special chapter 2 : in her arms

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sanzu's pov

my hands were holding the steering wheel as i parked in front of the place where everyone will gather. thanks to koko, the party is free since he'll be the one paying all the expenses.

i took a glance at the lovely lady beside me while her eyes scanned the whole place. her hair fell on her shoulders, the red lipstick she's wearing making her more beautiful, and the champagne slip dress wrapped around her body perfectly.

it's not even obvious that she's pregnant at this time. i didn't want to bring her in the party because i'm worried if might affect the baby, but she kept on insisting the it would be rude if she's not gonna attend. after all it's bonten's reunion and we haven't seen each other for awhile now.

my hands wrapped around her waist while going to the venue. y/n seems excited, she'll be spending her time talking with the ladies that some of my members brought. in short, almost everyone in bonten has found their significant other.

the huge door opened and it revealed a huge room decorated with expensive designs. as expected of our money supplier, koko greeted us while he stuck his tongue out.

"you still do that tongue thing?" y/n laughed beside me and greeted koko back as he guided us towards the huge table and everyone was there already.

"what does it feel being a father soon?" rindou asked, he's been doing well nowadays with his lover.

in the corner of my eye i can sense my wife's stare. y/n knows i'm kind of nervous but she keeps on telling me that there's nothing to worry about. she believed that i'll be an amazing father but i don't know what to feel knowing where i came from.

"i'm the happiest man alive after knowing my wife's pregnant. still, i'm kind of nervous but excited at the same time." y/n hands wrapped around mine.

"you don't have to be nervous, i know you'll be an amazing and loving father."

everyone in the room smiled and cheered for us, y/n changed me for the better after hearing the news that she's pregnant i wanted to be the best husband and father. i might have a dark past but i'm willing to change and start a new life.

the food was being serve, y/n cravings had been satisfied seeing her eat happily. suddenly, i felt a warm feeling in my chest seeing how everyone changed not only me.

rindou fell in love once again, ran is getting married soon, kakucho is engaged for five years already, koko's in a relationship, takeomi being the sugar daddy as he is spoils only one woman, mochi same as koko, and mikey stayed single.

after eating, everyone gathered at the huge living room. i can't help but laugh at how rindou was clingy to his lover. is he a little kid? his head was leaning at his lover's shoulder while his left hand was wrapped around her waist.

ran's lover was sitting on his lap as both of them were planning their wedding. finally, he's getting married and we all thought he's gonna die single.

kakucho was listening to music with his fiancé as both of them were wrapped around a blanket. from what i heard both of them enjoys music and sometimes produces songs.

koko on the other hand was watching his girlfriends performance on his laptop. his lover is an artist, despite her being busy always he supported her from the start providing money back then when she needed it.

takeomi and mochi didn't bring their lovers today because their girlfriends went shopping with their black cards. that's such a stupid reason, what the fuck is wrong with them?

while mikey, he just went into one of the rooms and slept.

we were sitting at one of the big sofas ad i leaned in to kiss her tummy. her hands played with my hair as i took in her warmth cherishing this moment.

"do you even realize you keep on doing this?" my eyes met her as she let out a laugh.

"doing what?"

"this! hugging me while we lay on a bed or a sofa. everyday you do it, don't you get tired?" my lips curled up into a smile.

"tired? i've been doing this for years and you expect me to get tired? i will never get tired of doing things again and again with you."

no matter how many times i do things again and again with her. the emotion i feel never changed and it will remain the same.

i still feel excited coming home seeing her in my clothes.
i still feel butterflies in my stomach when she initiates the kiss.
i still feel excited waking up knowing she's beside me.
i still feel excited hugging her in my arms even if i already did it a million times.

"i want to stay like this forever.." my arms tightened around her waist as she kissed me on my forehead.

"we can stay like this forever." she tried to hug me tight but her hands didn't reach each other because of how big i am in her embrace.

i started laughing seeing how she struggled, her face turned red feeling embarrassed from what she did. i carried her in my arms as we went inside a room.

i placed her gently on the bed and kneeled in front of her removing the strands of hair that was covering her face.

"why the hell did you laugh? everyone was looking and i felt embarrassed.."

she covered her face with her hands, i bit my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing again.

"i tried my best okay? you're bigger and taller than me that's why i couldn't hug you all the way-"

"you talk too much." my lips met hers as i kissed her deeply. her red lipstick smudged on my lips but i didn't care anymore. how could i hold back when she's a blushing mess?

the straps of her dress were barely holding on her shoulders, her red lipstick smudged on her lips and on mine, her hair tied in a messy bun, and her face red as a tomato.

i showered her with kisses on her face, neck, and shoulders before i pinned her down on the bed. her legs were spread widely, her chest rising up and down to catch her breath, and the back of her palm covering her lips as she tried to hide her face from me.

slowly i leaned in to kiss her lips once again but her hands immediately wrapped around my neck catching me off guard.

"i can still hug you this way right?" this time i was the one blushing. her fingers played with my hair and her other hand caressing my neck.

did she hugged me this way because she couldn't reach her other hand earlier? she hugged me on my neck..

"you fit perfectly in my arms." her eyes smiled with her lips, did she just use my line against me? my lips left out a chuckle as i close the distance between us.

hm-mm.. i fit perfectly in her arms.

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