Chapter 54

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Chyler watched in horror as the police car, containing the officers she was just speaking with exploded into flames. Miraculously no debris flew towards her car. She sat and stared at the smoldering wreckage for a few moments before she could shake herself out of the shock that had encompassed her.
Once fully alert, the first thing she did was call 911. She rattled off an abbreviated version of the complicated situation and made sure to tell the dispatcher to inform the homicide division what was happening. As she spoke she realized how crazy she sounded but she didn't care. Unfortunately she had to waste time explaining the situation first to the police dispatch then to the fire dispatch. After the marathon conversations it truly hit her how long Ashlee had been inside the house, nearly ten minutes. She had no clue who was in the house besides Ashlee but obviously something was very wrong. This was not good!
Chyler wrestled with what she should do next. Logically she should wait outside for the police but how long would that take? She was worried about what may be happening to Aaron, Sebastian and Ashlee. Some psycho could be in the house slowly killing the small family, while she sat out here waiting. Going into the house unarmed was not the smartest idea but she saw no other options.
She also decided if she made it out of this situation alive she would take Cassidy up on her offer to teach Chyler to use a gun. Cassidy was a gun enthusiast, her father had taught her how to shoot at a very young age; shotguns for hunting and handguns for personal protection. For years Cassidy had tried to convince Chyler she needed to learn to use a gun but Chyler was apprehensive. The few times they had gone to the shooting range Chyler proved herself a terrible shot hitting the paper maybe once with a nine round magazine. Since the conceal and carry laws had passed in Wisconsin, Cassidy had renewed her efforts a bit but Chyler had stalled. She figured she's never be in the situation where she'd need a gun.
"I should never say never." Chyler said aloud as she shook her head.
She took a deep breath, got out of her car, abandoned sure safety and slowly headed for the front door. She listened carefully for any noises as she got closer but the house was as silent as it had been before Ashlee had returned home. Only now she knew at least two people were inside.

"You know Ashlee, my parents and brother were extremely dysfunctional when I was a kid. Then one night a savior came and freed me from them. His name was Peter Lake. He took care of me and showed me the way."
"So this Peter Lake guy kidnapped you when you were a kid?" I asked. It would make sense. She had probably been a normal cute little girl, guy comes along and snatches her, threatens to kill her family if she tries to leave and corrupts her mind. He made her into his sick and twisted little pet.
"Not exactly Detective." Katie replied with a weird grin. "Peter came into my childhood home one afternoon, killed my parents and my brother then took me in as his apprentice."
"That's why your real name sounded familiar. As a child you were listed as a missing person in California." I stated trying to by time.
    "Yes, I am from California. How did you know that?" Katie asked.
    "The FBI brought your family's case and a few other similar cases to our attention during our investigation of the murders here. The ones you committed obviously."
    "Obvious to you now but your colleagues will never know. For the record I was still in California when I first met Aaron." Katie said as if I should have known this fact then continued. "Peter saw how my family was destroying me and he saved me. He taught me how to continue his work before he found his perfect family. The last thing he told me was one day I would find my perfect mate too, but little did he know I already had. It took me a few years to gain the courage and self confidence to find Aaron but I am here now and I will take my rightful place by his side."
    "But Aaron has lived his whole life in Milwaukee, how the hell did you ever meet him?" I asked. I knew she said she met him in California but all I was thinking was keep her talking til someone comes. It couldn't be long now, I heard the siren so someone should be on scene an second now.
    "He spent a summer in California with his uncle. We met at a kickboxing gym and spent most of the summer together. I just knew we were destined to be together but I was not ready to leave Peter then, I had so many things left to learn. But now is the time Ashlee. It is time for you to die." Katie smiled coolly pointing her gun at my head.
    I had no idea where my gun was and hadn't formed any good plan. I could try to just bowl her over but crazy people can be deceptively strong, I'd learned that lesson the hard way in the past. Besides, I'd seen her handy work so I knew she was no weakling yet she had an issue with her knee so how could she defend herself if I get the gun away, but that was a big if. Words were my best option with her at this point. I blurted out, "Don't you think he'll question being unconscious and me being dead? In the basement of all places."
    "He'll never remember being knocked out. And as far as you well that scary serial killer broke into the basement while you were down here. He attacked you but I miraculously scared him off and saved the family. Unfortunately I was too late to save you." She said proudly.
    "You blew up a cop car outside so no one would know you were already here." I stated, I was starting to put the pieces of her twisted plot together. "But why are they down here?" I pointed to my boys. "How do you explain that to them? They knew you were here."
    "You don't think I have a story to go along with that too? I had to run out for bread for dinner. I returned after the serial killer had drugged them and staged them and staged them down here. Obviously after you were dead as well." Katie said with a smile.
    "Okay but how did the killer get in the house without the cops outside noticing?" I asked.
    "You don't think I already staged that too? You underestimate me Ashlee." Katie laughed. "I already broke that locked door behind you."
    Now she tells me there was a possible escape route, though I would have never left my boys. "So you've done all this on your own? Never took an apprentice of your own?"
    "How interesting that you ask, I can see your Detective brain is still churning away. That is for me to know and you to die not knowing Ashlee, we can't stall any longer." Katie began to sound annoyed. "You've already wasted enough time with all your questions and conversation attempts. You can't even give your beloved son a goodbye hug and kiss before I kill you."
    I looked up past Katie and saw Chyler holding a gun, well my gun actually. This turn of events definitely baffled me quite a bit but it was good to know the explosion had nothing to do with her. But confusion overwhelmed the joy. I hadn't heard anyone come in the house or come down the stairs, Chyler was stealthier than I expected of a lawyer. I also couldn't remember if Katie had done anything to hide my gun. But now it was in Chyler's somewhat shaky hands pointed at me and the crazy woman but whose side was she on?
    Before I could say a word a few things happened almost faster than my brain could process. I heard the sound of the safety click off which made Katie turn to face Chyler as well. I then saw two small black figures jump. It was Zebbie and Cain. I heard Katie scream as the animals latched on to her arms, one on each, then I heard two quick gun shots. The shots sent the animals running; Zebbie to Sebastian and Cain to her nest.
    I could tell Katie and I both fell to the ground nearly simultaneously. It took a few moments for the pain in my chest to actually register. As soon as it did the world went black.

    Katie felt a burning pain in her chest as she feel to the ground. She also felt the teeth that had sunk into her right wrist, causing her to drop her gun, and her left forearm release. She turned her head towards Aaron and Sebastian after she was on the floor. She had been so close. She felt consciousness slipping away. This was not how this was supposed to end. Peter swore she would find happiness in perfections and she had promised him she would find that perfect family. But she had been struck down just before her future had become picture perfect.

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