chapter 10 : back in his arms

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is this how it feels like to be a sugar baby? sanzu won't stop buying me things and i'm too tired to even open up the paper bags.

"this will look good on you." sanzu was showing me a summer dress.

"you look like a mother doting her child to wear clothes that she saw in the mall." i was laying on my stomach while sanzu opens the paper bags for me.

it's a good thing that he doesn't involve me with his dangerous job. i just like how he handles the time for his job and the time for me.

"trust me, this will look good and you then you can tie your hair in a ponytail again." sanzu took out a scrunchie. what the hell?

"again? but i never put my hair in a ponytail in front of you." i furrowed my eyebrows and sanzu just stayed quiet.

"sanzu, is there something you need to tell me?" did the two of us met before?

"i guess you should know it." sanzu laid on our bed and he pulled me towards his chest hugging me closely.

"i met you three years ago, it was when two gangs were fighting and i was there to take a look." sanzu started playing with my fingers as i listened attentively.

"you were hiding that time, at first i couldn't take a good look at you but then you took off your hood. i saw you, with a high ponytail that was when i first met you." sanzu smiled at me.

"do you remember fainting? i was the one who took care of you and brought you to the hospital."

so he knew? that i was the mysterious girl with the haitani brothers? he didn't go around revealing my identity and kept it a secret for years. i thought ran and rin were the one who brought me to the hospital.

"i found out then that you and rindou had something since those are rumors. i wanted to get close to you but compared back then rindou was more powerful than me." he sighed and i just stared at him in surprised.

is he opening up to me? i didn't expect this to happen because i thought sanzu wanted to stay private.

"that's why i worked hard and rise up to the top." sanzu kissed my fingers.

"look at me now, i'm bonten's number two." he said it so confidently and proud.

"i did all of this for you, i thought that maybe if i rise to the top i might be better than any other man from this world or maybe i'll be worthy then to stand by your side at least."

my hearts beating so fast, this can't be true right? it's hard to believe that he did all of this just for a girl he saw for the first time?

"i told myself, i will approach her once i am worthy, once i have power, and once i am successful." this is not the sanzu i know and i just can't help but feel soft.

"after three years i met you by accident again just like i did from that day. i saw you after years of waiting and it was all worth it. i chose to stay loyal and believed that we can meet again." sanzu hugged me tight and kissed my forehead.

"y/n, you fit so perfectly in my arms just like you did for the first time."

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