point is your attitude towards the suspect. You are too personally invested in this. Jameson will go in and start talking to her alone." The captain finished leaving no room for discussion given his tone.
    Chyler spoke up as Jameson turned towards the door, "Oh, here's the notebook and pictures. See what she has to say about these."
    Jameson nodded, grabbed the evidence and walked into the room.
    Jenna stopped pacing and looked at Jameson, "Where's Ashlee? I want to talk to Ashlee!"
    "I'm sorry but Detective Morris is out of the building right now, you'll have to talk to me." Jameson replied calmly.
    Jenna sighed, "But you can call Ashlee. She can tell you I didn't do this, I couldn't have done anything you're accusing me of."
    "Well Ashlee's not here and she's not coming either so you have to convince me. So what have you got?" Jameson asked.
    "What do you mean what have I got?" Jenna replied, obviously confused.
    Jameson shook her head wondering if the stupidity was an act or was she just dumb. "What proof do you have that you're not the one who killed the Olsen family, the Daniels family and has been threatening Ashlee's family. Not to mention the families from other cities, possibly other states."
    "I don't even know what you're talking about. I could never threaten Ashlee and Sebastian. Why am I even here?" Jenna pleaded.
    "Sorry Jenna but I have a hard time buying this ignorance act of yours." Jameson said coolly as she opened up the notebook and looked through the first few pages. "Have you ever lived in San Francisco Jenna?"
    Jenna looked confused by the change of subject. "Yeah, I grew up out in California. My mom moved us up and down the coast until I was eighteen."
    "What happened then? I mean after you turned eighteen that is." Jameson inquired.
    "Well I could finally move out on my own, away from my crazy mother."
    "So you did what exactly?" Jameson questioned, leading the conversation.
    Jenna shrugged, "I moved away from my family. I needed to get as far away as I could manage and at the time Milwaukee was the best I could manage. I wanted to go to New York but I couldn't afford to go that far."
    Jameson was surprised by that answer seeing that a few similar murders were in Chicago, Madison and Lake Geneva. Though she didn't let that surprise show to Jenna and continued, "Milwaukee is the only place you've lived since your California days?"
    "Yes!" Jenna said confidently. "I like this city. The winters are a little harsh but nothing I can't live with."
    "Alright, I'll give you that I guess." Jameson said but then went in for the kill. "So what have you got to say about these items we found in your locker at the portrait studio?" She said as she laid out the pictures of the families who had been killed and the notebook with their addresses.
    "What the hell?" Jenna said. She took one look at the pictures and seemed disgusted. "I've never seen this stuff before."
    "Really?" Jameson questioned with a smirk. "Because we found this stuff in your locker at work."
    "But I've never seen these pictures or that notebook! That doesn't even look like my handwriting!" Jenna said defensively.
    "Well forgive me if I don't believe you Jenna but we found these possessions in your locker. Some of these pictures are of families who have been known victims."
    "But why would I have these if I don't know what you're talking about?" Jenna asked.
    Jameson shrugged, "I suppose that's a question only you can answer Jenna. Have you seen the news reports about the Family Killer?"
    "I don't watch the news, it's too depressing."
    Jameson smiled, "Well isn't that convenient. Any way around it, this is not looking good for you Jenna."
    "Then I guess I need a lawyer." Jenna said. "If you won't let me talk to Ashlee then I want a lawyer."

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