Chapter 44

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Hayley and Jameson had a look around the studio while they waited for their three suspects to arrive. Chyler had managed to get them a search warrant for the trio's photography space and the owner allowed them to look through the whole studio without protest. They didn't really find anything of interest in common areas but each of the women had a locker in the back of their photography space.
"Can you open these up?" Hayley called out to the owner of the studio.
She came rushing in and said, "I just found the combinations. I figured you'd want to take a look in them."
Hayley and Jameson took a step back as the woman busied herself with the locks. Before she got the first one open the officer in the lobby peaked his head in, "Two of the women are here, Tara and Sandra. We're just waiting on Jenna."
"Figures." Hayley mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes.
"Well both Jenna and Tara said they would be about a half an hour. Tara made really good time I guess." The owner said as she opened the first lock. "This is Sandra's. She's the assistant, well prop girl really."
Before looking through the locker Hayley asked, "Do all three women always work with every client?"
The owner shook her head and answered, "Not necessarily. For example maybe Jenna will do a shoot then Tara will process the pictures or vice versa. Sandra is usually at all the shoots but if she's not needed she'll work the reception desk."
    Satisfied with the owners response, Hayley and Jameson then looked through the contents of the first locker and found nothing incriminating. There was a change of clothes, some aspirin and some granola bars.
    By the time they had gone through the first locker the owner had the other two locks open. They were also informed that Jenna had arrived but they figured they should go through the lockers before interviewing the women.
    Jameson took the second locker and Hayley the third. The locker Jameson looked through was nearly empty except for a water bottle and a bag of chips. The locker Hayley was going through on the other hand had a lot of stuff. She pulled out two messengers bags which Jameson quickly grabbed and started going through.
    As Hayley opened a notebook that was on the top shelf of the locker she said, "I may have something here."
Inside the notebook were names and addresses with descriptions of people, the few Hayley read were families with one child. The addresses were all over the country but they were grouped  together by city with three per page. At the back of the notebook was an envelope with pictures.
Hayley looked at the first picture and knew what these meant, "Whose locker is this?"
The woman frowned and said, "It's Jenna's locker."
"Son of a bitch!" Hayley said then stalked into the lobby. "Jenna you are under arrest for the murders of the Olsen family, the Daniels family and probably a few more before everything is said and done."
"Where's Ashlee?" Jenna croaked to Hayley, looking petrified.
Hayley smirked, "Your ex isn't gonna help you this time. You threatened her family for fucks sake." She glared at Jenna who was speechless and shaking so Hayley continued with reading Jenna her Miranda rights.
As Hayley escorted Jenna out to the waiting car out front Jameson took care of things inside. "We'll still need to question you ladies. Officer Peterson will talk to you in a few moments." She turned to the owner and said, "No one goes in that room until our CSU guys go through it. They should be here soon."
    Jameson pulled Peterson to the side, "How much do you know about these cases officer?"
    "Only what I've read in the paper Detective." Peterson admitted.
    "Thanks for your honesty." Jameson said with a smile. She had encountered many male beat cops who acted like they knew everything about everything. "Can you access your email here?"
    Peterson pulled out his cell phone, "Smart phones are a wonderful thing." He said with a smile.
    "That they are." Jameson agreed. She pulled up the emailed files and forwarded them to the young officer and discussed how to question the women.
    "Got it!" He replied. "I'll type up the interviews and send them to you Detective."
    "Thank you for all your help." Jameson said then went back to speak with the owner.
    Once things were squared away inside, Jameson joined Hayley outside. "So that's Ashlee's ex?"
    "Yeah!" Hayley replied.
    "How the hell are you gonna tell her about this?" Jameson asked.
    "I have no fucking clue." Hayley replied. "But I have a feeling she's gonna freak out thoroughly."
    "Well it appears her ex was plotting to kill her, Aaron and Sebastian. I think she's allowed to freak out a bit." Jameson said.
    "Agreed but you're coming with me." Hayley said as she walked towards the car. "And let's leave our guns in the car. And make sure we get hers out of the house before we tell her."
    "You're kidding right?" Jameson asked nervously. "Just overreacting?"
    "I hope but who knows with Ashlee. There is the saying don't shoot the messenger for a reason. Ashlee tends to react before she thinks so be ready for anything." Hayley said as she pulled into traffic. She thought for a moment then said, "On second thought maybe I should go on my own. Maybe the news will be easier to take with just me there. Plus if she wants to hit anyone it should be me, I arrested Jenna."
    "That's completely up to you Hayley. You know Ashlee and her moods far better than I ever will. All I can say is good luck, if you choose to go on your own."

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