Chapter 14

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    If it weren't for the whole Santa and presents thing I swear Sebastian's favorite thing about Christmas was Christmas Eve dinner. Since I bought my house I had hosted my family's traditional Christmas Eve dinner and from the time he could walk Sebastian has tried to help me cook the meal. Honestly he helped with every meal I cooked but this one seemed to be his favorite, maybe it was the excess of messy red sauce and cheese or the fact that he loved playing host and wanted everything perfect. It's scary how much he's like me.
    The guest list was ever changing but the warmth of the family gathering never changed. This year would be interesting: there were the usual suspects being Mom and Dad, Kayla and her family, Hayley who had been adopted into the family years ago when we attended the academy together, and obviously Bash and I. The interesting part was that Aaron was bringing his new girlfriend. I was pretty sure he was doing this just to get under my skin but I refused to play that game.

    I sat back with a beer and watched my nephews, Dylan and Tyler, and my son attempt to make dinner. In actuality what they were making was a big mess but with minimal guidance two pans of lasagna did emerge from the chaos. The pans even made it into the oven an hour before the family was to arrive. I quickly put the boys on clean up duty so Kayla didn't have a heart attack when she walked into the house, because before clean up the kitchen resembled a very messy crime scene minus a dead body.

    Surprisingly everyone behaved themselves during dinner and for the few hours of family time following Sebastian was the perfect little host getting everyone drinks and with the help of his cousins dessert. Even though my entire family disliked Aaron, besides Sebastian of course, we all actually liked his girlfriend. She was nice, not bitchy, not slutty and a successful woman. Ironically enough she was the receptionist from Cassidy's floor at the Journal Sentinel. What the hell she was doing with Aaron, none of us could understand but it wasn't anyone's business but their own. She got Aaron to act like a decent human being instead of the usual cocky mama's boy he normally was so that was all that mattered.

    After everyone had left Aaron actually helped clean up. Granted the lower part of the house was technically his home so he should keep it clean but that doesn't always mean much. His girlfriend, Cyndi, was encouraging him to help me but I was still genuinely impressed none the less.
    When the dishes were loaded in the dishwasher and the trash was taken out Aaron surprised me again, "Hey Ash, is it okay with you if Cyndi stays here tonight? She's not used to the way your family drinks. I think she was trying to keep up to fit in, which we both know takes a while to build up a tolerance for."
    I was shocked he even asked. "Of course. You know Aaron, this part of the house is yours. You can have whoever you want stay over."
    "Cool. I wasn't sure with tomorrow being Christmas and all. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable." Aaron replied with a genuine smile. "So will you stay down here too?" He asked almost shyly.
    "You're not getting a threesome Aaron. Cyndi's cute but you will never be that good." I replied in a semi joking manner, I didn't want him getting any ideas.
    "No, that's not what I meant at all." He quickly blurted out. "I just thought you might want to be down here when Bash wakes up in the morning, you know the whole Santa excitement thing."
    Again I was shocked by Aaron. I never put much stock in the whole Christmas spirit, good will towards man thing but something had gotten into him that was for sure. Of course I had every intention of sleeping down here tonight anyways but the fact that Aaron suggested it shocked the hell out of me. "Thanks Aaron, I'd like that."
    "Sweet! The little man will be doubly thrilled in the morning." He replied. Then there was an awkward silence. We had been getting along so well tonight I was almost waiting for some asshole remark, "Um... did you need help bringing down any presents?"
    "Nah, most of it's little stuff." I said as I headed towards the door.
    "Alright." He said still acting strange. "Ash?"
    "I just wanted you to know next week I have a couple job interviews."
    "Really?" Boy Aaron was full of surprises tonight.
    "Yeah, it's nothing big but it's something. I just need to do something besides stay at home dad you know."
    "Aaron, don't think you have to do anything to prove a point to me. I know I've been harsh with some of the things I've said to you but it's just talk you know. You've gotta find the right job for you. You don't have to settle." Wow, where the hell did that come from. Me being sympathetic towards Aaron?
    "Well I'm not gonna lie, your snide remarks have fueled me a little." He said with a goofy grin that quickly turned serious. "But I've been looking for a job because of Bash."
    "We're fine money wise." I chimed in.
    "I know." He replied not meeting my eyes. "But it's more than money Ash. I see how he idolizes you, wants to be just like you, and honestly I'm jealous. It's not that I don't want him to look up to you but I want him to look up to me too, it's kind of a dad pride thing."
    He looked to me for a response but for once I was speechless.
    "I'm his father yet I have provided him with nothing worth looking up to. I need to change that." Aaron stated confidently.
    I smiled and said, "Good for you Aaron."
    "Thanks." He said smiling shyly again.
    "No problem. I'll run up and get the presents. I can grab the ones from the basement too so you can take care of Cyndi."
    "Sounds good. I'll grab some blankets and pillows for you. I'll leave them on the couch."
    "Thanks Aaron, Night."
    "Night Ash."

    "Yes goodnight to the two of you and that sweet little boy of yours. You two have no idea how perfectly dysfunctional this little family really is. Too bad you have no girlfriend anymore Ash, that would just make the picture complete. It could be my greatest masterpiece... if you were on my current list." The killer whispered from her front row seat observing the detectives family.

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