chapter 18 : scars and wounds

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sanzu haruchiyo from bonten now in death row. bonten's number two was caught this morning at-

i couldn't hear anything, the video of him getting dragged by the police breaks my heart. his hands were cuffed behind his back, as the video continued on, he never tried to protest, he let those people punch him, kick him, and point a gun at him.

"r-rindou, what happened?" i looked at him, his eyes were full of regret.

"what happened?!" i grabbed rindou by the collar, he wouldn't say anything.

"you told me that he's fine! i kept on asking how sanzu is and all you told me that he's perfectly fine! how did this happened?!" my knuckles are turning white from clenching on rindou's collar.

"sanzu told us not to tell you but i guess there's no use to keep it hidden." rindou sighed and wiped the tears forming in his eyes.

"bonten is the worst criminal organization in japan. sanzu haruchiyo, bonten's number two is the most wanted out of all the members." rindou started, i know all of these things already.

"even before the two of you got together his enemies were chasing him. no single person can catch him, not until you showed up. one of his enemies followed him and caught a glimpse of your face. they thought that if they can't kill him, they'll look for sanzu's weakness." he stared at the floor, they've been hiding it from me?

"after they started to investigate, they found out that you're sanzu's weakness. remember the girl that we killed back then? she's one of sanzu's enemies, that's why he didn't hesitate to kill her because you were in danger. sanzu knew the plans of his enemies and he knew that he had to take you away or else you'll get involved in his mess." he continued to tell everything, my feet were bleeding but i didn't care about the pain.

"but he asked us, is it okay to be selfish for once? sanzu never wanted to let you go but he had too. he decided to be selfish for a week but that led to the next incident where you got poisoned. that was his last card, that was his trigger to realize that he needed to let you go."

"after the day he left you, sanzu went to his enemies, he was about to kill them for hurting you but he fell into their trap. they set everything up, they knew that the girl was gonna get killed but they sacrificed her and they pushed sanzu to his limits."

"at the time sanzu went to his enemies hideout, every one of them were waiting for him and the moment sanzu got surrounded they beat the shit out of him."

i covered my mouth, my hands were shaking as i started to cry. is that why sanzu's face was like that when i last met him?

"he did managed to escape but he killed all of them. that was the only way for him to escape alive, that was his only choice, and wanted to live another day to see you."

"we never really had a proper conversation with him, he's still in bonten be he rarely shows himself and he hides in the shadows. after a year, he appeared on the tv before this even happened. bonten doesn't like being shown on the news but they caught a picture of him."

"we couldn't recognize him at first but the guns and the roses tattooed on his back was already a clue that it was him. ever since you two got separated, he would always draw a gun and a rose asking which one was prettier because he wants it to get tattooed."

"does he still love me?" my voice was low, i want to hear the answer i've been waiting for.

"sanzu can only answer that question." rindou gazed upon me, taking the remote as he turned off the tv.

"is he going to d-" i was cut off by rindou hugging me tight.

"we tried our best to reach out to him but he would always run away. don't worry, everyone in bonten is in action now and we'll definitely save sanzu. he's our brother, friend, and your lover.." rindou rubbed my back as he let me cry on his shoulders.

"p-please.. do everything to get him back because i still need him." i didn't know what i felt, sadness? anger? pity? my heart was too numb to feel anything.

the scars that were left years ago and the wounds that are bleeding right now. it doesn't hurt but the wound in my heart that sanzu left was still open. never letting anyone touch it because sanzu is the only person that can heal this.

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