chapter 23 : even after all these years

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sanzu's pov

it's night time and a fight will occur soon, i wanted to take a look and see who would win but a mysterious girl caught my eye.

she was with the haitani brothers, is she the girl that rules roppongi with them? the one who hides her identity and lurked in the shadows?

i followed her silently as she hid herself from the eyes of the gangs. putting her hood down, my eyes widen seeing how she looks beautiful. her beauty was simple yet it can captivate anyone's eyes. is that why she got rindou all over her? her skin was delicate and her eyes shined the brightest out of all the stars this night.

i kept looking at her after minutes passed by but then she fainted. i ran up to her catching the mysterious girl in my arms, she got a fever and is burning hot. i carried her bridal style and noticed that she perfectly fit in my arms.

before i took her to the hospital i just walked around from side to side feeling happy that she's in my arms. once we got to the hospital i looked after her for an hour and immediately left after that.

she's the lady of roppongi, who am i to stand by her side?

aside from the haitani brothers that knows her identity, i kept it a secret for all the years that passed. i saw how she worked with them, how she trained them, and how she ruled roppongi. she's too high to reach and if i get powerful does that mean i can be by her side?

a year passed by and i trained myself non stop. i got in touch with the haitani brothers and got closer to them. there was a meeting that i needed to attend to and it was also that day that i found out that she left the haitani's.

"brother, we need to look for y/n! i wanted to take her back but when i visited her apartment she was long gone." rindou shouted as he slammed his hands on the table.

"rindou, that's her choice and we can't question her decision. i know how much you lover her but if you forced her to get back to you she'll feel caged in. let's respect y/n and that's what we can do for her." it was ran this time.

she left? without any trace? how could that be?

"but brother-"

"that's not what a man should do, rindou."

after hearing ran's last word i left and didn't attend the meeting. i was lost and scared that i might never see her again. what made her left? isn't she happy for all the things she got? what else does she need? my head was full of unanswered questions. i never really knew anything about her and that makes me mad. i just want to be friends with her..

after years of working hard i'm now bonten's number two. wealth, power, fame, and anything you can think of i have them. i was with sano manjiro also known as mikey, the haitani brothers, and many more.

after she left rindou haitani called everyone in roppongi to look after her but his power wasn't enough to find her. same as rindou i tried to look for her but she was nowhere to be found.

"boss, we're sorry but we couldn't find her. we'll try again next month but i suggest to stop what you're doing-" before my subordinate can even finish his sentence i pulled out my gun and shoot him.

"how dare you talk back at me? do you even know what i feel? it took years for me to reach the top and i didn't have enough power back then to look for her. now i have everything i'm taking advantage of it." kicking his dead body as i threw my gun at the glass window.

they don't know how i feel, they don't know how i felt horrible when she left.

we're in front of a flower shop as i'm sitting inside the car. it's a mission from mikey and i don't know what he's up to. the haitani brothers already went it to start it but as i look at the window i noticed a familiar figure.

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