chapter 13 : a dream

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i woke up in the room surrounded with cold air and a pair of arms wrapped around me. sanzu was sleeping peacefully beside me, he looks so beautiful. combing his pink hair with my hands, i moved it so it wouldn't block his face.

"good morning beautiful." his morning voice sounded so sexy!

"good morning~ nowadays you've been staying at home with me." i went my way to our bathroom and washed my face.

sanzu followed me behind, he lifted me up making me sit on the sink.

"let me wash your face and do your skin care." i smiled in agreement, he washed my face gently and he even applied a face mask on my face.

"you should wear one too!" i opened a new pack and put it on his face. we took a selfie together and laughed at it.

"we're going to the beach tomorrow." sanzu said, beach? well, it's summer but i don't have anything to wear.

"i don't have anything to wear." i'm kind of embarrassed since all i do is stay at home and sanzu spoils me too much.

"let's go to the mall today and i'll be picking your swimsuit." he was wiggling his eyebrows as a way of teasing me.

after we ate breakfast, we went to the mall and as expected to a expensive shop. sanzu keeps on pointing swimsuit that he wants me to wear and my hands are now full of them.

"oh! you're here too?" i heard a familiar voice and as i turn around, i saw koko and kakucho.

"are you picking a swimsuit since we're going to the beach?" koko asked, so they're coming?

"everyone in bonten is coming." kakucho said, i wonder why they're here? are they also inviting other people?

"you don't have too worry, this is a private vacation with bonten and with you." koko assured me, i guess they know that what had happened at the party before scared me.

days passed by after that party and i've been recovering fast thanks to them. they've been taking care of me a lot and they spoil me a lot.

"what brings you here?" sanzu was now behind me carrying new swimsuits on his hands.

"looking for swimsuits." kakucho? looking for swimsuits? for who?

"do you have a lover?" i asked in curiosity, he doesn't seem like the type to have a lover.

"no, it's for you." kakucho started looking around tge store.

"for me?! why? you don't have to." they're kind to me but this is unexpected.

"you made us breakfast last time and i wanted to thank you. i guessed that you haven't bought a swimsuit so i was planning to give you one." he pulled out a black two piece and stared at it.

"sanzu, i don't have any bad intentions. i just want to thank her since the breakfast she made was delicious." kakucho smirked, he gave me the two piece he picked.

"go on, try it." he pointed the dressing room.

"kakucho, i cooked for everyone because i wanted too. you don't have to feel indebted. i'm just happy that i was able to cook something to sanzu's friends." i gave him the two piece but he refused.

"i don't feel indebted, i'm meant what i said that the food was delicious and just take this as a gift." kakucho smiled at me, i can't refuse anymore so i accepted it.

"black? why not white?" koko was holding a two piece on his hands that had a cute design and handed it to me.

"white will look good on you." koko smiled, my back suddenly feels hot because of sanzu. i just know he's feeling jealous right now at the way he's glaring at the two men in front of me.

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