chapter 17 : bad news

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three years passed by since i last talked to sanzu, i had to move away just like what he said. ran and rindou told me that i can stay at one of their mansions near the beach resort that they own and i whole heartedly accepted it. my house is still on the process, i'll return everything they gave me in the near future but for now they told me to recover.

the beach has been helping me recover, it was one of the things that gives me comfort and pain.. since the beach is the place where sanzu left me.

all of the pictures, videos, and messages stayed with me. i never deleted them and i never took of the anklet sanzu gave. it was the only thing that i kept out of all the things he gifted me.

i wonder what he's doing now? does he have a new girl? maybe, is he happy with her then? i sighed and sat on a rock.

after me and sanzu parted ways, i would always cry myself to sleep. sometimes tempted to contact him, sometimes listen to music that reminds me of him, and reminisce our memories.

my hair grew long and i decided to cut it at medium length. with the money i have left i decided to continue being a florist. with the help of the other bonten members i got a lot of customers and became one of the most successful business in japan in my field.

can i finally say i achieved my dream? i don't think so, there was a piece of my heart that has been left open.

"y/n! i've been looking for you everywhere. here, i bought cookies for you." i turned around to see rindou, he was wearing a white long sleeve polo as the wind blew his hair.

rindou and i stayed friends, he's still courting me after all these years. i kept on rejecting him but he won't even listen. things didn't got awkward with rindou and i'm happy with that.

"thank you, i didn't expect you to come early." rindou and i went inside the mansion and ate the cookies together.

"rindou, if it's not too much to ask.. how's sanzu? it's been years since i last heard of him." ever since sanzu left me neither ran and rindou mention his name in front of me. it's as if he disappeared like a bubble and i always wondered what happened to him.

"he's fine.. by the way, you're now a successful business woman." rindou changed the subject, i shrugged it but something felt off.

"it's thanks to you guys, you got me a lot of customers that's why." we both shared a laugh dipping our cookies in our milk.

"i'm happy to see you achieving your dreams." rindou looked at me, a sincere smile was on his face.

"thank you, i'm happy too." am i really happy? i asked myself.

"years ago, you would always talk about how you badly want to achieve your dreams. the next day you'd cry because you don't believe in yourself, then the next day you'll show up as someone who never gives up, and then you'd cry again." rindou chuckled, he's right and i felt like i was crazy back then.

"but i always believed that you'll reach your dreams." rindou, thank you for believing in me.

"you're gonna make me cry." i laughed, throwing a tissue at him.

i can't believe he was the man i was in love with years ago. he might look like a bad person but he'll always have a soft spot. his hair was in a half ponytail and some strands falling in front of his face. i'm glad we're still friends and he didn't change after all these years.

"what? don't tell me you're falling for me?" rindou winked but i rolled my eyes, he caught me staring at him. i stood up and took the remote from the table.

"as if, my heart still belongs to sanzu-" i dropped the glass of milk from my hands as i stared at the tv screen.

my blood turned cold, my eyes widened, everything went quiet as i stared at the news. i can feel my heart beating so fast, walking slowly towards the tv, i didn't care about the shattered glasses on the floor. what? how? why?

sanzu haruchiyo from bonten now in death row.

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