chapter 1 : unexpected meeting

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the smell of fresh flowers lingered around the room as i prepared to open for the flower shop. it was 6 in the morning and the shop opens around seven.

today, i was wearing a white long sleeve that wrapped around my upper body tightly and i wore a sage green long silk dress on top of it. my hair was on a half ponytail partnered with a white ribbon.

i started unpacking the newly arrived roses which the delivery man gave me this morning. carefully placing them on the table i pulled out the vases where i would put these roses and added water in it to maintain the freshness of the roses.

it was wednesday and i would be working alone today since the other worker cannot attend today. well, it's fine the shop doesn't get that many customers sometimes.

i started unpacking all the other flowers and placed them on the vases then i put them in a safe place to display.

i opened the doors for the morning cold wind to come inside the shop and it was indeed refreshing. it was still summer but the wind nowadays feels cold, maybe because last weekend rained?

i tucked my hair behind my ear but my ribbon suddenly came off. i was about to tie it in my hair but the door suddenly opened.

"good morning! i'm sorry but the shop isn't opened yet-" i turned around to see two men standing. they look dangerous and they were eyeing the shop from every corner.

they look alike, one had pinkish-purple mullet with black streaks and the other had the same hair color but with different hairstyle.

"get out." those were the words that the boy with the mullet said. what do they mean get out? they don't own this shop.

"i don't understand what you meant sir but this is my shop and as you can see it's not open yet so you're the one who has to get out." i walked towards them to assist them to the door but they didn't move an inch from where they're standing.

"you better get out while we're asking properly." the jellyfish hair said and the boy beside had this amused look on his face.

"you're the one who better get out while i'm still asking properly, mr. jellyfish hair." he looked offended and when he was about to rush to me the other stopped him. he was laughing until I heard another laugh coming from outside.

a man with pink hair came inside while clapping, he had these scar beside his lips, he looks dangerous than these two in front of me, and he had a gun in his hand.

"i can't believe someone just called you jellyfish hair rindou, right ran?" he stood beside the two boys as he was looking down on me. i'm not short but compare to these three men they were much taller than me.

"what the hell do you want?" i was scared but i shouldn't show them, they have this dangerous aura around them and they look like deliquents.

"it's six in the morning mistress.. why are you such in a hurry?" the pink-haired man touched my chin and he pulled it towards his face. he smells like.. i don't know how to describe it.

i pushed his hand away and covered my nose. what the hell is that smell?! it was a mixture of smoke, alcohol, and something unusual. he gestured the two men to leave leaving the two of us.

"my dear mistress, do i smell bad?" right now he lifted his gun and it was pointed at my neck. what do i do? do i admit that he smells bad or just denies it? i stayed silent not knowing what to say until he pushed me towards the table.

i ended up hitting my back on the edge. he was strong, so strong.. he walked towards me throwing his gun across the room.

he held my two wrist up in the air with one hand and i was sitting on the edge of the table. my back was arched and he was in between my legs.

"what do you want?!" i screamed, i was terrified right now. i can fight but i can't possibly handle this man.

he pressed his body on me and he positioned his lips on my neck. his breath was hot and he was so close, the tightness around my wrist loosened and i took the chance to run off. i picked the gun he threw then pointed it in his direction.

"stay there or else i'll shoot you!" it was my first time holding a gun and my hands were shaking. i feel like i'm gonna faint, what do i do if i suddenly killed this person? i don't wanna spend my life in jail!

he walked towards me slowly while he had that cocky smile plastered on his face. walking backward i kept on bumping into the new flowers but i didn't care anymore. i could die in this situation!

i bumped on a wall and before i knew it he was in front of me. he pressed his forehead on the gun and he even raised his hands upward.

"it would be an honor, my mistress." he was so close, doesn't he understand the situation? i can kill him anytime! isn't he scared?!

"i'm r-really gonna shoot you! you're going to die!" my hands were trembling like crazy but he didn't even move an inch. his hands went down encirling around my waist while our bodies were pressed closely.

"i don't mind dying in your arms." he whispered softly and when i pressed the gun no sound was heard. the gun didn't had any bullets, did he set this up? my body trembled and before i can even hit the floor he carried me bridal style.

he went to the table again and he placed me there. i stayed there processing everything that happened, i was close to killing a person but i was lucky that the gun didn't had any bullets. the man picked up my ribbon on the floor and went behind me.

he started to comb my hair with his fingers and he tied my hair in a ponytail then added the ribbon. i don't understand the situation but i was thankful that i'm still alive.

"you do realize that you were about to kill me right?" he's in front of me, hands locked up beside me and i was trapped.

"i-i'm sorry.. i was just afraid i d-didn't mean to.." he smiled widely and left out a laugh. i looked up and i saw his scars closely.

"the name is sanzu, sanzu haruchiyo from bonten. nice to meet you, my mistress." he cupped my cheeks and pressed a kiss beside my lips.

after that he left me and picked up a rose from the ground cutting the stem in half and he put it inside his gun. he then placed it on the table then left without a word, i looked at it and there it was beside me, a gun and a rose.

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